Update – 15 December
Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to provide constructive feedback or commentary on the changes to Forces.
Here are Battlefront we view Forces as being one of the three ways to prepare your armies for gaming.
In our hobby there is a huge amount of time and effort (as well as cost) spent to balance the game to hopefully provide a fun experience for all our customers. Over the past 16 months we have spent considerable time on Dynamic Points for Mid War and plan to continue this work in to the future with a focus on more than just Mid War.
We take the task of reviewing pricing, whether it be for models, books, cards and accessories or digital items, very seriously and feel that we still provide exceptional value for money across the board, whether it is our Starter Sets and Army Deals, Books, pre-painted Battlefield in a Box terrain, and yes, Forces Of War, which has had its first price increase since the launch in 2014.
The suggestion that we include codes in future books is something we have been working on for some time and are now at a stage we hope we can include this with the next late war book release.
We also want to reiterate, if you don't want to unlock the card functionality there is no need to spend anything extra. You will retain access to ALL of your existing lists as they are now.
Flames Of War has been around for more than 20 years, and it is our mission in life that this continues for many more years.
Thank you.
Peter, Chris and the BF team