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"Vallejo Model Color and Game Color" Topic

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Trajanus16 Feb 2024 6:31 a.m. PST

Does anyone know if there is a chart of equivalent colors between these two ranges?

Given the wide range of Model Color you could spend the rest of your life trying to do it by guess work.

old china16 Feb 2024 6:47 a.m. PST


Model Colour, Game Color, old/new Citadel and others

Personal logo Flashman14 Supporting Member of TMP16 Feb 2024 7:24 a.m. PST

I would grain of salt much of these link

I'd say "comparable" instead of "equivalent." Vallejo Game Color just got a revamp last year that isn't reflected.

Plus the Army Painter column will be out of date within a month or two as Fanatic replaces the old formula.

Check this one out: link

Tale of Painters is probably the best and most comprehensive paint reviewer online right now.

Trajanus17 Feb 2024 6:33 a.m. PST

Oh God! Nothing's simple in the World of Paint, is it!

I mean, its not like I paint Fantasy figures, or I'm looking to get a Golden Demon Award, or something! I probably only use a couple of dozen colors in reality.

I found I like Game Color and the way it handles suits me but I have not long been using it. Although I still use Model Color too. Particularly for WW2 subjects.

I noticed that my last order came with four of the new bottles and one of the older ones. Which is fine that's what I asked for but didn't realise there had been a complete range change for Game Color.

I'm not into the style of painting that would use Xpress Color so I have ignored that entirely and its equivalents in other manufactures ranges.

What prompted me to post was getting Game Color Brassy Brass and finding it was Copper! My own fault, as I half suspected it might be but it really is miles off Model Color Brass!

Thanks for the Tale of Painters link. The lore of Paint Manufacture is a whole other World!

Personal logo Flashman14 Supporting Member of TMP19 Feb 2024 3:37 a.m. PST

Funny enough, the big name painters totally ignore Reaper and Foundry paints – both of which are every bit as good.

Marc33594 Supporting Member of TMP19 Feb 2024 9:17 a.m. PST

I know not your original request but you might find this handy. It is a listing of Vallejo colors and matches (or mixes) using craft paints. This is before they redid some of their colors of course.

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