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"1/56 Gear Krieg models - if you don't have a 3D printer..." Topic

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Saginaw08 Dec 2023 6:10 a.m. PST

…are there services available to print them? If so, will there be a fee involved or not?

Thank you.

pzivh43 Supporting Member of TMP08 Dec 2023 8:07 a.m. PST

I know there are printing services available, and I would expect they would charge you to print a model (capitalism and all that).

DeRuyter08 Dec 2023 10:21 a.m. PST

Yes and if you search TMP or on Wargaming3d you will find their info.

I have a printer so don't have the printing services info to hand.

Personal logo Flashman14 Supporting Member of TMP08 Dec 2023 1:46 p.m. PST

I was just about to ask this same question.

From Wargaming 3D "PLEASE NOTE: We only sell digital files for 3D Printing, we do not sell printed models."

Covert Walrus08 Dec 2023 7:36 p.m. PST

Does your local makerspace or library not offer a 3D printing service?

Mine do.

dmclellan09 Jul 2024 10:55 a.m. PST

My local library has a 3d printer service. It's a filament printer. It is not accessible by the public. All files are printed by library staff
Their Terms of Use include:
…..expect a two to three week wait between submitting you order and receiving your printed product
…..users may only submit one request per month
…..if a print fails, you will have to submit a new request
…..STL files only, must fit within a 250mm x 250mm x 250mm print bed, and the print run must take no longer than two hours.
…..files that exceed size or time limits may be reduced to fit before printing.

You can, however, cram any number of models that will fit on to the built plate.

Lot of deal breakers for me in their terms of use.

Wonder why I do not consider them an option?

greenknight4 Sponsoring Member of TMP11 Jul 2024 4:59 a.m. PST does custom printing

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