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"Nice Rotary Toolkit on Amazon" Topic

3 Posts

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674 hits since 11 Dec 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP11 Dec 2023 9:29 a.m. PST

Surfing through, I found a sweet deal on a new-to-me, Rotary Tool, with the flex shaft attachment included with a host of attachments, and a nice carrying case, for $40 USD‌ (10,000-35,000 RPM, 180 Watts). I watched a review video on Amazon, so I know that it is loud.

Several years ago, my trusty Ryobi rotary tool finally died, after 10+ years. I could not find a replacement that I liked, so I went to Harbor Freight, and I took a chance on their Chicago Electric Rotary Tool, currently $25 USD‌ (8,000-35,000 RPM, 160 Watts). The HF tool has no flex shaft… It's nice, it does the job, and it, too, is very loud.

The Amazon tool comes with a lot of extra's which make it a pretty sweet deal. I wish I had a flex-shaft attachment. I got accessories with my HF unit, but not as many, no flex-shaft, no carrying case for everything.

Sorry to shill a product, but this is a sweet deal, IMO. My HF unit is now around 5+ years old, and it is going strong (and loud!). Note that both of these units are 100% compatible with Dremel attachments! My moto-tool is one of my favorite tools for crafting, but mine gets a lot of use outside of crafting, in my garage, and around my house, as well. It is an indispensable tool. I am sorely tempted to order this Amazon unit just for the flex-shaft, the carrying case, and all of the included tool attachments! All of it would be incredibly useful. Dremel is good, but you are paying a premium for their brand name, IMO. Cheers!

JMcCarroll11 Dec 2023 1:17 p.m. PST

Thanks for the info!

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP12 Dec 2023 2:01 a.m. PST

Thanks for sharing. I have the HF one myself and rarely use it, but appreciate your sharing the information.

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