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"how to prepare for the next civil war" Topic

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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2024 8:17 a.m. PST

The 1st Shot of the ACW 2.0 may have been fired … But this time the war will be fought online and the media, etc. … A lot of talking heads talking a lot of 💩💩💩💩

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2024 8:50 a.m. PST

Ha..she might know by my remarks about PBS! It's a good idea, about ready to give up with the cost of cable.

There is a timeline on the various Trump interactions with agencies over the docs. He makes his own trouble here. The other two complied promptly with clear intent to cooperate. Trump is alleged to have done the opposite. He allegedly set in motion evasive activities over an extended period of time that raised concerns over the extent and nature the government's (meaning ours)legal property. The excuses and torrent of tweets sounded almost like the whole thing was designed to ingrain the notion of persecution into the alleged actions. Even his legal team was compromised by misdirection. Classic.

All that said, I am not sure we should argue these details here. There are two completely different explanations for what happened. It's a pattern. It works. We are divided with no way to mend because we honestly believe the other side has been conned.

The middle and lower classes will get to fight the civil war if there is one. I will not fire a shot in anger over a very disputed series of unsupported conspiracy allegations, although I know people are sincere in their beliefs.. I need my ammo for the crazies in the rest of the world.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2024 9:51 a.m. PST

But you may have missed my point. As a Senator, he took classified documents and never returned them. It is and was against the law. The fact he returned them, when asked recently, is irrelevant. Biden broke the law and would never have returned them if the whole Trump investigations had not been launched. Why no trial?

"Yes I stole the TV 10 years ago? All, you want it back? Here no problem."
"Thank you sir. Hope you enjoyed it." 🙄

"Are there any circumstances when I might be allowed to take classified documents home with me?

No. Classified material must be safeguarded in accordance with the requirements in E.O. 13526, Part 4, Safeguarding; and 32 CFR 2001, Subpart E, Safeguarding.
You must not remove classified material from official premises except to conduct official meetings or conferences, and the material must be returned to safe storage facilities immediately upon the conclusion of the meeting or conference. Residences are not considered official premises, and you must not remove classified material for reasons of personal convenience or keep it overnight in personal custody"

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2024 2:29 p.m. PST

Even then, the guy who owns his mistake will be likely to get a break. Common practice. Plus, we should at least extend Biden the same consideration Trump is claiming re executive privelege. Biden actually is a sitting president.

Special Prosecutor Robert Hur was critical of Biden and may have doomed Biden's campaign with his comments on age related functioning. But he also found that Biden's conduct regarding docs was the opposite of Trump's. I think he used "obstruction of justice " with Trump. Biden opened his house, sat for extensive questioning.

But in the end, why not put it to another grand jury, let them see the Biden evidence, and recommend on Biden.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2024 3:09 p.m. PST

"Even then, the guy who owns his mistake will be likely to get a break. Common practice. Plus, we should at least extend Biden the same consideration Trump is claiming re executive privelege. Biden actually is a sitting president."

But he took part of the documents as a sitting Senator.. Not as a sitting President.

Biden takes documents today, different matter, as he is a President. As was Trump.

Biden took them when he was "serving" as a Senator and as a Vice President. He was not allowed to do so, he kept them in multiple unsecured locations and hung on to them.

So are you saying he should grant himself immunity now for his past illegal acts as a Senator and Vice President?

So if a person robbed multiple banks 10 years ago, then he owns it today, should he get a break? 🙂

My point is, if Trump is guilty of holding the documents "as President", then Biden and Pence should be more guilty, since neither were "President" at the time of their acts.

But you are right, we are straying off topic to a point, other than this being a one of the cogs in a future civil war.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP31 May 2024 4:18 p.m. PST

I think it all becomes a blur of questions and comparisons that don't work. Biden's actions don't fit with robbing banks any more than Trump's. The Republican Special Prosecutor that no Dem wanted did not find enough criminality in what Biden did to prosecute. But he did cite Trump's obstruction of justice in comparing the two. It's a significant difference in terms of prosecution. One guy cooperates, one guy gets testy and then makes it even harder for law enforcement and justice. It comes back to bite him.The taking of the docs is now magnified by the attempt to hide/retain them even after they have been identified for return. Biden is not innocent – he did not push his luck by making things worse.

But don't forget, none of us have any direct knowledge of any evidence in this case. Whatever we say depends on who told us what. And that is where the war might start. Every story ends up with two versions pushed on the public. Proof does not matter. We can't go to war with each other over this stuff!!

Nine pound round31 May 2024 5:23 p.m. PST

That prosecutor probably just made an effective in-kind contribution to his campaign.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 2:16 a.m. PST

Hur was appointed by Trump, became Special Prosecutor on Biden allegations. His report details his findings on the two docs cases.

Bragg is an elected county DA in NY. He balked at prosecuting Trump over the hush money until two staff resigned and went public over Bragg's hesitation. Bragg has what is called prosecutorial discretion and reports say he did not initially believe Trump could be convicted on the evidence. His staff strongly disagreed.

Nine pound round01 Jun 2024 5:06 a.m. PST

It's nice you've researched that, but it's a non sequitur to the point I was making.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 7:35 a.m. PST

Be careful … close to being political. Regardless … If this case was tried on an episode of Law & Order. The outcome would have been very different. Many laws were broken but it was not by the defendant. Yes, Law & Order is just a TV show. But it still has most things based on real laws and decisions, etc.

I'm not a lawyer or play one on TV, but certain things should be obvious … Even to me …

Nine pound round01 Jun 2024 8:44 a.m. PST

Just my assessment of the situation, not advocacy- believe me, I am post-political!

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 9:15 a.m. PST

Well since the topic is how to prepare for the next civil war, I assume discussions on some of the things that may start it, are pertinent.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 10:15 a.m. PST

Nine, I infer that you were talking about Bragg and get your point. The proceeding post was more about Hur and Biden.

It's a miracle that some of us are not in the DH… oops, not quite true but a light in a warning?

So moving on… I asked before..has anyone seen the movie "Civil War"? I have not but it appears to be not political from what I have heard. The topic has always been creepy for me, but now I am starting to think more about it and the tremendous emotional undercurrent on both sides that might surface.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 12:21 p.m. PST

"Civil War", no.

If I remember right the premise is weird . California and Texas unite? Some journalists travel cross country during a civil war.
Here is the review from red pill. They gave it a 68%
I'll wait for it to be free. Don't think it reflects what a current civil war would be.

Subject: Civil War – Worth It or Woke – BASED Movie Reviews

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 8:22 p.m. PST

Wouldn't even watch the movie when it makes it to TV …

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP01 Jun 2024 11:59 p.m. PST

Okay… not sure I would watch based on this. I don't mind a little woke occasionally. Not sure you could have a civil war movie without two sides. But the alternative fiction out there looks mostly right wing, saving the real America from wokeness and Dems.

California and Texas! This is a story problem! A huge liberal nation/state like CA does not seem to have anything in common with Texas, a huge right wing state.

The blue vs red alignment is more interesting as it sets up more like the first war

SBminisguy05 Jun 2024 10:25 a.m. PST

The blue vs red alignment is more interesting as it sets up more like the first war

Conflict, if there is any, could be precipitated by the rejection of Federal Authority by a State.

1. This could be initiated by a State refusing Federal authority and doing their own thing, and the Feds deciding they needed to enforce their authority. Imagine, say Texas just tells a Biden 2.0 Admin to pound sand, we're securing our border for safety no matter what SCOTUS says. In response the Federales decide to escalate with a show of force to enforce their power and/or make an example. Depending on the personalities involved it could escalate out of control. Kind of like how the Feds turned Waco into a fiery pyre for 80 men, women and children as opposed to just arresting their perp (David Koresh) on one of his regular supply runs into town.

A novelization of this path is State of Disobedience by SciFi author Tom Kratman: link

2. A State could actively reject and eject Federal officials and presence. Remember the American Civil War was started by Democrats when they explicitly rejected the election and Federal Authority of a Republican President and moved to eject Federal presence from their States.

A novelization of this leading to a "Big Split" like a National Divorce is the "Kelly Turnbull" series by Kurt Schlichter: link

SBminisguy07 Jun 2024 6:55 a.m. PST

And now you know why all Blue States have "Motor Voter" Laws to register you to vote when you get your Drivers License.

The truth is out there. Aliens are registering and voting in American elections.

For anyone who cares to see it, the truth is available in public records in election offices across the nation.


Nine pound round07 Jun 2024 7:31 a.m. PST

One other driving factor- over the last fifty-odd years, the bureaucracy (and its lapdog, "law enforcement") has usurped power to the point where it is, in effect, an unconstitutional fourth arm of government, empowered by the legislature to make regulations that have the force of law, and to enforce them with various armed forces. An attorney I know likes to say, "everyone is guilty of three felonies;" in a system where almost anyone can find a crime to pin on almost anybody, the state has in effect arrogated to itself the power to break almost anyone at a time or place of its choosing.

And that, my friends, is a big step toward tyranny. Why do you think so many cops refer to ordinary people as "civilians?"

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP07 Jun 2024 7:57 a.m. PST

SBm +1

9LBS +2 !

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP07 Jun 2024 8:07 a.m. PST

SB and 9lb +1

Add the executive as well. They have been usurping powers of Congress and the Courts for well over 100 years. They have been voiding rights when they deem it useful, allocating money reserved for the Congress, getting us involved in undeclared wars, ignoring rulings of the Supreme Court. This by some of our "greatest" Presidents and some of the "worse".

Actually from my perspective, it looks like the Justice Department and Washington FBI and the Capital Hill Police, have basically become like a Pretorian Guard for the President.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP07 Jun 2024 8:34 a.m. PST

Law enforcement a "lapdog"? There is no further discussion here. You paint with a broad brush. There is a wall of photos in DC of dead agents, line of duty. They did not die harassing right wing extremists. You disrespect them and every other one who goes out to do his job of protecting you everyday. Why? To support conspiracy agendas? You think somebody said "Let's call them civilians" in a takeover?

I have great respect for your service, am grateful. All of you. But try to remember you are not the only ones holding down the fort.

You won't need to bother with a reply except to impress others here.

Nine pound round07 Jun 2024 9:02 a.m. PST

"Leaving" again, I suppose?

Nine pound round07 Jun 2024 11:30 a.m. PST

"Hey, you know those guys in flight school, who didn't want to learn how to land?"

And that's before we even get started on that shadowy, undemocratic figure of the late, unlamented J Edgar Hoover……

Nine pound round07 Jun 2024 12:09 p.m. PST


Of course, we may also just be overlooking a more obvious explanation.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP09 Jun 2024 8:00 p.m. PST

First LEOs were defunded now you can't be too smart to be one. Kind'a sounds like a DEI thing …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP10 Jun 2024 6:40 p.m. PST

I believe this is another example of two forms of justice. In the first case, massive vandalism of national monuments. No one charged to date.

Subject: Statues in Lafayette Square vandalized during Gaza cease-fire protest – The Washington Post


In the second, skid marks by scooters on a gay pride cross walk on a street.
"three teens were arrested and charged with felonies for making those skid marks."

Subject: Lime makes Spokane Pride crosswalk a ‘no go zone' after 3 teens charged with felonies over skid marks | The Post Millennial |


Should not the first be arrested and charged the same, or worse? One could ask why the differences? We have seen the same response to all pro-Hamas protests.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP10 Jun 2024 7:14 p.m. PST

Yes, I saw that footage on FOX, not sure if or how much the others in the media covered it. I am always angry when these protestors are actually rioters. And start to deface, pull down statues, etc. Only making it worse no one was arrested.

With that massive amount of pro-Hamas and Anti-War rioters you would have needed a huge number of troops. To quell this attack on US history and the US currently.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP10 Jun 2024 7:27 p.m. PST

To my knowledge, not covered.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP11 Jun 2024 8:20 a.m. PST

More footage on FOX showing the Pro-Hamas rioters still being a mayor problem outside the WH. And IIRC roaming thru the NYC subways and neighborhoods.

Just saw on FOX a woman who made a film about 7 Oct. 2023. She told about the horror of Israel women tied to trees and being repeatedly raped and blooded. Probably all tortured and dead now.

I find this hard to say or type. This barbarism that occurred on 7 Oct and afterwards. I even can't/won't look at the footage online. I can't express how disgusted, horrified, repulsed, angry etc. I am. That in the 21st Century that islamic terrorists would do such sub-human medieval, heinous crimes against humanity. And many other horrors on Israelis, especially the females. Go-Pro'ing these atrocities, for all to see. Plus, they are proud of this. I don't doubt some of these brutalized women were Americans.

The female film maker being interviewed on FOX asked where are all the women's lib groups in the USA ? That are not being outraged by these horrible acts perpetrated on other women. Where are NOW, Me2, etc., etc. ?

Is it because they take the side of Hamas ? They support islamic terrorism.

Is it because they don't care about these women as they are Jews ? And bought into narrative that Israelis Jews are White oppressors ?

These women's groups silence is deafening …

Are some of our leaders ignoring these islamic terrorist's crimes against humanity. As it is an election year. And need the small number of moslem and other American supporters' votes. I hope not but it appears I may be wrong …

All that being said, again, if I was a soldier in the IDF. Very little quarter would be given, and few prisoners taken. Concern over CD would be very much secondary.

E.g. With the hostage rescue op this weekend saving 4 Israeli hostages. Being held by Hamas in a refugee camp. Many Palestinians including Hamas were killed as the mission proceeded. As I have said before, based on the terrain & situation those losses were a given if the IDF met with effective resistance. And if the IDF raiders were expected to have a successful mission.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP11 Jun 2024 8:50 a.m. PST


"Just saw on FOX a woman who made a film about 7 Oct. 2023. She told about the horror of Israel women tied to trees and being repeatedly raped and blooded. Probably all tortured and dead now.

I find this hard to say or type. This barbarism that occurred on 7 Oct and afterwards. I even can't/won't look at the footage online. I can't express how disgusted, horrified, repulsed, angry etc. I am. That in the 21st Century that islamic terrorists would do such sub-human medieval, heinous crimes against humanity. And many other horrors on Israelis, especially the females. Go-Pro'ing these atrocities, for all to see. Plus, they are proud of this. I don't doubt some of these brutalized women were Americans."

Yes, I posted many example videos on TMP that were out on "X". One has to watch, otherwise it is too easy to deny it happened. Just like 9/11. It should be mandatory watching in our schools. As the planes are flown into the buildings. As the towers collapse. As people jump from the building instead of being burnt alive. The celebrations in Islamic countries.

Too many of the media, just like the pro Hamas protestors, were educated to believe that all white western countries are colonial oppressors and all non-white westerners, are and were the oppressed. They have been taught and indoctrinated to hate everything about their own culture.

Of course we've imported quite a few Muslims from all over the world who come by their hate naturally and many of whom want a country of sharia law here.😔

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP11 Jun 2024 5:07 p.m. PST

How many of us did not see this coming?

"Eight Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS were busted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Joint Terrorism Task Force in three major cities, a federal source confirmed to Fox News.

The arrests took place in New York City, Los Angeles and Philadelphia in recent days, according to the source.

All eight Tajikistan nationals crossed the U.S. southern border illegally, and according to a federal source familiar with the sting, no derogatory information was initially flagged with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) or with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) during processing.

The suspected terrorists were "fully vetted" and nothing was flagged, according to Fox News' federal source. "

Subject: Authorities nab 8 suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS in multi-city sting operation


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP11 Jun 2024 5:09 p.m. PST

OVI +1 …

I think we can't dismiss the threat of radical fanatical fundamentalist islam. And you can almost guarantee some of the Get-Aways that crossed our open border. Many are terrorists, from a number of groups …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP12 Jun 2024 6:09 a.m. PST

Legion, heard this morning, that baring the unforeseen, we are just going to kick them out of the country.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP12 Jun 2024 7:32 a.m. PST

Yes, heard the same. There were 8 Tajiks, just like the 4-5 that that killed all those Russians at a Theater(?). They seem to be affiliated with ISIS(?).

Frankly the 8 we captured in the US should be sent to Gitmo for safe keeping. I hear the weather's nice there. And they serve ethnic appropriate meals. I think they should get pork/ham with every meal. Frakk'm they are islamic terrorists.

Those that think it is a god idea for open borders. Must not have figured terrorists would come across. Along with all the criminals of all types. 8 terrorists could kill a lot of Americans. And I'd not risk having anyone come across the border. Too easy for the bad guys to use the illegal aliens as cover.

All that come across the border are not terrorists or criminals. But the few that are here can do a lot of damage. E.g. Drugs, rapes, murder, etc., etc. Plus, terrorists would be here for no other reason than to kill as many Americans as they could. Did those in charge forget the lessons learned from 9/11 and all the terrorists attacks afterwards?

What is so hard to understand ?

Oh well it is an election year.

Nine pound round12 Jun 2024 6:03 p.m. PST

I'd almost feel better if I knew that we had missed them. The fact that officials on the border examined them and let them in makes me wonder whether law enforcement is just incompetent – or something worse?

I mean, if they were in hostile pay, what would they do differently?

I'd say "this kind of crap is going to kill somebody," but it already has. It damn near killed me.

But no doubt the usual suspects will be along momentarily to distort my words, wax indignant over my maligning of the heroic Feebs, try to infer my politics, and wrap themselves in the bloody shirt.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP12 Jun 2024 7:53 p.m. PST

No, this is all quite clear.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP12 Jun 2024 8:01 p.m. PST

Well as we see the open border policies have really done very little positive for the USA. As we know the US deaths from PRC/CCP drugs supplied to the cartels that flow across the border has killed massive numbers of Americas. But it seems the US leadership does not care. As it appears their priority is to "fundamentally change America". And not an America many of us will recognize. Or like …

Of course, once a terrorist attack occurs on US soil by illegal aliens that results in killing Americans. There will be "a gnashing of teeth and wringing of hands" by many of those that thought open borders was a good idea. But the damage will be done … dead Americans … again.

As I have posted before. The only way to save American lives is to shut the border down tight. No one comes in and many go out by being deported. Those that are terrorists, have terrorist ties, etc. are sent to Gitmo.

It just comes down to logistics, and as importantly nation security. Nothing to do with racism, xenophobia, etc., etc., etc.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2024 5:50 a.m. PST

I was talking with a retired police commissioner from a large city last week about the issue of the American drug market and the demand for product…frustrating.

If we could reduce demand somehow, as well as attack the cartel system more directly, it would help save lives. As of last year, 90% of the fentanyl coming through the southern border is carried by American citizens working for the cartel system. Customs officials have gotten better at stopping this, but there are many other entry routes, like ports, for drugs, and fentanyl is easy to conceal. The drug market moves from one product to the next in waves. But fentanyl might be the worst we have ever seen.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2024 7:33 a.m. PST

Subject: NYPD arrest man armed with handgun, body armor, axes and knives at traffic stop in Queens

Looks like Another Jihadist.

8 isis illegals the other day and now this.


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2024 7:35 a.m. PST

We have a better chance of shutting down the border and in turn slowing down the drugs coming thru from there. We could never stop the flow totally but significantly attrite it. But the border remains open with little effectively being done by the US leadership. I guess slowing down US deaths due to drugs coming across the border is not a priority for our top leaders. The numbers of US death's back that up.

Bottomline it is an election year …

As I have said before. The US could use cruise missiles and drones to hit the cartel leaders, supply points, etc. However, as effective as that would be it would be considered an act of war. And the CD would be unavoidable, however. Regardless Mexico is a Narco state. And I doubt that their new president will be much different from those before.

With an open border and not instituting mass deportation … these US deaths will continue.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2024 8:02 a.m. PST

Border entries have slowed recently and some long overdue executive actions will at least help some. This could have happened much sooner once it was known Congress would not act. All political. And still not enough from either side. Broken system…

But there will be over a hundred new high tech fentanyl detection machines arriving at entry points to match the forty or so already there. Again this is where much of the problem is. The cartels might be unlikely to give multimillion dollar drug shipments to migrant families or other ordinary refugees swimming across a river. The human trafficking unit has been expanded. We deported 750,000 last year. There are new rules to handle surges. Of course Biden is being sued by the left for doing this.

SBminisguy13 Jun 2024 8:05 a.m. PST

Regardless Mexico is a Narco state. And I doubt that their new president will be much different from those before.

Yep…the race was marred by multiple criminal trials launched at the presidential race's front runner resulting in conviction, and his key allies and advisors were all jailed, and many of his legal team have also been accused of felony crimes and threatened with disbarment and jail time if they continued to support him.

Oh wait -- that's the United States! My bad…

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2024 8:25 a.m. PST

Border entries have slowed recently and some long overdue executive actions will at least help some.
Depends on what you mean by slowed …Regardless, too many have already crossed and continue to cross, especially in California …

Again … shut the border, start deporting en mass. Starting with military age males from the PRC, many mid-East nations, and many from Mexico, Central & South American countries.

Ethnic profiling ? Well, when the Amish start doing terrorists attacks, we can send them to Gitmo. Or blonde haired blue eyed fair skinned Nordics terrorists, if there are any ? The closest were Vikings … Save for the team from Minnesota, but they play football and not commit terrorists' attacks …

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck … it's a duck …

If there were 750,000 deported … that still is not close to the 11-12 million.

If the Left, ACLU, etc. gets upset … they can house, feed, etc. the millions of illegal aliens roaming around the US. On their dime … Yeah like that is going to happen. Has any of these people taken in any illegal aliens ? I'm guessing the number is statistically insignificant. Or short answer – 0 …

We all remember what happened on Martha's Vineyard … They talked the talk but didn't walk the walk. Hmmm ? Who would have thought ?

Nine pound round13 Jun 2024 2:03 p.m. PST


Imagine what would have happened if they said this about another ethnicity, or left a skid mark on a pride flag.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2024 2:47 p.m. PST

Nine Pound, as long as you hate "the ""right"" people", it's ok. 😉

Nine pound round13 Jun 2024 4:33 p.m. PST

And you can count on law enforcement to stand idly by – and maybe even take a knee – as they think about their pensions. But leave a skid mark in the wrong place, and they'll be all over you.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP13 Jun 2024 7:31 p.m. PST

Nine pound round +1 !

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP15 Jun 2024 8:13 p.m. PST

leave a skid mark in the wrong place, and they'll be all over you.
The hypocrisy of the US justice system is incredible …

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP16 Jun 2024 6:52 a.m. PST

I'm sure the Supreme Court can fix this….

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