"Cavalry to go with Kurusan Early Imperial Roman Infantry" Topic
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DaoolTMP | 26 Dec 2023 2:55 a.m. PST |
Shopping for a new army project and amconsidering what cavalry to use to go with the above figures … I like the look of their infantry but the cavalry not so much :-/ |
Swampster | 27 Dec 2023 4:48 a.m. PST |
I think this is one of their ranges which is more compatible in size with quite a few other ranges, unlike the 'Heroic' Trajanic range. It depends whether you want to go with the bearded look. Luckily, a lot of the cavalry helmets from the period have large cheek pieces so beards or lack of them would be covered anyway. I don't have this specific range, but other Khurasan figures I have from around the same time these were made would work with ranges including Forged in Battle, OG15s, Corvus Belli (now only in resin) and probably Essex. Forged in Battle's Illyrian cavalry link for this period look good but the poses on some of the other cavalry aren't so interesting. I have found this with some other ranges too – their Skythian archers are great but the spear holding armoured types are very staid. The 2nd century cavalry in their EIR range ought to suit as well. The specific Roman cataphracts are nice to see, though I think the armour on their horses is weaker than a lot of the other sculpting. If you wanted to add any FiB infantry for variety, there is some in the Back Catalogue section in the Dark Ages range as well OG15s do some suitable cavalry Their horses tend to be a bit bigger than FiB so I don't mix them on the same bases but okay in the same army. link There are suitable cavalry in their earlier and later Roman ranges too.
Corvus Belli are really for the early 2nd century but wouldn't be awful. The horse style again would stop me from mixing them with the others. Some Essex figures are smaller than others, so I can't comment on this specific range. There are quite a few printable ranges – they tend to focus on the 1st and early 2nd century but at least some of the cavalry would work. |