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"Need Rules and Equipment Cards for a 15mm Project" Topic

7 Posts

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Gen Con So Cal 2004

Our Man in Southern California, Wyatt the Odd Supporting Member of TMP, takes press pass in hand and reports from the Gen Con So Cal convention.

501 hits since 3 Feb 2024
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Mictator03 Feb 2024 7:01 a.m. PST

I have Tons of 15mm Joan of Arc Miniatures. I want to buy 3D Dungeon Tiles.

What i need, is Rules. It must be one vs Heroes. No Coop only Rules.

I thought about to buy Heroquest only for Cards and Rules. Love the Equipment Cards.But very expensive.

I want to Play it in a Kneipe (Pub). Beer and Pretzel Rules with Charakter Progression.

rvandusen Supporting Member of TMP03 Feb 2024 9:16 a.m. PST

2Hour Dungeoncrawl? link

Personal logo Aurochs Supporting Member of TMP03 Feb 2024 9:40 a.m. PST

Song of Blades and Heroes

Personal logo Flashman14 Supporting Member of TMP03 Feb 2024 2:30 p.m. PST

Fistful of Lead – Fantasy Might and Melee link

Royston Papworth04 Feb 2024 8:56 a.m. PST

Mictator, how did you find JoA?
I have tons of it too, but the rules look very meh..

Mictator04 Feb 2024 2:59 p.m. PST

Oh, i've buyed IT only for the Miniatures and Terrain.

But my Interpretation is, the want a RPG, a Skirmisher and a Wargame.

The Mix IS Not so good. But i can never get so much Miniatures for cheap. And for that it is awesome.

Albus Malum14 May 2024 7:59 p.m. PST

I would suggest using one of the OSR d&d rules, ie Basic, 1e, or possibly 2e. can be used for anything from 1 v 1 or 100 v 100 or even 1 v 100.

All the rules you need for any thing from historicals to full on fantasy, and it works in any scale.

I have both 15mm and 28mm, use my 15mm for wargaming and 28mm for D&D, I have a lot of magnetized 3d printed dungeon tiles, and having both the miniatures and magnetized dungeon tiles is really fun.

3d printing allows everything.

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