randolph2243 | 16 Jan 2024 12:35 p.m. PST |
I've searched the internet to no avail. Can someone post a link to a map/diagram that details the encampments or deployment positions of the individual BRITISH (Tory) units? I can find plenty of maps showing where the individual Patriot units deployed and their order of battle. But all the maps I can find show the general British position on the top of the mountain, without identifying individual units. I'm trying to wargame this battle and would like to make it reasonably historically accurate. Thanks for any help. |
epturner | 16 Jan 2024 1:44 p.m. PST |
Have to contacted the King's Mountain site? I believe, and this is over ten years ago, that when I visited the site, there was a map that showed the general dispositions of the Loyalist forces. Eric |
Bill N | 16 Jan 2024 1:52 p.m. PST |
It is not what you are asking for, but may be of interest to you. PDF link |
Extra Crispy  | 16 Jan 2024 2:12 p.m. PST |
Given the tiny size of the British camp maybe that info is simply not known? Could the units have all bene intermingled? |
epturner | 16 Jan 2024 2:13 p.m. PST |
Bill; Good golly, Miss Molly! That was fantastic. Thanks for sharing that. Eric |
epturner | 16 Jan 2024 2:14 p.m. PST |
Mark; Physically, the size of the camp wasn't tiny. And depending on the scale of the game, the layout of the camp might be important to the OP. Eric |
DisasterWargamer  | 16 Jan 2024 3:12 p.m. PST |
Not sure a lot of help – most maps it is vague This revolutionary war site claims "They were organized into four main units. With everyone in place, Ferguson waited for the Patriots to come and attack him. Ferguson parked his 17 wagons in a semi-circle on the northeast corner of the plateau. This is also where he established his headquarters and encampment." link |
Old Contemptible  | 16 Jan 2024 3:24 p.m. PST |
See if these work for you.
DisasterWargamer  | 16 Jan 2024 5:15 p.m. PST |
An interesting analysis of the battle and a variety of sources – author tries to reconcile the number of units and men listed in the different accounts and provides a chronology PDF link |
ezza123 | 17 Jan 2024 9:31 a.m. PST |
This could be of use and has a few maps showing the changing Loyalist positions as the battle progressed. Although the names of individual Loyalist units are not listed on the maps there may be some pointers to which units were positioned where within the text. PDF link Ezza |
ArmymenRGreat | 17 Jan 2024 10:11 a.m. PST |
Fun research question. I checked Campaigns of the American Revolution and the US Army's Staff Ride Handbook for Kings Mountain and neither have the detail you want. If you post something that looks convincing, it just might become "truth" going forward. The dangers of the internet. |
randolph2243 | 17 Jan 2024 10:43 a.m. PST |
Thanks for all who responded. What sparked my interest was that I recently visited the battlefield, took photos of all signs/markers listing positions. It was only after I returned home and decided to create a wargame, that I realized I had no idea where the individual Loyalist units were deployed. If I had noticed that initially, I would have asked the park ranger/historians for clarification. I have already collected the maps posted (the names listed on them are all Patriot units), and like you, have only found very generalized locations of the entire British command, but nothing on specific units. Since this was the British bivouac site, one would assume it was organized as to individual commands, which would make sense even for militia units (you generally hang out, eat, and sleep with your friends/neighbors rather than mixing with strangers. That's just human nature). |
randolph2243 | 17 Jan 2024 10:54 a.m. PST |
Well, I reached out to the battlefield park's website and sent the message below. I will keep members posted as to any information I obtain. ----------------------------------------------------------- To the Park Historian (hoping you have one): I recently visited the battlefield and greatly enjoyed it. I am a historical wargamer, meaning I re-create battlefields and re-fight the battles using painted miniature soldiers. I researched the position, deployment, and order of battle of the individual Patriot units, to include photographing signage at the battlefield park. But I was unable to locate any signage or online maps/diagrams that show the British Loyalist positions of INDIVIDUAL units. All I can find are the positions of the Loyalist as a whole. For example: Which side of the hilltop was the Little River Militia defending; north, south, east, west??? I am hoping you have information as to the individual Loyalist deployments. Perhaps this information is unknown. But if you can direct me to a diagram, map, or geographical descriptive memoir or other resource, I would be appreciative. Thank you. -Alan Randolph |
ArmymenRGreat | 17 Jan 2024 6:55 p.m. PST |
I also checked the West Point Revolutionary War atlas online. Not there either. |
randolph2243 | 18 Jan 2024 6:33 a.m. PST |
UPDATE: I received the following email from the battlefield's Park Ranger Holmes: Unfortunately, we do not have a historian at this park, but I believe that I may be of some assistance. The question you asked about the Loyalist positions is one for which there is no definitive answer. Most maps or diagrams related to the battle will either not depict the Loyalist positions or have them as a blob. Since this was a militia fight, such detail largely went unrecorded. However, I can offer you a map that was created by a couple of the park volunteers a number of years ago. This map was based on their research and represents their attempt to answer the very same question by combing through what sources they could find. Exactly what those were, I can only guess. Please note that neither was a trained historian. For your purposes, I would suggest using this map and the recent US Army Staff Ride Handbook for the battle which I have attached below. I hope this helps and please let us know if you have any other questions. armyupress.army.mil/Portals/7/educational-services/staff-rides/staff-ride-handbook-battle-of-kings-mountain-7-oct-1870.pdf Personally, I would be interested in seeing your set up and the results of the wargame. I have been looking into running a war game of the battle in the park, so any pointers would be appreciated. Robert Holmes Park Ranger National Park Service Kings Mountain NMP ============================================================ It appears the question of deployment may have been lost to time. It probably wasn't of interest or concern to the Patriot militia. They probably didn't care what Loyalist unit was where. They probably had more of a mentality of settling grudges, having an adventure, shooting anything on top of the hill, and a semi-mob mentality. And like themselves, since nearly all Loyalist units were not in uniform, none of the units were visibly distinguishable. I was delighted to read that Ranger Holmes is interested in wargaming the battle, and I will remain in contact with him, sending him rules, pictures, and order of battle for my game once it is played. Perhaps I can even assist him in hosting his game? |
DisasterWargamer  | 18 Jan 2024 12:02 p.m. PST |
In the book by Wood – Battles of the Revolutionary War link Has a map of Kings Mountain page 198 where he indicates 4 units where at the narrow of the "saddle" or as he calls it a "canoe paddle" initially until falling back to join the others at the wider part. Not sure if conjecture – he doesnt share a whole lot on exact positioning – other to talk about – he does mention Ferguson forming a 3 sided square (saw this referenced elsewhere as well) Some other useful scenario information might involve some of the militia having plug style bayonets and Ferguson sending out commands using a silver whistle Look forward to seeing what you come up with |
Old Contemptible  | 19 Jan 2024 3:28 p.m. PST |
I think you need to do more detailed research. I would select some secondary sources and read them with a highlighter. Mark anything that mentions the location of a unit or a loyalist soldier and record it on a legal pad. Then check the footnotes and chapter notes to see what primary sources were used to come up with that. Then find the primary sources and if you have a copy of them or download them. Then again take your highlighter to it. Look for letters, diaries, journals, or anything else that may help. I suspect a good number of the participants may be partially or wholly illiterate, however, I would think the Loyalists would have a higher percentage of those who can read and write, especially the officers. Also, check the Army War College as their students are often required to write a paper on various subjects and you would be surprised what you can find. Also, check YouTube for helpful videos I am a retired Curator of History and that is how I would approach it if I was doing an exhibit about the battle. |
DisasterWargamer  | 12 Sep 2024 9:39 a.m. PST |
link A new article sheds a little light |
Bill N | 13 Sep 2024 9:46 a.m. PST |
I don't see whether Ferguson having 800 men v. 900 v. 1100 and whether the OMM numbered 900 or 1300 matters. Regardless of which figures we use within those ranges we are talking about an action where the armies were close to evenly matched. As to applying Babits methodology to KM, that is a longer discussion. |