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"Another crack at the Halo franchise for wargaming...." Topic

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ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa05 Jan 2024 2:36 p.m. PST

As much as I have a soft spot for the Halo franchise can't say I'm excited. Hope its not an albatross for Mantic. Apparently its generated a bit of 'drama' already after it was said that a SPARTAN will be 40mm tall and that was taken to mean the game is going to be 40mm scale…. I'm going to hazard that its going to be something like 32mm rather 28mm, which also leaves me less interested.


Personal logo Parzival Supporting Member of TMP07 Jan 2024 6:54 a.m. PST

I bought a Halo miniatures tabletop "board" game a few years ago on deep clearance. It had miniatures for various troop types, plastic 3D terrain pieces that could be built into different structures providing levels and obstacles, and various objective markers which represented weapons caches or important goals. The figures were that soft "rubber" plastic, but generally well done. The game play, however, was mediocre. I donated it to my library teen department— it's probably gone by now; it never saw much play, despite being Halo. (The Risk Halo Wars game saw a bit more use.)

My guess is that this is supposed to tie into the new Halo streaming "TV" series. link
Never seen that, so don't know if its got the appeal to drive interest to a board game.

Curious question: Does the video-game to board/tabletop game transition work? Has it worked in the past? I've seen games with video-game themes (like a Mario Bros Monopoly), but thinking about it, I don't really recall a game attempting to create a close copy of the video game in a tabletop or even board game format ever building much steam. Even the other way around tends to get comparatively tepid response.

ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa07 Jan 2024 12:40 p.m. PST

Spartan Games crack at the franchise looked okay but I never managed to play either Ground Command or the fleet game – which IIRC was based on an existing rules set which did work. Halo miniatures also popped up in Heroclicks which obviously had a track record seemed to be a good game (I think I may have played it once years ago). But it was just content being used in an existing system.

I think there was a Eldar Scroll's miniatures game release relatively recently but no idea if it went anywhere. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head at the moment. The only other thing that pops to mind is Pokemon but that spawned a CCG which isn't a miniatures game!

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