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Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 2:47 a.m. PST

What's your favorite battle from the Napoleonic era to play or would like to play someday?

Mine are:


JimDuncanUK30 Jan 2024 3:58 a.m. PST


Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 4:21 a.m. PST

Good Choice!

colkitto30 Jan 2024 4:42 a.m. PST

Quatre Bras

nsolomon9930 Jan 2024 5:29 a.m. PST

1805 – Haslach-Junginen & Austerlitz
1806 – Auerstadt
1809 – Aspern-Essling & Linz
1814 – Six Days of Glory

4th Cuirassier30 Jan 2024 5:45 a.m. PST

Shannon versus Chesapeake

Murvihill30 Jan 2024 6:04 a.m. PST


Bernard180930 Jan 2024 7:29 a.m. PST


Eumelus Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 7:32 a.m. PST

The one my club has played probably most often, and which seems to offer a great variety of tactical choices for both sides, is Liebertwolkwitz (14 Oct 1813).

Prince Alberts Revenge30 Jan 2024 7:44 a.m. PST

For me it's Maida. Such a small battle with so many exotic units and uniforms. Swiss (on both sides), Poles, Corsicans and of course the French and British themselves.

For a small battle, it has generated a lot.of.debate about column versus line and of it was really column versus line.

I've read several book on the battle and have started (not finished) several projects in several scales (6mm and 15mm). I intend to give it another go and finish it some time.

TMPWargamerabbit30 Jan 2024 9:17 a.m. PST

Just played out historical Campo Tenese 1806 down in the southern Italian mountains. Royalist Neapolitans vs. French with a dash of Polish and swiss as French allies. My favorites tend to the unloved battles and make a scenario situation out of them.

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 9:20 a.m. PST

Aspern-Essling, Austerlitz, Borodino

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 10:00 a.m. PST

My most often gamed is Quatre Bras.

The one I'm looking forward to the most is Tolentino. Still have to finish up the Austrian forces for DBN…

Once we get enough figures done up, Liebertwolkwitz and eventually 1st day of Leipzig.

Little Red30 Jan 2024 10:37 a.m. PST

Waterloo campaign, specifically Quatre Bras.

IronDuke596 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 10:51 a.m. PST

Castalla, 1813.

SpuriousMilius30 Jan 2024 10:51 a.m. PST

Because I'm an American & a Texan who loves New Orleans & has been to the battlefield more than once, my fav is the Battle of New Orleans + the right side won!

Grattan54 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 10:58 a.m. PST


DeRuyter30 Jan 2024 11:28 a.m. PST

Quatre Bras

Battle of Lissa on the naval side.

Eumelus Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 11:36 a.m. PST

For those of you answering "Leipzig", I'm curious – do you mean that's the battle you'd _like_ to game someday, or one you have often gamed already? And if the latter, what were the rules and scope of the project (I mean, Leipzig is the MOAB)?

Duc de Brouilly30 Jan 2024 1:17 p.m. PST

Very much agree with Prince Albert: Maida's a cracking little battle and makes for a perfect wargame scenario.

On a larger scale, Salamanca is a thrilling contest of manoeuvre and counter-manoeuvre, though near-impossible, I would think, to do justice to on the wargames table.

colkitto30 Jan 2024 1:41 p.m. PST

For me, Leipzig is "would like to play". I know the DBN guys did it, so there's at least that possibility …

Personal logo Virtualscratchbuilder Supporting Member of TMP Fezian30 Jan 2024 2:37 p.m. PST

15mm vs 28mm vs 1/72

GeorgBuchner30 Jan 2024 4:20 p.m. PST

Jena-Auerstedt, Grossbeeren, Hanau, Leipzig

Personal logo miniMo Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 5:04 p.m. PST

Eumulus, Leipzig is doable with DBN. It's still a monster game for sure. The scenario set for the game is just the first day. French victory if they win on day one; the battle is lost if they don't and you can skip the long and bloody denouement.


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 9:04 p.m. PST

Elchingen, Eylau, Caldiero 1805, Aspern- Essling, Brienne, Leipzig in pieces – the greatest battle of them all….

Smaller scale fights are more interesting, in general. Leipzig can be broken down.

Gonsalvo30 Jan 2024 9:07 p.m. PST

Austerlitz, Eylau, Wagram, Raab, Dresden, Ligny, Talavera

Personal logo Old Contemptible Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 9:42 p.m. PST

Oh yeah, I forgot Quatre Bras. Working on that one right now. Great battle for gaming.

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP30 Jan 2024 11:19 p.m. PST

I've played most of the big ones. The one that felt most memorably majestic and 'Napoleonic' was Borodino.

pfmodel31 Jan 2024 1:54 a.m. PST

Jena-Auerstedt, Wagram & Leipzig

14Bore31 Jan 2024 9:33 a.m. PST


Gazzola31 Jan 2024 9:46 a.m. PST

Too many battles to mention because most have different aspects that make them interesting to read about, research and play. I like most of the actions already mentioned, especially Dresden 1813. And if space, time and costs etc were not a problem, The Battle of the Pyramids. (Is there anyone out there who makes pyramids?) LOL
Also interesting to play would be Castiglione 1796, Rivoli 1797, Corunna 1809, Auerstadts 1806, Raab 1809, Albuera 1811, Fuentes de Onoro, 1811, Maroyaroslavets 1812, Mincio 1814 etc, etc

Gazzola31 Jan 2024 10:50 a.m. PST

I meant to mention, if you have a suitable scaled snow machine, Eylau 1807 is a good one or if you'd prefer a warmer action, Medina de Rio Seco 1808. Both great to play, in my opinion. Then there are the actions of the Revolutionary period…no, I'll stop there. Like I say, too many different actions and scenarios, each with their own merits. I think we're very lucky in that sense for Revolutionary/Napoleonic wargaming.

DevoutDavout31 Jan 2024 6:40 p.m. PST

Pyramids. One day I wish to game it. Slap another man's name on the Egyptian campaign and most would think they were reading fictional fantasy.

Jena-Aurstadt. I am a fan of the Saxon spirit. By far my favorite French ally.

Aspern-Essling. Charles was, man to man and mind to mind, by far Napoleon's most equal without question.

Wagram. The end of the Napoleonic Era in spirit in my eyes.

Many smaller runners up. Usually niche. Tyrolean rebellion, South Africa, rebellion in Haiti. For big battles though these are my favorite.

smithsco31 Jan 2024 9:09 p.m. PST

Austerlitz. Wagram.

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP01 Feb 2024 3:57 a.m. PST

"Charles was, man to man and mind to mind, by far Napoleon's most equal without question."

He did commit some serious gaffes in 1799, though, when he was still learning his trade.

grahambeyrout01 Feb 2024 9:44 a.m. PST

It depends whether we are talking figure or map/board gaming. The bigger battles require hundreds, and more probably thousands of figures and massive tables. Usually one ends up reproducing just a small part of the whole battle. A board game gives more options.
The battles that I would like to fight are
Waterloo Campaign
I suspect these are impractical with miniature figures

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP01 Feb 2024 11:22 a.m. PST

@grahambeyrout: it is perfectly feasible for a small group of 4-6 players to fight these battles in their entirety, on a typical 6'x4' wargames table, in an evening or long afternoon. The BBB ruleset was designed for exactly that purpose. See eg,

Matt Bradley's ("Pushing Tin") combined Waterloo & Wavre game:
and his combined Ligny & Quatre Bras game:
and Aspern-Essling:

And "Colin the Wargamer" on Leipzig:

And my own reports on Dresden (impressively done remotely via webcam):
Borodino (already mentioned above):

See Shugyosha's 'Wargaming Everything' website for some good comparative reviews of army-level rulesets:

Collected reviews specifically of BBB are here:

Trockledockle01 Feb 2024 3:14 p.m. PST


Weren't the Saxons allied with the Prussians at Jena-Auerstadt and the French at Leipzig (for part of the battle). They seem to have had a definite ability to pick the losing side, unlike the Bavarians.

DevoutDavout01 Feb 2024 4:21 p.m. PST

They were allied with the Prussians at J-A. While the Prussians fled like insects, the small very outnumbered Saxon force withdrew in form by drum. Pausing many times and in good order forming up, repelling French advances and then turning and carrying on.

The Saxons were allied with the French after Napoleon saw this, and decided to save them from the Prussian thumb, while also taking them into the army as 9th corps. They fought in the 1809 campaign with the French under Bernadotte. They showed as well then under him. I am, I believe the only person who does not love or hate Bernadotte. But now I am really rambling.

Radetzky March Supporting Member of TMP01 Feb 2024 9:17 p.m. PST

North Point MD

Marcus Brutus01 Feb 2024 9:42 p.m. PST

I wish those BBB games had figures crammed on to the bases. Going figure light in a big battle game doesn't do justice to what I imagine it should look like in my opinion.

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP01 Feb 2024 9:56 p.m. PST

I certainly agree that if Mark had gone for more figures per base it would give a better massed battle visual effect. (I wish he'd get round to flocking them, too.) Matt's bases are crammed full, though, and I suppose his gorgeous games prove your point!

Shark Six Three Zero02 Feb 2024 7:41 a.m. PST

Aspern Essling

Marcus Brutus02 Feb 2024 8:41 a.m. PST

Matt's bases are crammed full, though, and I suppose his gorgeous games prove your point!

That is true. If my group ever gets back to Napoleonics I am hoping we use BBB. I am thinking that large division bases packed with figures would look amazing. It would certainly fit the BBB approach to battles.

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP02 Feb 2024 4:47 p.m. PST

Cheers, Marcus Brutus. Well, maybe the imminent "Napoleon's Bloody Big Battles!" (NBBB) scenario book in press now will help to tempt your group back to Napoleonics. It covers battles when Napoleon was Emperor and where he commanded in person:

The Wars of the Third and Fourth Coalitions (1805-1807) – 4-scenario mini-campaign





The War of the Fifth Coalition (1809) – 3-scenario mini-campaign




Napoleon's Invasion of Russia (1812) – 2-scenario mini-campaign



The War of the Sixth Coalition (1813) – 5-scenario mini-campaign






The Final Battles (1814 & 1815) – 2 stand-alone scenarios

La Rothière


RBH Jr02 Feb 2024 8:03 p.m. PST

My top 2 are;
Wagram (by far my favorite)

Followed at a fair distance by;

ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP03 Feb 2024 7:26 a.m. PST

Ah yes, Wagram: "With 300,000 men on the pitch, this little scuffle was even bigger than Solferino. You'd think it might leave no room for maneuver and just be a dull slugfest, but it was a fantastic game. No shortage of slugging it out, to be sure, but plenty of movement, and a real feel of punch/counter-punch, like two heavyweights trading blows, reeling back and then surging forward again. Awesome."

Cke1st03 Feb 2024 8:12 p.m. PST

The Battle for the Keys to the Chastity Belts.

swammeyjoe07 Feb 2024 7:25 p.m. PST

I think Maida is the ideal wargaming battle. If the British had managed to get some calvary then it would be a textbook example of the "starter battle" that you see in the back of every set of rules. There's a core of British and French infantry, some colorful allies, artillery on both sides and the French have horse. It comes out to a reinforced brigade/light division per side, and the terrain has hills, woods and a fordable river.

If I want to go up a level in size, I like Alamoncid in 1809. A full French corps against a Spanish corps. German allies. Interesting terrain but not too hard to model. Figures can be reused for fighting Talavera as well.

von Winterfeldt08 Feb 2024 2:10 p.m. PST

Haßlach – Jungingen 1805 one French division under Dupont against the Austrian Army at Ulm

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