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"Bridge Building - AWI 'Rebels & Patriots' Scenario" Topic

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Nottingham Wargames19 Mar 2024 1:37 a.m. PST

On Monday night we played out a fun scenario from Osprey's 'Rebels & Patriots' wargame rules. In this game, a force of British, including some engineers, have to build a bridge across a river. The American rebels have to prevent them from doing so.

In the end, the British were successful by taking up strong positions on their side of the river to use firepower to chase away and Americans that were seeking to interfere with the work of the engineers. The Americans were hampered by weaker command and initiative throughout the game, although they did come close to thwarting the British when they mauled a unit of Grenadiers and chased away a troop of Dragoons which had crossed the river.

This scenario would work for a number of different periods as the timing mechanism by which the engineers have to build the bridge adds an element of excitement to the game.



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