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"Priming 28mm on the sprue?" Topic

7 Posts

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Trajanus23 Dec 2023 8:09 a.m. PST

Don't know why it popped into my head to ask but anyone out there spraying primer while their plastic figures are still on the sprue?

Seems like it could have some advantages, with a possible downside of having to touch in various places prior to assembly.

Any thoughts?

Perris0707 Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2023 8:26 a.m. PST

I prime some parts on the sprue, but not the main body parts. I assemble those parts first for better glue adhesion. But I prime shields and other parts on the sprues. I find they tend to blow away when I am spray painting them.

Personal logo Grelber Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2023 9:20 a.m. PST

I have just enough experience to appreciate Perris' comment about things blowing away when sprayed! If you have plans for the sprue material (heating it up and stretching it to make radio antennas, for example), the primer may cause problems. If you are just going to throw the sprues away, this is not a problem.


Trajanus23 Dec 2023 10:13 a.m. PST

Actually, it was shields that first made me think about doing it – having to prime them white for Little Big Man transfers.

I though I might stretch the idea to the rest of the frame.

BrockLanders23 Dec 2023 10:47 a.m. PST

I tried it for my Victrix Persians but after assembling them and then having to go back and touch up due to handling and glue I decided it wasn't worth the hassle. Definitely convenient for shields and smaller parts though

d88mm194023 Dec 2023 11:28 a.m. PST

I put a tiny dollop of white glue at the point where I am glueing. For instance: a Victrix soldier. I'll put the drop on the neck and shoulders. However, one must spray after the white glue sets, but before it gets too dry, maybe 10-15 minutes.
Too soon and the glue runs off. Too late and it dries and flakes off.
After spraying it's just a matter of flicking the dried glue off!

dantheman23 Dec 2023 4:45 p.m. PST

28mm I glue and then prime. Generally the opposite from what I was told as a kid.

1/72 and 15mm I prime and paint on the sprue if there is little to no assembly.

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