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"Kobold Army - A Kennel of Kobolds" Topic

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Personal logo Mars Miniatures Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2023 7:59 p.m. PST

From full post here: link

Here is a Kobold Army – A Kennel of Kobolds

Its a canine tsunami! No fire hydrant is safe from them. They will lift a leg and mark their territory. And the pissing will not stop there!

So Kobolds have a greek mythological origin? The Kobaloi. Cool.

I went for a blue color scheme.Why? Apparently the blue mineral Cobalt is named after Kobolds! I guess the Kobolds play tricks with miners and change gold and precious metals into Cobalt for shits and giggles. Dogs might be a man's best friend, but I dont think Dwarves and Kobolds are going to be friends.


The Moon Dog Tribe marches to the sound of barks and howls. Awoooooo! Oh those raucous devil-dogs!


They are led by a Gnoll hero leader, some Kobold leaders, and supported by Kobold Clerics. Kobold Clerics pray to the Great Sky Dog. *points to Crom* Your god lives beneath him!


Here are the ranged missile troopers. Crossbows, Slingers, and Bows.


Kobolds with Axes, Maces and Clubs.


A large unit of Kobolds armed with spears.

Some possible future reinforcements: wolves, wargs, blink dogs, maybe a 3 headed Cerberus. Going to have to find more dog-themed monsters in myth and miniatures.


From full post here: link

Eumelus Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2023 8:14 p.m. PST

Hooray! I thought I was the only one who had cobalt-blue kobolds! Great army, great job!

Personal logo Mars Miniatures Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2023 8:22 p.m. PST

All hail my fellow Blue Kobold masonic lodge brother! The Great Blue Sky Dog sees all!

Zephyr107 Dec 2023 10:02 p.m. PST

Fo a dog-themed monster, look for some Anubis warriors (I know somebody makes them, but can't remember who.) But note that they'll be larger than and have more muscles than the kobolds will… ;-)

Personal logo Mars Miniatures Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2023 10:41 p.m. PST

Good call buddy. Im thinking you mean WarGods of Egyptus. Oh and Dragonbait does anubis warriors too!

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP08 Dec 2023 8:15 a.m. PST

Actually, Red Box makes an Anubis Army, 1/72 scale, or around 25mm tall.

I painted mine with black skin, with a blue wash, to bring out the details: link.

I am painting my Kobold army with a dark brown skin. Need to finish them: entire army is 80%+ done, been that way for years. Hoping to get them across the finish line in the next few months. Cheers!

Personal logo Mars Miniatures Supporting Member of TMP08 Dec 2023 4:14 p.m. PST

@Sgt Slag,
Thanks for the Red Box Anubises (Anubi?)
I also have some Otherworld Kobolds coming in. I will paint those up in red/brown skin colors as a different Kobold tribe. And I would probably paint up my Anubis tribe in black tones too.

Personal logo gamertom Supporting Member of TMP08 Dec 2023 5:21 p.m. PST

Those Kobolds are obviously using short-bows.

Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP11 Dec 2023 9:00 a.m. PST

In 1e AD&D's Monster Manual, Gary Gygax listed several colors for Goblins: brick red, yellow, and dull orange. I chose brick red, thinking I would paint other Goblins according to the other colors, to make up different tribes…

Currently, I have 220+ Goblin figures -- all brick red! I liked the color so much, I just went with it, but I also went with it because I wanted a horde of them. I got my horde. LOL! I like the idea of different tribes, of different colors, but I just can't bring myself to paint them other than brick red. I guess I am stuck in a rut.

My Goblins always get severely beaten, in every game they play in. That is also one factor pushing me to make them all the same tribal color: to give them a better fighting chance of winning due to sheer numbers. So far, that has not really helped them much. LOL!

My Kobolds could be done in different colors, as well, but I only have around 40 of these figures. The 40 figures do not a horde make. Can't bring myself to buy additional figures of Kobolds and Goblins, to make up additional tribal hordes.

Gary states that 1e AD&D Kobolds range from rusty brown, to rusty black, in skin color. I may use an orange dry brush on my Kobolds, to see how that looks. Gary had a knack for colors, in my experience. It's been great fun to explore his specified colors on my figures.

I have Gnomes and Dwarves, as well as Goblins, Kobolds, and Orcs. My desire is to run some battles in caves and cavern systems, for the Wee Folk. I think it would be a blast to run such battles. Everyone would have Short Bows, so the playing field would be level: in surface battles, the Goblin Short Bowmen get decimated by Elven and Human Long Bows, long before the Goblins reach Long Range for their Short Bows; by that point, they've been soaking up Long Bow arrows for a couple of of turns, and their diminishing numbers reflect that. Their stumpy legs' short movement distances also make their numbers shrink as they march to meet their enemies in battle. This works against all of the Stumpy Races, though, when they fight larger, faster moving, Long Bow wielding races. Cheers!

Personal logo Mars Miniatures Supporting Member of TMP11 Dec 2023 12:38 p.m. PST

Was that a dig at my vertically challenged Kobolds?
Would be funny if they actually carried longbows but didnt have the strength or height to use them. ;p

Sgt Slag,
If I didnt have the habit of selling off my figures through the years, Id be knee deep in the critters myself. Im afraid to think of how many Goblin/Kobold figures I would now have. Its like dinosaur apocalypses, but for minis with me. Just from GW warhammer alone, it must be in the thousand range. And the LOTR goblins I believe ran up to 500 at one point. Then Ral Partha, Heritage, and all the other companies…

Well, its never too late in life to rebuild! and Dwarves were my obsession the past decade or so.

At the moment I have 60 kobolds, 20 Orcs, 12 bugbears. Oh and another 30 kobolds on order. To start an army for my upcoming Knights & Magick campaign with some fine folks in Maryland. Might have to do some Batttlesystem while we are at it too!

I do have an affinity for old school fantasy sources, but I do like to give things my own personal touch when it comes to monster colors. Like my Teal colored Orcs, and Cobalt colored Kobolds! I plan to have a whole range of Skittle colored beasties in different tribes.


Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP12 Dec 2023 7:34 a.m. PST

I have two different sets of Dwarves: the taller figures are Mountain Dwarves, the shorter figures are Hill Dwarves. I think most D&D players forget there were two varieties, well, in 1e/2e versions of the game there were. LOL!

That is what I love about fantasy gaming: it's all fantasy, so you can make stuff up out of whole cloth, and there is nothing wrong with that! Gary Gygax, Dave Arneson, and all of the other D&D writers did it. I took that license for myself, even though I do try to follow in Gary's espoused vision. He really had some talent with colors. It is fun to paint according to his designs, as it gives me a chance to see things through his eyes. I'm not a slave to his vision, however. LOL! I deviate from the written descriptions, quite often.

Fantasy is a hoot, for me, and for my fellow gamers. We love a good, large, complex 2e BattleSystem game. My last game had plenty of diverse races on both sides of the tabletop. Everyone had plenty to keep them busy, mentally, and physically. It was a good time, for everyone, based on the after-game talk.

2e BattleSystem is an under-rated game. It is actually quite good, covering everything, in a playable way; minimal bookkeeping; plenty of dice rolling, plenty of justification for owning bags full of dice. LOL! We've been playing it since the early 1990's. We even use aerial troops in it, siege warfare, and other weird stuff, occasionally.

The 2e AD&D book, Artifacts and Relics, has a drawing of an artifact, which is basically a Mech! It would be relatively easy to build a model of it, for the tabletop. I hope to do that, in a couple of years, just because it would be a hoot to play it in the game. I am pretty sure my local fellow gamers have all read about it, in the 1e Dungeon Masters Guide, back in the 1980's, as most of us are in our 50's, having played 1e/2e AD&D, for years.

I'm having a blast exploring the D&D realms that Gary and Dave created, seeing them according to their vision, but with my own adaptations, as well. It's like getting into the TARDIS, with Dr. Who, and going back in time, to Lake Geneva… Cheers!

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