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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 8:45 a.m. PST

but don't forget the constant appeal to the courts. Worked with delaying and stopping the wall
Yes, the open border policy will turn out to be one of the biggest self-inflicted wounds of all the "wounds" of the past 3+ years.

To me there is no difference between a Democrat and a Republican, and no matter if you are woke or a white supremist, you are still a citizen of the USA (if you are a citizen of the USA).
…every city or house divided against itself will not stand.
Yes and as a citizen you do have the rights of freedom of speech and peaceful assembly. But to be part of this Republic, there are laws, made by representatives that were voted in or the Constitution that stops turning the nation into chaos.

"Normal" means accepting political differences as part of a democracy.
However in today's US culture many want to redefine or change what is "normal" to suit their narrative and agenda. IMO defies logic and even science. And is a very skewed and corrupted dogma. E.g.:

There are more that 2 sexes(?)

Men can have babies(?)

Males can play/compete on female sports teams(?)

On any given day one can verbally decide what sex they want to be. Regardless of physical traits based on DNA. E.g. : Just because you want to be a ham sandwich does not make you one.

Yes consenting adults should be able to do what they want in the privacy of their own home, etc. As long as no one is maimed or killed. Then that is against the law.

All White people are oppressors and everyone else are the oppressed[which is a play on/modification of Marxist ideology] …

Is DEI, CRT/1916 Project woke progressivism, etc. "normal" ?
I.e. fact-based vs bias …

There are other examples however, Again, IMO defying logic and even more importantly real science, is not "normal" …

[Rant mode terminated]

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 8:45 a.m. PST

Yes, I saw it! I have mentioned here that I thought it took too long to get Trump off the stage, given the possibility of other shooters also. And nobody looked as composed as I might have expected. The SS needs an overhaul, especially in these dangerous times. I don't know much about them, but their performance says it all.

The Fox News analyst former agent never saw the questionaire, or cited a direct participant.It would be unusual for a government agency to hire an outside contractor to do this particular task and not have control over confidentiality. I don't think it happened but it could have. Fox, if you think there's a story confirm first.

The FBI has a long Hoover history, not immune from corruption. I appreciate that you did not include the field agents who do the work.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 8:58 a.m. PST

Yes, I just saw the report on FOX … The USSS[not SS!]needs to pull themselves up by their bootstraps as the US Military had to do after the long war in Vietnam/SE Asia.

If the USSS has a problem with certain "tactical" considerations. As we saw in Butler, PA. There is a number of professionals, e.g. Army or Marine Infantrymen, Rangers, SF, SEALs, DELTA force, etc. that would be glad to instruct them. Again, based what happened in PA recently, the USSS may need a few lessons …

Also, it seems many in DC/the WH needs some classes on what real leadership is … Again, those units that I just mentioned could instruct the elected and appointed officials on that topic too …

SBminisguy26 Jul 2024 9:43 a.m. PST

A tribute to Benny Hill 😉

Subject: DEI secret service is better with Benny Hill music. – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Did you see the video of Trump's arrival at the closest hospital? The *same* agent is still having the same struggle with her pistol!

YouTube link

That video also reveals the USSS did NOT clear the hospital waiting area before Trump entered where a gaggle of people with mobile phones were milling around. Just awful.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 11:09 a.m. PST

Had not seen it. Thanks.

Wow.., seems like training issues to me.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 11:42 a.m. PST

These people looked like they were grabbed from desks somewhere and thrown into the situation. As a candidate and ex-Prez, Trump deserves the highest quality protection. There are plenty of better trained options than the people we saw. . Many cops are ex-military police, or have other special credentials for these operations, like 79th does. But this also calls for expanding and training the USSS to meet the highest standards and be able to protect multiple officials at the same time.

Thanks SB! That is insane….who was in charge? the room should have been cleared, treatment area cleared, far more cops deployed everywhere, since there were so few agents. State police, off duty, neighboring towns, hospital security,etc. Parking lot entry area secured, every rooftop with a vantage point cleared via chopper untitled he is safely out and at the airport.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 12:04 p.m. PST

Tort +1

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Jul 2024 12:04 p.m. PST

Found this interesting. Some will, some won't

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "Linda Sarsour rears her ugly head, like a snake. / X


If you were wondering

"Linda Sarsour (born 1980)[1] is an American political activist. She was co-chair of the 2017 Women's March, the 2017 Day Without a Woman, and the 2019 Women's March. She is also a former executive director of the Arab American Association of New York. She and her Women's March co-chairs were profiled in Time magazine's "100 Most Influential People" in 2017."

SBminisguy26 Jul 2024 2:48 p.m. PST

Tort +1

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP28 Jul 2024 5:10 p.m. PST

Trump was taken into the hospital through the ambulance door, so the people in the waiting room really don't mean anything in the moment.

Most hospitals have metal detectors, so chances are good that they had already passed through a checkpoint, but there is a possibility that they did not.

The door to the ambulance treatment area is locked. Again, really no concern of it being breached based on the scenario at hand.

The hospital was put on lockdown, so no one was allowed in or out while Trump was on site. and that includes new patients who came to the hospital. They were all triaged and treated outside of the hospital.

On a protection detail you want to know where the closest hospital is, where the nearest (preferably) level 1 trauma center is, and where dust-off is. Hospitals that are likely to be needed have an approved plan in place, as this one did.

SBminisguy29 Jul 2024 7:58 a.m. PST

Wow -- TEN PERCENT of the population of Cuba has left Cuba and illegally entered the United States since Biden took office!

Cuba's population in freefall as Biden-Harris open border sparks mass exodus


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 8:28 a.m. PST


This has no chance to pass, but…..

"3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye."

Subject: Biden rolls out plan to overhaul the Supreme Court


Also the new candidate is for all this, plus has said in the past, she has no issues packing the supreme Court.

Subject: Harris Has Expressed Being "Open" to Supreme Court Expansion | Truthout


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 9:37 a.m. PST

Is it any wonder that you have many on one side who say this was all staged and on the other who believe it was all intentional.

What a cluster ####!

I am still going with the lack of training, DEI hires, gross incompetence. But more heads need to roll. Unlike what has been the case with the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle. We need to start seeing accountability.

They have not even interviewed Trump after 2 weeks.

Subject: Trump assassination attempt: Texts reveal officers were aware of Thomas Crooks 90 minutes before shooting


Subject: Pennsylvania SWAT sniper says Trump shooter ‘just seemed out of place' as officer warned of gunman beforehand


SBminisguy29 Jul 2024 9:56 a.m. PST

I am still going with the lack of training, DEI hires, gross incompetence.

This is beyond incompetence -- I'm going with a decision to deliberately leave the front door wide open in the hopes that this would happen.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 11:09 a.m. PST

SB, I can understand where you are coming from with so much talk about this, but I don't know who would gain by deliberately exposing him. Many of the people who had a part in the operation are or will be gone also. And I think the Dems would prefer Trump to run against…

Trump agreed to be interviewed yesterday, not easy for him after the documents raid.

The Supreme Court is already packed, more unbalanced than ever now. But the big thing is the corruption issues, accepting huge gifts, refusing to follow its own ethics guidelines. Thomas especially, living large. Partisan behavior like flying the flag upside down. The Court has been carrying a low public approval rating…not good,

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 12:42 p.m. PST

"Packed" being expanding the number of justices.

You are talking of political lean. Yes, we have had that from both sides. Both liberal and conservative SC's.

"But the big thing is the corruption issues, accepting huge gifts, refusing to follow its own ethics guidelines. Thomas especially, living large."

😂 There is not an institution in Washington DC government that is not all of those. Look at the wealth of individuals before they run and then after they leave. Do you think the ex speaker of the house was just a lucky guesser on when to buy and sell stocks? 😉

I'm all for term limits… but on everyone. 8 to 12 years is enough. Get out and try to make a real living.

But I'm also for proving citizenship to vote and mandatory voting list reviews yearly. No more mail in ballots, only absentee (yes they are different) again where you can prove citizenship. No sending mail ins to everyone on the voter rolls. No one party going into nursing homes and collecting ballots or soliciting votes, without representation of the other party, (the party trying to get Supreme Court changes, went into the nursing home my cousins mother was in with Alzheimer's. They were trying to get her to vote for their candidate. Fortunately my cousin walked in on them and ran them out. But it does happen).

SBminisguy29 Jul 2024 12:46 p.m. PST

The Court has been carrying a low public approval rating…not good,

Oh come now, all of this stems from one thing -- SCOTUS overturned Roe vs Wade and sent to back to the States where it belonged and the Democrats, their pet media and the Left (but I repeat myself) went insane. The media has gone all-in on wall-towall 24x7 negative coverage on key Justices, demonizing and dehumanizing them and throwing a verityable blizzard of allegations, and Leading Democrats like Sen Schumer have made DIRECT threats to specific Justices. This violent talk motivated at least one crazed Leftist to try and kidnap, torture and kill Justice Kavanaugh.

At the same time, the Biden Justice Department was refusing to provide additional protection to the Justices under threat. Does that sound familiar???

Partisan behavior like flying the flag upside down.

A FLAG!?! Really? Oh no, so a Justice's wife flew a flag. First it was a "racist white supremacist flag" until it turned out that the flag in question was the State of Massachusetts official naval ensign. And then oh no, the same wife flew the US flag upside down for a few days. Quelle Horror! She says it was in response to a neighbood dispute to show others she was in "distress," but even it it wasn't, who cares?

On the other hand, Sotomayor and Brown routinely give speeches to hard-core Leftist audiences and are vocal in their support for Social Justice. Any issues with that?

Financial scandals? Sure, look into it and see what's real and what's BS -- and while you're at it look at Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson's failure to disclose that her husband is a lobbyist for BigPharma like Pfizer and others, and that she failed to report this income as well.

The Supreme Court is already packed, more unbalanced than ever now.

Is it unbalanced? I think it's back to Center for the most part, but since the Democrats see the Courts as an instrument of POWER not an instrument of JUSTICE, they want the Court to rule *their* way and bolster their power and control ambitions. Look at the false furor over the Presidential Immunity ruling -- SCOTUS basically upheld the Constitutional position that's been in effect since the beginning of our nation that the President has immunity for Official acts within the confines of their Constitutional Authority, but not for Unofficial Acts or Unconstitutional acts. The Democrats went nuts and yawped about how SCOTUS turned the president into a king, which is stupid. And even though Obama is pulling a lot of strings, he should be happy since otherwise he's gonna get slapped with multiple murder charges for having killed Americans with drone strikes.

Speaking of "justice" -- the pro-Hamas rioters who damaged property, burned flags, defaced monuments and assaulted cops in DC have been released with NO CHARGES. So obviously at least THOSE Democrats in charge of the Nation's Capitol support Political Violence.

Charges Dropped Against D.C. Rioters Who Assaulted Cops & Vandalized Property


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 1:05 p.m. PST

Whatever happens this fall will be challenged. Fair, corrupt, it does not matter.

The SC was once a trusted institution. It is a third of the government. It needs to be above reproach. Now we have nowhere to turn. I think you know how I feel about Congress, parties aside. This latest one barely governs. There is corruption everywhere, but the SC? That really hurts.
This Court made a decision last month to allow local officials to accept gratuities from contractors after, but not before, work is done. So Thomas is in the clear…. They are now untouchable and unaccountable.

The High Court in Israel struck down one of Bibi's power moves because it was a threat to democracy. There were many protests before the war.

Nursing home voters is a hard one, we need bipartisan team to oversee.

SBminisguy29 Jul 2024 1:14 p.m. PST

The High Court in Israel struck down one of Bibi's power moves because it was a threat to democracy. There were many protests before the war.

More complicated than that, many in Israel feel the High Court has seized Legislative powers via Judicial rulings and have too much power, so what they say was a "threat to democracy" can also be seen as a threat to THEIR power.

The SC was once a trusted institution. It is a third of the government. It needs to be above reproach.

No human institution should be fully trusted, and SCOTUS Justices are only human themselves. Indeed, SCOTUS has made some appalling decisions in the past like Dredd Scott upholding slavery, and Korematsu v. United States upholding the unjust internment of Japanese Americans in WW2.

And then there are those on the Left who would use the system to get what they want. I feel that justices like Brown and Sotomayor are Leftist Activists who see the Constitution as an obstacle to power, rather than a safeguard for the People. Remember what Obama said? "Generally the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, it says what the states can't do to you, says what the federal government can't do to you. But it doesn't say what the state or federal government must do on your behalf."

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 1:47 p.m. PST

Yes you are right about being human institutions, SB. I guess I was taking the little kid in the 1950's view of the Court.

And they have made bad decisions, but taking gifts is another matter, a line that should not be crossed without consequences. I can deal with most of their decisions.

Most Israelis did not support Netanyahu's judicial reform legislation. The feeling was that it would remove one of only checks on his power and upset the balance.

I don't think it matters much what Brown and the other two think. They have no real power. The Court is a right-wing institution, 6-3, not Left. I don't think the decision on gratuities safeguarded anyone but Thomas. I don't mind a conservative court as long as they are not on the take. It's not like the Right doesn't use the system to get what they want…they are just as adept as the Left.

I don't know how we clean up after both sides. Greed will be the end of us.

SBminisguy29 Jul 2024 4:25 p.m. PST

The Court is a right-wing institution, 6-3, not Left.

Maybe we have a different take on what's "Right Wing" when the cases they decide seem to uphold the Bill of Rights and the Constitutioan rather than find novel new interpretations to fit a cause.

Can you share decisions you think are "right wing?"

I don't think it matters much what Brown and the other two think. They have no real power.

You should care, because Justices retire or pass away and need to be replaced. You have Sotomayor, Brown and Kagen who are all Leftist in their interpretation of the Constitution, and who often vote together as a block, and they are among the YOUNGEST Justices ever appointed and will outlast the Originalists, which is why Obama appointed them. They share his vision of the Constitution, and if Obama gets his Fourth term via mouthpiece Kamala he'll probably get to appoint two more Justices, so the court would swing Hard Left.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 4:48 p.m. PST

We have separation of power between the branches of government, as designed by our founders.

What was proposed today by the Biden/Harris administration to control the Supreme Court, is an infringement of one branch over another. It is extremely important to understand this. It goes against the founders of our country.

Can you imagine if the supreme Court made a ruling that no one in the house or the Senate could serve more than two terms and said it was the law of the land and constitutional? What would the reaction be today by the MSM?

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 5:11 p.m. PST

Would this classify as Iranian collusion for Harris's side? Does say who Iran prefers wins the Presidency. 😉

Subject: Iran seeks to meddle with Trump campaign, intel officials say


Nine pound round29 Jul 2024 6:07 p.m. PST

Wouldn't worry too much about a constitutional amendment. If getting 2/3 of the Senate to agree on something seems like a heavy lift, getting 3/4 of the state legislatures to approve it is going to be well-nigh impossible.

Of course, in a country where we now just pick who we want on the ballot without the voters having a say, that may not matter very much.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Jul 2024 6:39 p.m. PST

Nine, I'm not worried. 😉

But the attempt to infringe on one branch, from another branch of government and the accolades by the MSM is not right. I was watching the President speaking about it after 5 today at the LBJ tribute. He Bragged about this proposal and they cheered.

Of course he also attempted to scare the crowd with the 2025 Project and make the association to Trump. Of course Trump has disavowed the 2025 project and it is not part of the platform. But fear is all. 😔

"On July 5, 2024, Trump publicly distanced himself from Project 2025, saying he "knew nothing about it" and that some of its ideas were "ridiculous and abysmal". He has since repeatedly disavowed it".

LostPict29 Jul 2024 6:40 p.m. PST

Don't forget the Bread and Circuses…

Nine pound round30 Jul 2024 3:59 a.m. PST

Well, for about a week there, the constant drumbeat of "Trump is awful" got replaced by "but both sides say bad things," so I hope you enjoyed that spin while you got it, ‘cause we're now getting the Clockwork Orange treatment from the national media about how great she's going to be.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 5:37 a.m. PST

I am in favor of Biden's proposal. I want Harlan Crow billionaire types to stay away from the SC. Accepting lavish gifts from wealthy political donors is not okay. Upside down flags are not appropriate for the SC. SC wives have to realize that they cannot create even the appearance of political bias. A fair and balanced system to reduce political interference helps preserve the checks and balances principle upon which the Founders built their framework.

I thought undoing Roe v Wade, which was settled law, was a decision influenced by right wing politics. I am no legal expert and I accept the decision. I do not accept the decision allowing gratuities to government officials as relating to any principles of the Founders. That's BS, IMO.

Trump knew all about 2025 – his people, 140 former staff, helped write it and he spoke about it, praised it. He said it, not me. I don't think he has read it.

My conspiracy theory is that there are not many conspiracy theories accompanied by hard evidence. Trump did not collude with Russia. Obama has not been running the country. He may advise and has influence as he is still allowed to play a role in his party. Harris is not colluding with Iran,IMO. The Dems had nothing to do with deliberately allowing Trump to be exposed to being shot. Not a shred of proof. Utter incompetence by the USSS, yes. A disgrace. Dems are accessories to premeditated murder…really? That takes the victimhood posture too far. IMO.

If this sounds like radical far left dogma, then radicals on both sides really have moved the goalposts, IMO. I think there are plenty of ordinary citizens who are centrists and can barely get a word in these days.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 5:38 a.m. PST

Nine, we have so entered "1984".

Just one current example on Kamala:
"Kamala was never the Border Czar"

Excellent montage:

Subject: Citizen Free Press on X: "This is an outstanding mashup. They are gaslighting you on Kamala. / X


But the Trump assassination. Social media is already rewriting and hiding history. They claim it's "accidental", but they always claim that. They have since, made "modifications" but only because they were "caught".

Subject: Libs of TikTok on X: "Meta AI won't give any details on the attempted ass*ss*nation. We're witnessing the suppression and coverup of one of the biggest most consequential stories in real time. Simply unreal. / X


Subject: Swathi Bellam on X: "Both google AI and Meta AI don't know about Trump assassination But know everything about Kamala campaign Asie Kaise ??( Bolo bolo / X


Subject: Facebook admits it wrongly censored iconic photo of bleeding Trump pumping his fist after assassination attempt: ‘This was an error'


Subject: Elon Musk blasts Google over omission of Trump assassination search suggestions


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 5:54 a.m. PST

Tort, a friend of mine wrote me this last night. Long read on SC decisions recently.

"I wanted to do some research and share some facts for you to share that few people know of some of the non-mainstream decisions the court has made, and some they did.
1. JB can cry all he wants to, let's look take a look at the 4 decisions and the facts (something he and the left do not want to do)
* Over-turning Roe vs. Wade – constitutional scholars have said for years that this ruling was un-constitutional when made at the time and even the "anointed one" R.B.G. was on record saying she would vote to overturn this if the vote ever presented itself. If she was still sitting on the bench this still would have been overturned. Dems should be happy as they used this ruling to gaslight the American public to stop the predicted 2022 Red Wave very efficiently. The country amazingly is still split evenly over this decision, with 69% Republicans/52% Independents / 27% Democrats agreeing with the repeal.
* Limited use of affirmative action in college admissions – Had to research this one a little further; in summary, the 6 conservative justices ruled that race could not be a determining factor for college admission, overturning a 20yr old ruling back in final days of the affirmative action era. This was not a ruling against students of color, it was a ruling for more inclusion based upon credentials.  The case formed from two cases vs. Harvard & the University of North Carolina claiming Asian students were discriminated against because other students were held to a lower standard for admissions due to the color of their skin. Six justices agreed, including Thomas who saw the case for what it was. History has shown affirmative action never accomplished what it set out to do, one of the best quotes I saw was from the court itself at the passing of the prior ruling: "We fully expect that 25 years from now, the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary to further the interest approved today".  If the truth had been told that this was a ruling for inclusion over skin color, the general public would have had a much different opinion of this ruling. Even so, 69% of Americans (78%Rep/58%Dem/72%Ind) agreed with the court's decision.
* Student Load forgiveness is unconstitutional – There was no precedent ever making this legal, FJB bypassed all rule of government to uphold his campaign promise and win over the younger vote.  Constitutional lawyers have said since this was proposed that it was illegal and the president had no legal standing to bypass Congress whose duty it is to makes laws like these. Despite the Supreme Court ruling against the loan forgiveness, JB still moved forward with this effort though much limited than originally planned.  The majority of Americans agreed (72%Rep/58%Ind/27%Dem) with the court.
* Presidential Immunity – although the majority of the country (74%) disagree with this decision, the justices followed the law in their decision.  It is actually disturbing that the three leftist judges abandoned their oath to vote against this ruling. The public does not understand that the president is not above the law, the constitution distinctly calls out that they can be removed from office and charged with for treason, bribery, murder, and other such High crimes.  The left screams this takes all responsibility from him, although there is no evidence DJT instigated the 1/6 riots, in fact there is substantial evidence that he discouraged violence and attempted to increase capital security, which was blocked by both Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of DC.   
2. In all these cases, it is the MSM misguiding the public and directing the narrative.  Every MSM article I looked at on these cases leaned left, bemoaning the overturning of RvW, spouting the "how could we" on the college admission ruling, feeling sorry for the in-debt students with useless degrees, and of course screaming from the rafters that now DJT can run rampant… 
3. Another area that Republicans have to hit hard, Harris has been a huge supporter of court reform and packing,  It is unparalleled in US history that the public has such little faith in the Supreme court; again goes to point #2 – who is publishing and critiquing all their rulings? The MSM.   Lets talk about some other recent rulings the past 4 years that didn't get the MSM press because it didn't fit the narrative of Supreme court bad and bias:
* 2021 – The court ruled that the NCAA can not bar nor limit modest payments made to student athletes – despite the majority of the country against this ruling, and opening the door to future NIL payment – the court ruled 9-0 against the NCAA (something that angered many Republicans)
* 2021 – The court ruled that the tax charged to persons opting out of the Affordable Care Act is prudent and constitutional by the bill's nomiclature – the court ruled 7-2 in favor of the ACA despite 74% of Rep & 60% of Independents against the ruling.  The most recent DJT appointees, Kavanaudh & Barrett along with Roberts & Thomas, all voted with their liberal counterparts
* 2021 – The court voted again 9-0 that placing foster children with same-sex couples does not violate their 1st amendment rights – 65% REP/57% IND /& even 40% DEM sided with the Philadelphia Catholic church who tried to stop this practice by claiming it violatd the 1stamendment, a huge liberal win
* 2021 – The court ruled that New York City could not ban in-person church attendance during Covid; the vote was close 5-4 supporting the majority of the country who favored this ruling; the court put the constitution over state law
* 2022 – The court ruled in favor of the Biden adminstration, allowing Biden to end the remain-in-Mexico executive order;  no one talks about this one, another big win for the left.  Roberts & Kavanaugh voted with their liberal co-judges despite 85% REP/58%IND/23%DEM wanting remain in Mexico to stay
* 2022 – The court ruled in favor of the state of Oklahoma being able to prosecute non-Indian criminals who commit crimes against Indians on Indian reservations;  74% of the country was in favor of this ruling which removed the burden from Indian authorities who did not have the manpower to face the increasing crime on the reservations.  This seemingly only common sense ruling was opposed by all the left leaning judges and Gorsuch.
* 2022 – The court ruled in favor of a football coach who was fired when he held a school prayers at local football games; again all 3 left leaning judges agreed with Kennedy Schools right to fire him but lost 6-3.  75%REP/60%IND/38%DEM supported the coach and the courts ruling.
* 2022 – The court ruled in favor of a local church who was not allowed to fly a Christian flag at Boston City Hall which was flying pride flags;  despite 70% of democrats siding with the city the court ruled they had violated the 1stamendment with the ban. The vote was 9-0, with all 3 left judges agreeing!
* 2022 – The court ruled against DJT's attempt to block the release of White House Jan 6records during his term due to executive privilege; Republicans were furious with this ruling which went against the former president 8-1 with both of his appointees ruling against him
* 2022 – The court ruled against the Biden adminstrations order that all large businesses require employees to have the Covid vaccines or weekly testing 6-3 with all 3 left leaning judges voting against it.  74%REB/58%IND/23% DEM agreed with the court ruling which was criticized by the left news
* 2022 – The court ruled with the Biden adminstration order that health care workers receive federal assistance for Covid vaccines, Roberts & Kavanaugh sided with their left co-judges to pass this 5-4 although 70% of Repubicans were against this ruling
* 2023 – The court ruled against the state of ALA who had redrawn voting districts to put the majority of black voters in a single district; Roberts & Kavanaugh sided with their left co-judges to pass this 5-4 although 62% of Repubicans and 48% of Independents sided with the state.
* 2023 – The court ruled unanimously (9-0) that big tech companies can not be sued for aiding and abetting terrorist activity by allowint content on their sites; 72% of the country was against big tech and this ruling but the court support free speech.
* 2024 – The court ruled with the Biden adminstration order to contact Social Media to remove mis-information on their site. Roberts, Barrett, & Kavanaugh sided with their left co-judges to pass this 6-3 despite 63% of the country disagreeing with this ruling.  The ruling did not address taking conten down.
* 2024 – The court ruled 9-0 to continue to allow the FDA to sell abortion drugs by mail or telemedicine. The same 6 judges who ruled RvW should go back to the states to control favored the right for companies to sell "morning after" pills via mai, angering the right to lifers with this decision.
* 2024 – The court ruled against the state of NY and in favor of the NRA and its right to do business on social media. Tied to the prior Social Media ruling, this angered the left an was criticized in the MSM despite all 3 leftist judges adding to th 9-0 vote.  The country was split 53%/47% on this ruling.
* 2024 – The court ruled against several states who petitioned to remove DJT from the presidential election ballots. Again this infuriated the left and MSM despite all 3 lef leaning judges casting their vote against the states to make this a second 9-0 decision. The country was again split 53%/47% on this ruling.
There are 17 rulings to share with your friends where the court favored the left opinion, sided with the large majority of the country's opinion, or went with the rule of law despite the majority of the countries opinion (I left out about 20 other rulings that didn't impact the country as a whole as much). Did the MSM parade any of these decisions across the evening news?  Cases where the court went against the ritght's view, supported abortion pill rights, blocked Trumps prevention of documents being made public, forced states from redistricting to suppress voters, even siding with the Biden executive orders in some cases.  No we heard little of these rulings because they showed the court actually does care about the rule of law. They shouted from the hills about the 4 rulings in #1, the NRA ruling, and DJT getting put back on the ballot – the last two getting support of all 3 liberal judges but that was overlooked. There is certainly some bias in the court, that I don't deny on both sides, but in all honesty – the conservative judges follow party lines way less than the 3 liberal judges and even they jump sides at times as well.  Does the court need overhauled just because it has a conservative base, no not at all.  You need this conservative base to balance out the far left agenda and proposals coming from that administration.  The left cant stand this, they want complete control and will do everthing in their power next term if Harris wins to fix their percieved injustice and bias narrative that they use the MSM to push."

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 7:09 a.m. PST

A set of good examples, 35th, and it has changed my mind a bit by reminding me of these decisions. BTW, many of these got extensive coverage in the MSM, where the Court has been a major story, not just about Alito and Thomas. But it is really those two who have highlighted issues of unacceptable conduct, IMO, and that is why I support change, which is needed to ensure that the original intent of integrity is preserved.

Yes we do need conservative judges to remind us of the origins of laws. Liberal judges to help with critical thinking in a changing world. But if you let even one guy, or his wife, take gifts, the Court becomes tainted. That and the BS selection process are the flaws. The Founders, I believe, did not consider their work to be perfect. I think they would insist on tinkering with the details of their creation in service to the self- evident truths and the checks and balances.

You friend agrees that balance is critical, he sees it from the right. That's fine. But his last sentence is a little misleading, assigning blame after working so hard to show the Court's neutrality. Whatever the left or right can't stand, they are stuck with each other until the country falls apart. Alito and Thomas have done damage with their conduct. Control was not the issue.

Thanks for a good post…👍

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 7:56 a.m. PST

Welcome and take care. 🙏

SBminisguy30 Jul 2024 8:52 a.m. PST

I have the solution to Biden's desire to change the SCOTUS and weaken presidential immunity -- several Republican AGs should file murder charges against Obama for the extrajudicial killing of four Americans by drone strikes ordered by Obama. Then we'll see the Democrats scream about the importance of presidential immunity…

A fair and balanced system to reduce political interference helps preserve the checks and balances principle upon which the Founders built their framework.

There's a way to do that -- outlaw ALL political contributions and in-kind contributions except for transparent individual contributions with say, a $10 USDK limit. No more PACs or SuperPACS, no more Soft Money or Dark Money, no more Act Blue or Act Red (if such exists) platforms. We know Act Blue has been used to funnel $200 USDMillion+ in fraudulent contributions to the Democrats. I'm sure GOP would do it too.

Oh, and how about this -- if you were a government employee, official or appointee, you CANNOT Lobby for 5 years after leaving the government. So that means all your connections will have dried up before you can lobby.

And of course other measures like Congress and Federal officials ane employees must abide by the same laws as everyone else -- no insider trading, and you must report all income and sources of income. And I wouldn't mind an employment Sunset law that fires federal employees after an employment term limit to combat the large standing Bureaucracy Branch of government.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 9:30 a.m. PST

"Acting Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe, Jr. admitted to the Senate on Tuesday that the assassination attempt against former President Trump was "a failure of the Secret Service," and not local law enforcement."

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 9:46 a.m. PST

There was a comment previously about DJT's staff turnover rate. Thought this should be out there for fair play.

"Overall, Harris' staff turnover rate of nearly 92% surpasses President Biden's rate of 77% and former President Trump's rate of 72% during the first to fourth years of their terms, according to"

It is My opinion that Trump, due to his political inexperience, selected too many people from the deep state Republican Aristocracy for positions in his staffs. They disliked him and his demeanor and his unwillingness to pursue normal deep state politics. For them, he was a 💩 in the punch bowl. He owed the party and donors, nothing. Therefore could not be controlled by them in the manner they had become used to. He also was not the deep state militarist, advocating the military industrial complex. In other words, he wasn't a Bush, Cheney or a Romney.

But turnover is only part of it, read this for a better understanding why, for Harris. Notice the article is from 2019.

Subject: Terry McAteer: Another side to Kamala Harris | Columns |


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 10:47 a.m. PST

Yes we have agreed that's Harris had high turnover. But there is some difference. People found her a pain to work with. This happened with Trump also, be he fired people as well.

Trump sure is happy to take from the big donors now. The Turnover numbers vary by source. Brookings has Trump at 92%. I have not seen anyone beat Trump except the source you cited.

We can thank the Supreme Court for allowing the floodgates of money to open. The Citizens United decision lifted restrictions on donors and corporations, deciding restrictions violated their right to free speech. Which makes no common sense as far as the actual outcomes that resulted.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 12:30 p.m. PST

Subject: Trump Campaign ‘Puts the Screws' to Project 2025 Mastermind

Speak of the devil. I even took this from a left bias site. Yes he is distancing himself. But they have to make the Vance association, can't lose site of objectives. 😂


Nine pound round30 Jul 2024 1:38 p.m. PST

If it weren't so sad, it would be hilarious how all of the people who were praising the President a month ago are now cluck-clucking over his decline, just as the ones who were retailing stories about Harris having to rehearse a dinner party are now telling everyone how ready she is to be president.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 2:07 p.m. PST

Nine … 1984 what more can you say?

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 2:11 p.m. PST

And now the same 2025 story above, but from Fox News

"The Trump campaign responded to the news, saying, "Reports of Project 2025's demise would be greatly welcomed."

"President Trump's campaign has been very clear for over a year that Project 2025 had nothing to do with the campaign, did not speak for the campaign, and should not be associated with the campaign or the President in any way," the campaign said. "Reports of Project 2025's demise would be greatly welcomed and should serve as notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign — it will not end well for you."

It was all just fear and scare tactics, just like Russian Collusion. But I guess you have to go with what has worked for you before.

Subject: Project 2025 leader steps down amid criticism from Trump | Fox News


SBminisguy30 Jul 2024 2:56 p.m. PST

I don't really get the FUD about Project 2025 -- it's Heritage Foundation wishlist, which they put out all the time. I've only skimmed it, that dang thing is 900 pages long so I doubt any of the reporters writing about how awful it is has actually read it. What I recall from my skim was a huge chunk of it pertains to reforming and downsizing the Federal Levaithan.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP30 Jul 2024 3:24 p.m. PST

All he had to say was "I never read it" and I would have been good. But he said he knows nothing about it, and that there are abysmal things in it. Whatever…. "It will not end well for you" Yikes…

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 8:17 a.m. PST

"Two days prior to his arrest, Wiseman also attacked Ohio senator JD Vance, who became Trump's running mate on July 17. In one particularly sickening post, he suggested sexual violence against both of their daughters.

"I am advocating Trump and Vance's daughters get raped and THEN tell me they won't fly their kids out of the USA for an abortion," he wrote.

Wiseman also allegedly wrote abuse on other social media sites to share his disdain towards Trump.

"The shooter missed," he allegedly wrote on X. "He can't be the only patriot. C***sucker, mother and daughter Bleeped texter Trump."

He also took to X rival, Threads, according to the affidavit, and wrote: "Why is Trump allowed to be alive? We need to train patriots.

"Thomas Matthew Crooks deserves a posthumous Congressional Medal of Honor, a stamp, and a national holiday."

Subject: Florida man called for Trump gunman to be given congressional Medal of Honor: ‘Why is Trump allowed to live?'


As I have said: they accuse you of doing what they are doing or what they plan on doing.

They have been raised and indoctrinated in hate. To hate those who oppose them, their country, their ancestors. But most of all I think they hate themselves and they try to ease their self loathing by blaming that hate on others as the source of their own self loathing.

Hate is all they have. 😔

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 8:22 a.m. PST

And another. Remember as you read, JD's children are bi-racial. But don't let facts get in the way of a good tirade and hate.

Subject: MSNBC Lady Says JD Vance, Father of Three Biracial Kids, Only Wants White Babies in America


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 8:34 a.m. PST

Does no one else find this odd and suspicious?

"Trump assassination attempt: Iran threat prompts questions about gunman's uncracked encryption
Thomas Matthew Crooks' encrypted communications remain inaccessible to FBI investigators"

SBminisguy31 Jul 2024 1:15 p.m. PST

All he had to say was "I never read it" and I would have been good. But he said he knows nothing about it, and that there are abysmal things in it. Whatever…. "It will not end well for you" Yikes…

You should be FAR more concerned about the "C40" project which has the backing of major politicians in the Democrat Party and the Left who are IMPLEMENTING totalitarian policies today!

The C40 project has been adopted by the Mayors of 100 American cities, and 14 of them are promoting extremely radical controls -- like San Francisco which says their goal by 2030 is to control ALL aspects of your life.

1. They will control what you eat -- you will be placed on a daily calorie ration, which will include NO meat and NO dairy, but veg and bugs.

2. They will control what you wear -- you will be restricted to just three items of clothing per year

3. They will control where you can go and how to get there -- they would ban private vehicle ownership by the masses, they will restrict you to ONE flight per year.

4. They will control your ability to buy ANY good -- they will restrict your ability to buy personal items, electronics, sporting goods, household goods, EVERYTHING

5. They will control where you can live, what type of home and how big it can be

6. They will control your energy consumption – when you can use electricity, how much you can use.

PDF link

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 1:21 p.m. PST

Why do I more and more feel as if "1984" is being used as a guide book?

Nine pound round31 Jul 2024 6:07 p.m. PST


For the same reason you can feel the contempt for us that the regime shows in actions like this: because it's real, and it's happening.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP31 Jul 2024 7:15 p.m. PST

SB, this doesn't look much like Project 2025 to me. Dozens of global cities forming a partnership looking at climate change impact on urban areas. The things you listed are going to be forced on you? I am not getting it.

SBminisguy31 Jul 2024 9:54 p.m. PST

The things you listed are going to be forced on you? I am not getting it.

That's their over-all goal. And politicians are pushingus down the road in the US through policies designed to push you into accepting behavior changes by raising costs and limiting choices through regulations, laws and taxes.

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