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"French wars in Dahomey - any figs?" Topic

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Stalkey and Co17 Mar 2024 3:45 p.m. PST

I have some FFL in 15mm, wondering if anyone ever made 15mm Dahomey miniatures.

They are – by accounts – ferocious sort of like Pathans, laying shooting ambushes and then charging home when they feel there's an advantage. Might make a good colonial game!

I found some 28mm french, but no Dahomeys…


suka194517 Mar 2024 4:11 p.m. PST

I believe Dixon Miniatures have some.

gavandjosh0217 Mar 2024 5:32 p.m. PST

Dixon indeed has the figs

Prince Alberts Revenge17 Mar 2024 5:33 p.m. PST

Minifigs and Dixon should have Dahomey in 25/28mm. Irregular has some figures that are specific to Dahomey in 15mm.

Prince Rupert of the Rhine18 Mar 2024 1:57 a.m. PST

Dixon do a small range of both Dahomey and French. Be warned they are on the small side of 28mm so don't fit with anyone else very well.

Gringo 40s do and even smaller range of Dahomey and some decent French in Thier Indochina range. They are however huge 28mm and don't fit well with any other ranges.

Artizan do some good 28mm Colonial French (same sculptor as the Dixon range but larger) that will mix with the Foundry's Darkest Africa range (were you could cobble together male Dahomey warriors from the Askari and Tribal musketmen packs.

In 15mm I have a Facebook friend who built 15mm Dahomey using the Old glory/Bluemoon African range.

If your on Facebook you can see his stuff right now on the Colonial wargamimg Group which are a really good bunch of guys with some great knowledge.


FilsduPoitou19 Mar 2024 4:24 p.m. PST

If you have a 3D printer, Wargames Atlantic has Dahomey Amazons that look quite nice.

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