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"Perejil/Parsley Island Garrison 1808-1814" Topic

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Lilian25 Dec 2023 2:23 p.m. PST

the 28th march 1808 300 British soldiers from Gibraltar took this small (0,15 kmē/15 ha/37 acres) rocky islet 200 meters off Moroccan coast (theater of a spanish-moroccan border incident in 2002)

a French napoleonic source precises that the British evacuated the islet the 15 october of the same year 1808, others on wikipedia "until 1813"

It seems that the British didn't really seize the islet but only renforced a spanish detachment from Ceuta already present

who is right
which units are concerned by this affair

Oliver Schmidt26 Dec 2023 1:53 a.m. PST

It seems "the light company of the 42nd, with a small detachment of artillery and two Officers of Engineers" were sent to take the island in 1808:


Prince of Essling26 Dec 2023 4:50 a.m. PST

Nice find Oliver,

Article in Spanish on the history, unfortunately no clue as to the UK troops involved: link

Lilian26 Dec 2023 12:28 p.m. PST

Thank you!

well hard to imagine 200 or 300 soldiers concentrated in such place, more when you look it on googlemaps…

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