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"Examples of armor combat" Topic

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captaincold6925 Feb 2024 11:18 a.m. PST

Are there any videos or written examples of how AFV action works?


TimePortal25 Feb 2024 1:24 p.m. PST

Plenty out there. Depends on the war that you want to research.

captaincold6925 Feb 2024 1:59 p.m. PST

WW2 and any links or websites? I couldn't find any with a google search. Just links to brief reviews or where to purchase the rules.


jekinder25 Feb 2024 7:42 p.m. PST

Declare fire- determine range to target- if target within spotting range, roll D10 to hit- check data chart for die result needed to hit and penetration value at that range- if hit, roll D10 for effect plus the difference between the penetration and armor value- check die roll against hit results on chart, it is easier to destroy armor of lower quality troops than higher quality troops. Does this help? It takes less time to do than to describe it.

captaincold6925 Feb 2024 7:49 p.m. PST

Thank you jekinder

Just trying to figure out if I want to go with CD Tob or FFoT's and armor combat is important to me.

I have read that CD takes a while to play on the table and the C&C is somewhat lacking, but I need to dig a bit deeper into these rules.

jekinder25 Feb 2024 8:53 p.m. PST

Command Decision allows you to choose ammo types, FFoT and Spearhead do not. Tanks fire HE, HEAT, AP, APDS, and HVAP depending on model gun and time of issue. Example: 6lb gun has HE and AP to start, APC (capped) is available in 1943 with slightly better penetration, APDS (listed as HV) is available in 1944 but is a limited ammo round- you only have enough for one turn's firing. Guns have a rate of fire from 1 (large round or small turret), 2 (most guns) or 3 (light automatic cannons). There is an optional rule for running out of ammo.

captaincold6925 Feb 2024 8:57 p.m. PST

Again, thank you jekinder. Your comment that the order rules do not really allow for solo play is a deal breaker for me.

TimePortal25 Feb 2024 9:34 p.m. PST

Check documentary channels on cable. They will have topics with plenty of action segments.
Back in the 1960-70s you would see advertisements selling 8mm action clips lasting thirty seconds to three minutes. I got some on Africa DAK and Korea. Later had them transferred to VHS. lol.

TimePortal25 Feb 2024 9:36 p.m. PST

Oh yes on YouTube a number of Russian produced WW2/movies there are good tank combat scenes.

Martin Rapier26 Feb 2024 12:49 a.m. PST

The OP wants examples of armour combat in the Command Decision rules, not general history.

Determine which fire pahse you are engaging in.
Determine spotting (method varies with edition of rules).
Roll to hit
Roll to penetrate
The armour and pen values bear some relation to the real values in mm divided by 10.

It is pretty simple really, but for a battalion/brigade game, far more detailed than the likes of Spearhead or FFoT. More like a skirmish game. Some people like that.

The orders system in fine for solo play, you are only slapping down command chits to denote what mode the units are in. Many other rules do the same then ng.

captaincold6926 Feb 2024 7:56 a.m. PST

@ Martin Rapier….do you think CD ToB is more detailed at AFV combat than FFoT?

CD is a 1 stand = platoon, correct?

Martin Rapier27 Feb 2024 12:21 a.m. PST

Yes, far more detailed. Combat resolution also meshes with the turn sequence and unit orders/modes so it isn't just about gun vs armour.

Yes, it uses platoon stands. Works best for battalion to Brigade level.

captaincold6927 Feb 2024 8:25 a.m. PST

Thanks Martin. Maybe I'll give CD ToB a look then as I do like a little more crunch/historical accuracy in my armored combat.

captaincold6927 Feb 2024 8:31 a.m. PST

Also, what army lists are in the rulebook? Do you have to buy additional material for other nations?

mgk416701 Mar 2024 2:22 p.m. PST

I'll admit my bias as I have played Command Decision since its first edition. It is an excellent set of rules for battalion to division (-) games. Its armour rules give sufficient detail to allow a good feel for tank vs tank – it does not go down into excessive detail but gives an accurate feel. It is also excellent for solitaire because, although not designed specifically for solo, the turn sequence (particularly orders/morale) mean that you cannot predict exactly what your troops will be capable of doing. Not some weird results but enough uncertainty to keep you responding to chance and friction. The best balance I have found in a game system.

Here are three Command Decision scenarios that might give you a feel for what games look like:

Wolfhag23 Mar 2024 12:24 p.m. PST

If you are looking for a detailed tank-tank game I'd suggest:

Mein Panzer: link

Panzer War miniatures:
It's fairly detailed but you don't need to use all the details for damage and gunnery. It's free too.


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