"Jasper and Oxford's personal banners" Topic
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HappyHiker | 30 Nov 2023 3:03 a.m. PST |
Does anyone know what Jasper Tudor and Oxfords(John deVere) Personal banners looked like ? (and maybe a link to a printable version) Not their coat of arms, but their long banner that their standard bearer would carry ? I can see a version of Jasper Tudors on Ebay thats like Henry Tudors but with a green/gold border and different wording, but Ebay isnt a very historical resource :-) Cant find Oxfords anywhere. Also any one know what Jasper/Henry tudor's banner actual says 'droit etmon' doesnt translate in latin or welsh. 'droit et mon' could mean day and night ? |
aegiscg47 | 15 Dec 2023 10:54 a.m. PST |
Pete's Flags on Ebay.uk has 28mm sheets for Jasper Tudor and Oxford. Each sheet has the long rally point standard, a standard for household troops/cavalry/other troops, and a personal standard. Some sheets have multiple flags for the troops. auction |
MacColla | 22 Dec 2023 1:10 p.m. PST |
The motto on Henry Tudor's standard reads "Dieu et Mon Droit" – it's French and (still) the motto of the Royal Family. The motto on Jasper Tudor's standard reads "Rebus in Arduis Constans" – it's Latin. The breaks between words don't necessarily correspond with the breaks between lines; it appears the painter of the standard changed lines when he ran out of room – as happens with "Arduis" on Jasper's. |