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"Guadacanal with O group/Battlefront WW II" Topic

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Once Gabriel received his digital camera, his destiny was clear – he was to become a remote wargamer.

551 hits since 12 Mar 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Joe Legan12 Mar 2024 2:25 p.m. PST

Inspired by the Devon's Wargame group I decided to have a go at Guadacanal using a mash up of rules. I find Pacific land combat hard to game but thought it went well.



Mark 1 Supporting Member of TMP18 Mar 2024 9:17 p.m. PST

An excellent battle report. Good job explaining your for-thought, and excellent job illustrating and telling the story of the battle itself. Lots of good looking infantry figures there, too.

Quite an enjoyable read. Also inspiring.

The rules I favor, Mein Panzer, play very well at the level of a re-enforced company per side. They also play well for combined arms (I've had very good results with battles that were infantry heavy, with a bit of supporting armor and/or artillery). So reading this makes me wonder if I might copy your scenario and try it out. But I don't know if/how they do at solo gaming. I'd have to translate it to Tunisia, or Sicily, or Odessa, or some such. But the basic tactical problem itself looks to me like it could translate well to almost any theater.

Whether I do or don't, your AAR has entertained me and engaged my interest. Well done, and thank you.

(aka: Mk 1)

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP19 Mar 2024 5:15 a.m. PST

Joe, looking forward to learning more about Boom & Zoom!

Heavy WW2 infantry actions…..don't see this resonating with my dwindling gamer mates, to be honest.

My approach would be to entice them with the significance of the chosen action, then do it up with nice terrain and minis to draw them to try it, and have it easy-enough to play that they wouldn't feel lost and bail out early, but then after all the effort, I expect a one-off w/o much replay.

This feeling of course has nothing to do what you're exploring or achieving, but more about time management expectations, of where to get the best return on the hobby input (for successful/reinforcing output).

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP19 Mar 2024 12:25 p.m. PST
Joe Legan19 Mar 2024 4:22 p.m. PST

Fly, German stuff just looks COOL!
Mark, thanks. I do try to explain the plan and how it worked out. Not always sure I communicate that well. The scenario should work well. If in another theater I would probably give the attacker a little more support as they will find it harder to close.

Fly, hope to report out a strafing mission by some tomahawks as soon as I get the time. :). Some me 109E show up. Pretty even match below 15k ft.

As a solo gamer I get to pick the battles I want! If well done infantry can be a lot of fun. But I understand, some people are hard to convince.
Thanks again


Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP20 Mar 2024 4:33 a.m. PST

Joe, I was a bit too negative in my first post here.

I've thought of going solo at times recently (then I'd likely please my discerning audience).

Believe me, that idea is still on the table too (no pun intended). ;)

Joe Legan21 Mar 2024 2:42 p.m. PST

Fly, I think it depends on what you are trying to get out of your gaming. For most people I think gaming is a social activity or one where they can test their skill.
For me it isn't. I have had my skills tested since I was 16 so don't need any more challenges. I also have plenty of socialization. I use games to escape into a world of stories where my characters are challenged. Sometimes they win; sometimes they lose but it is about the story.
Plus you can tinker away with rules to your hearts content!

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