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"Plane found in Papua New Guinea" Topic

4 Posts

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694 hits since 5 Mar 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian05 Mar 2024 7:46 p.m. PST

Locals in Papua New Guinea found the SBD Dauntless, a World War II plane, in the jungle last month, according to SWNS, the British news service…

Fox News: link

Choctaw07 Mar 2024 8:12 a.m. PST

I can't imagine a worse place to go down.

Wolfhag07 Mar 2024 9:53 a.m. PST

I can, in San Francisco or Chicago. I've lived in both.


hindsTMP Supporting Member of TMP18 Apr 2024 10:04 p.m. PST


I am assuming you aren't referring to crashing into city buildings, but are criticizing city life? I lived and worked in Chicago a lot from the 70s through the 90s, and I always thought it was a decent place to live. Of course at certain times and in certain places, you had to know what you were doing, but that's probably true for any big city.


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