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"SIgn up for BBB Bash Day, Daventry UK, Sunday 19 MAY 2024" Topic

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ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP08 Mar 2024 2:15 a.m. PST

The Bloody Big Battles Bash Day has established itself as a highly entertaining wargames convention for veterans and new recruits alike. Come to Bash Day V at Battlefield Hobbies in Daventry on Sunday 19 May and find out for yourself! (Apologies for incorrect previous announcement that said 19 March – it is definitely 19 MAY)

(See the BBBBlog post about it here:
We'll try to keep this updated as games are finalised, etc.)

There is no need to know the rules, just dive in and enjoy the historical battles on offer. While BBB games have clear objectives and victory conditions, this is not a tournament but an opportunity to discover history, banter with like-minded souls, and revel in the (mis)fortunes of war. BBB is easy to pick up and the games will be multi-player, so you will have experienced gamemasters and fellow players to assist you. The rules won't get in the way of your tactics!

There will be time for you to play at least two in the day, maybe even three, and discover how a single ruleset opens up so many different gaming possibilities. Games available will probably include, among others:

Napoleonic: Hanau. (From the forthcoming book of scenarios for the Emperor Napoleon's battles.) BBB lets you fight even the hugest, such as Borodino or Bautzen, in just 3 or 4 hours. Feel the thrill as you shift whole corps from sector to sector and enjoy the ebb and flow as titanic armies slug it out!

Sikh Wars: Mudki. Still Napoleonic weaponry but with a very different flavour. The asymmetric nature of these battles – small but high-quality British and EIC forces against less well-trained but more numerous opponents with lots of cavalry – produces truly fascinating tactical challenges!

(possibly) 2nd Italian War of Independence: Montebello (1859). Small 'training game', tremendous fun, pitting ponderous raw passive Austrians against outnumbered but aggressive French in a clever tactical puzzle.

(possibly) Austro-Prussian War: Langensalza (1866). Another fun tactical puzzle / training game, this time with Prussians fighting a delaying action against the Hanoverian army.

American Civil War: Brandy Station, the largest cavalry battle of the ACW. Tons of movement and action all over the pitch!

Franco-Prussian War: we will have not just one but two FPW games. From the Imperial phase of the war, Mars-la-Tour, as Bazaine's army tries to escape west from Metz while the Germans rush up to cut him off. Play outnumbered, beleaguered Germans or passive, indecisive French! Then the republican phase will be represented by Champigny / Villiers, the largest French sortie from besieged Paris – featuring forts, gunboats and railway guns!

Zulu War: Isandlwana! A battle that needs little introduction. This game shows off Bruce's gorgeous 28mm figures and went down a storm as a participation game at Colours last year!

Details of venue, timings, etc:

When: Sunday 19 May. 09:00-17:00 (games start ~09:30+). Whenever you turn up and however short or long a stay you can manage, we will do our best to fit you in.

Where: Battlefield Hobbies, South March, Daventry, Northants NN11 4PH.

How: turn up on the day, or (better) sign up in advance via the Battlefield Hobbies website (tab through the Events list to May) and pay £7.00 GBP GBP
Spaces are limited and half have gone already (per 7 March). Book early to improve your chances of playing your preferred games.

Who: to express interest or ask questions, contact us at bbb.bashday @ .

Read about previous Bash Days to get the flavour here:

P Carl Ruidl08 Mar 2024 5:00 a.m. PST

That sounds like alot of fun!!! If you add beer and barbecue to it you could add a couple more B's in the title.

Do you have any shuttle busses to Cleveland, Ohio by chance?

Best of luck

CamelCase08 Mar 2024 4:12 p.m. PST

Pick me up in Indy too

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP08 Mar 2024 11:47 p.m. PST

The beer afterwards will certainly be an important phase of the operation!

I'd love to see US BBB players pick the idea up and run with it over there. Whatever spreads the love for gaming 19th-century big battles gets my vote.


CamelCase09 Mar 2024 12:31 p.m. PST

My BBB project is Borodino 2024 in 3mm. Now just need a BBB scenario for it, almost like a scenario book……these are hints, nudge nudge

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP09 Mar 2024 4:30 p.m. PST

Consider me nudged … as it happens, Borodino is in the next BBB scenario book, "Napoleon's Bloody Big Battles!", which is already with the publisher now. Still months rather than weeks until publication, I think, but hopefully before mid-year. (Sorry I can't be any more specific yet.)

"Napoleon's Bloody Big Battles!" (NBBB) covers 16 battles when Napoleon was Emperor and where he commanded in person:

The Wars of the Third and Fourth Coalitions (1805-1807) – 4-scenario mini-campaign





The War of the Fifth Coalition (1809) – 3-scenario mini-campaign




Napoleon's Invasion of Russia (1812) – 2-scenario mini-campaign



The War of the Sixth Coalition (1813) – 5-scenario mini-campaign






The Final Battles (1814 & 1815) – 2 stand-alone scenarios

La Rothière


CamelCase09 Mar 2024 11:36 p.m. PST

Awesome, thanks for the update! Looking forward to it for sure!

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP10 Mar 2024 2:35 p.m. PST

Cheers, Mike!

Update: Spion Kop (2nd Boer War) now added to the agenda for Bash Day.

holien21 Mar 2024 3:23 a.m. PST

25 players signed up so far – I think we will have to cap it at 40 – so if you are in the UK on the 19th May and fancy a couple of great games to play – please come along…

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP21 Mar 2024 5:05 a.m. PST

The Alma and Balaclava now added to the agenda. These are Matt Bradley's outstanding work, as showcased on his 'Pushing Tin' blog:

Bash Day blog post updated accordingly:

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