Hi All,
I recently received an order placed with Anschluss Wargames in the UK, for a British (Early-Mid War) Infantry Platoon Pack of their new 12mm figures, which numbered around 80 pieces, and were cast/printed in resin.
I think they're rather nice, and thought a comparison alongside Victrix 12mm infantry (in this case their Germans), might be of interest to forum members.
The basic Anschluss set and the picture board set-up here (both figure lines were black-washed to bring out their details for the comparison pics)-
Here's B&W closeups showing an Anschluss British figure placed next to a Victrix German miniature (left-to-right).
I think the two lines are pretty compatible in their height, with the Anschluss figs having thinner bases.
The Anschluss minis have more girth, and their helmets appear bigger. I actually think the bigger helmets may have some advantages for on the tabletop (or perhaps comes from a personal preference for bigger heads/helmets on smallish minis).
All-in-all, I like both figure lines.
So far Anschluss only offers British and German Fallschirmjager infantry, plus some German 75mm AT Guns (assume they're FJR as there's no pic for them on the website), and a British 6pdr AT Guns and crews set (both sold as platoon packs as well).
Happy to see the 12mm (1/144th scale) support reflected by these quality offerings.