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Smialy192015 Jan 2024 6:47 a.m. PST

I've got an itch I've been wanting to scratch for a while; I've always wanted to have a range of VSF/Pulp miniatures that could essentially be described as "Turn of the century Steampunk Ruritania/Prussia with peaked caps." There isn't really much out there that really fits this exactly in the way I'd like, without a fair amount of compromise and messy conversions.
Instead, I was hoping to maybe find someone who might sculpt and make a small range of these guys in 28mm metal, in a sculpting style compatible with the bigger end of the scale (Copplestone, Brigade, GWM, North Star ect). Perhaps, five or six packs of four minis each. I've gathered this would be kinda expensive, but I'm not sure how much exactly, or who to really approach to do it. Any advice?

Frederick Supporting Member of TMP15 Jan 2024 11:44 a.m. PST

Hello! Maybe not exactly what you want, but have you thought about using the many, many parts available from Victoria Miniatures? Would spare the messy conversion work

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP15 Jan 2024 4:54 p.m. PST

Steve Barber Models will sculpt whatever you want. I believe 28s are $150 USD per foot figure.

bjporter15 Jan 2024 5:50 p.m. PST

Blue Moon had exactly such a pack in their horror range.

Smialy192016 Jan 2024 7:06 p.m. PST

@Victoria Ministures

I'd use those bits for 40k/gothic sci-fi in a heartbeat. For something semi historical…. I'm not sure if it will work.

Smialy192016 Jan 2024 7:13 p.m. PST

79thPA Steve Barber is in my list of people to ask! I've emailed them but no reply yet.

Smialy192016 Jan 2024 7:15 p.m. PST


Are you referring to the Zendarians from the Vampire Wars line?

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP18 Jan 2024 7:30 a.m. PST

Which would be Westwind? Don't think they were ever Blue Moon, but a) I'm pretty foggy about corporate trees, and b) Old Glory seems to have both.

How close are the Zendarian Troopers to your needs?


Smialy192019 Jan 2024 4:19 a.m. PST


They're kinda close, but the troopers don't have peaked caps and have gloves. I like the officers but they have revolvers (I'd prefer some kind of semi-auto, like a Luger).

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP19 Jan 2024 5:56 a.m. PST

I was thinking it might be the double breasted coats.

I seem to be confused by the definition of peaked, as I thought they WERE peaked caps, at least the ones on Old Glory as GH-31.

I'll admit a gun swap may be called for, though that's the kind of conversion even all-thumbs Doug will consider.

Thanks for the reply! Sorry we're striking out.


PS Ah, I think I've got it. Listed as 'troopers', the ones I refer to are what you call 'officers.'

PPS Mind, with buying a brace of each, doing a headswap, you might have four troopers for, sorry for using US but not knowing your location, $34. USD All-thumbs would be daunted, mind you…

TheBeast Supporting Member of TMP19 Jan 2024 12:59 p.m. PST

Just had a look at the site's painted figs, and some have gauntlet gloves, some don't, merely from how they're painted.

Do I at least get a 'base hit' on that?


Foxhole Terrain Company Sponsoring Member of TMP22 Feb 2024 5:46 p.m. PST

I would be happy to make VSF ships if you are interested.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP20 May 2024 12:16 a.m. PST

OP, did you ever find a sculptor?

The H Man01 Jul 2024 12:13 a.m. PST

I'm supposed to be pushing into the area (sculpting/casting) with no clue what to do, less some ideas from helpful chaps here.

I've just been sculpting a llama head.

Sorry, a T'llama head…

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