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Tomsurbiton06 Dec 2023 9:35 a.m. PST

I have just bought a battalion of the above from Offensive Miniatures. The centre company figures have the same tall shako plume as the flank companies; can anyone advise as to the colour(s) with which to paint the centre company plumes, please?

IronDuke596 Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2023 9:54 a.m. PST

Haythornthwaite's Peninsular Uniform Book, Plate 61, text, states, "Grenadiers and Voltigeurs had French distinctions, and fusiliers green, sky-blue, yellow and violet for companies 1-4 respectively. Numerous conflicting versions exist; see Uniforms of the Retreat from Moscow, Plate 24."

Note the aforementioned refers to the 4th, 7th and 9th regiments, which served in Spain.

"Uniforms of the Retreat from Moscow", Plate 24;" states 'fusiliers usually had a ball-tuft' [but the plate shows the French style of uniform with French shako]…It also states that "No general rules can be given due to the large number of regimental variations."; p. 123. Unique variations are detailed for a bugler 16th Regiment, an officer 7th, a private 8th and Volitgeur 12th.

There is more detail such as voltigeurs should wear a moustache and grenadiers both a moustache and side whiskers but fusiliers should be clean shaven; etc.; p.124.

I am going for fusiliers green, sky-blue, yellow and violet for my D of W Peninsular regiments.

I hope this information is of some help.

IronDuke596 Supporting Member of TMP07 Dec 2023 10:06 a.m. PST

Addendum to the above, I just noted that the Murawski Miniatures site shows all fusiliers of the center companies with white ball tufts.

Tomsurbiton07 Dec 2023 10:40 a.m. PST

Thank you, Iron Duke; that last rather confirms my thought that centre companies/ fusiliers had ball tufts, flank companies/voltigeurs the longer plumes. I'm no expert, and am happy to be contradicted.

Prince of Essling08 Dec 2023 8:40 a.m. PST

Page 261 of Chelminski & Malibran "L'Armee du Duche de Warsaw" concerning the clothing decree has fusilier pompons as "noir" i.e. black.

Grenadiers were decreed to wear the "bonnet a poil" with red cords & plume whilst voltigeurs were to a shako (!) with yellow cords a yellow & green plume.

Some of text of the above book & excellent illustrations in colour can be seen link

Prince of Essling08 Dec 2023 1:46 p.m. PST

To clarify my post above: The Reglement on Uniforms quoted was promulgated by Prince Poniatowski on 3 September 1810.

The initial Duchy of Warsaw uniforms in 1807 were for plumes, pompon, epaulettes & cords: red for grenadiers, yellow for voltigeurs & bleu clair (light blue) for fusiliers.

Tomsurbiton10 Dec 2023 9:00 a.m. PST

Thanks gentlemen, your advice is much appreciated.

Prince of Essling10 Dec 2023 1:28 p.m. PST

Here is the Histofig drawing:


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