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"Myths and Realities of Colonialism" Topic

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Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP22 Dec 2023 9:11 p.m. PST

"My only claim to fame in regards to colonial scholarship rests on a paper I wrote for an Honors course in Western Civilization as an undergraduate. The paper won a spot at an Honors consortium held at Stanford, so I was able to do even more research on the subject. The following post is a summation of my research in blog form.

The first task I have is to explain what colonialism is not. Colonialism is not a European invention or concept designed specifically to keep non-white people down. The myth of the evil white colonialist is one of the most pernicious myths espoused today, and for a couple of big reasons. The first reason is that colonialism has been around for a long time. Today, the Han practice colonialism through the fascist Chinese state. In the 19th century, the Ashanti practiced colonialism throughout their slave-trading empire. The Ottoman Turks practiced colonialism until their empire collapsed in 1923 (and with it a 600 year period of colonialism). The theocratic Javanese state of Mataram practiced colonialism until its demise in the 17th century. The Incan state was also well-versed in colonial practices…"

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35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2023 6:09 a.m. PST

Interesting article Tango. Refreshing from the current trend of "white evil" articles that seem to propagate currently.

I've said it before, all races have done and practiced evil things, against other races and their own.

Perris070723 Dec 2023 9:27 a.m. PST

35th +1

oldjarhead23 Dec 2023 9:58 a.m. PST

35th could not agree more

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2023 3:12 p.m. PST

Happy you enjoyed it boys…


Festerfest23 Dec 2023 4:07 p.m. PST

Well as Mom said, "Just because everyones doing it doesn't make it right."

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2023 5:37 p.m. PST

The current attitude kinda reminds me of an old Mad Magazine comic.

Game of high school baseball. The two bullies both strike out as does the skinny kid who comes up to bat next. The bullies respond with "you lost the game".

The last ones to get into the colonial game and decided it didn't work, get the blame.

Stryderg23 Dec 2023 10:36 p.m. PST

Heeeyyy, that's the same rule we apply at work…the last person to quit/get fired gets the blame. Seems to work well enough when they're not around any more.

Col Durnford Supporting Member of TMP24 Dec 2023 8:08 a.m. PST

Colonialism has changed in the 21st century. We now call it migration and the people who do it are given help and support by some tribes of the native people.

Arjuna24 Dec 2023 8:55 a.m. PST

Being the only one to be condemned for colonialism and slavery in its past, by parts of its population is probably the price "Western societies" have to pay for the invention of universal human rights, civil rights, individual and religious freedom, democracies, and welfare states.

Tango01 Supporting Member of TMP24 Dec 2023 3:18 p.m. PST



marco56 Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2023 6:57 a.m. PST

Without the Evil White Man I would hate to see what the rest of the world would look like. I'm not saying colonialism was good but without western civilatizon it would be quite a Dark Age for the world.

Phillip H15 Jan 2024 6:11 p.m. PST

As an American, I'm glad that my forebears threw off European imperialism. As a U.S. American, I'm sad that our Republic has in turn taken up the racket (to the profit of a few at the expense of most citizens).

As for ‘whiteness', that's a load of rubbish in which I have no investment because I've no interest in getting played as a rube.

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