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Personal logo The Badger Sponsoring Member of TMP19 Jan 2024 4:53 p.m. PST

Hello TMP!

In this picture of Libyans serving in Uganda (Idi Amin days), can anyone help identify the helmets worn by the soldiers?

I am trying to determine the nationality and year/make of the ones from the Eastern Block?

thank you


ArmymenRGreat19 Jan 2024 6:59 p.m. PST

I'll take the first guess: Polish Wz.67

Personal logo The Badger Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Jan 2024 6:42 a.m. PST

That was actually my guess too

Cerdic20 Jan 2024 7:28 a.m. PST

May be the angle of the photo, but it looks like the tallest blokes are in the front rank and the shortarses in the rear!

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP20 Jan 2024 8:12 a.m. PST

Are they all the same helmet?

Polish is a good guess. I thought maybe Czech, but that doesn't see quite right.

Warsaw Pact, whatever they are.

All Sir Garnett20 Jan 2024 9:27 a.m. PST

Are they not the British 1944 Mark III "Turtle" helmet?

ArmymenRGreat20 Jan 2024 9:29 a.m. PST

I'm not sure they're all the same. Tough to tell with the angles. The one to the right especially looks strange. Most of them seem to have the "look and feel" of the Polish helmets.

ArmymenRGreat20 Jan 2024 9:33 a.m. PST

The Mk III seems like a possible match for at least the one on the right with the gently-sloping back.

troopwo Supporting Member of TMP20 Jan 2024 12:27 p.m. PST

The lead guys in the first and third rank seem to me to be East Gwerman NVA helemts. very similar to the UK Mklll or MKIV turtle but more shallow.

The lead guy in the second rank does look to be the Polish WZ67 helmet.

Boy oh boy, between Libya and all their odd warsaw pact stuff and the uganadans and all the left over UK stuff, you could have anything show up.

Personal logo The Badger Sponsoring Member of TMP20 Jan 2024 2:10 p.m. PST

I know Poland was one of their leading suppliers of weapons at the time. I also agree I have looked many times and they do not all look the same….and these were supposedly the best equipped at the time…

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