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"Battle for the tenth hall" Topic

3 Posts

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571 hits since 28 Nov 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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nugrim28 Nov 2023 11:15 a.m. PST

The dwarves bring battle to their ancestral foe in the deeps of Moria


Personal logo Sgt Slag Supporting Member of TMP28 Nov 2023 1:14 p.m. PST

Nice figures, nice terrain, nice game write-up. My Goblin horde always gets slaughtered… Always, every game, over the last 25+ years.

I would recommend visiting your local fabric stores. They always seem to have some fabric pattern for a good underground ground cloth. I found this mottled style, around 20 years ago, in my local JoAnne's Fabric Store. Here is another shot, showing it closer up.

Fabric ground cloths work exceptionally well: wash & dry to clean, and revitalize; ironing is optional. I try to go with a cotton-polyester blend, as pure cotton is too hard to keep wrinkle-free. My wife owns a Serger sewing machine, so I finish the edges of the ground cloths with that, to avoid fraying.

I've found patterns that work for various terrain types, including swamps, concrete roadways, grassy terrain, and more. I put plastic swamp plants on top of the odd oval shapes for swamps; I put cake decorator trees on top of wooded patterns of cloth, to mark out woods on the tabletop. These two techniques are not diorama-like, at all, but they are wholly functional, and they give us hard definitions of where the terrain changes occur, making it easier to play.

My wife makes quilts, so I had her combine a gray concrete-like fabric pattern with a mottled green, grass-like pattern, to make a ground cloth for my 54mm Army Men games: it appears as square city blocks, with concrete roadways crisscrossing it; I just place ruins and building sections atop it, and game. I love using fabric ground cloths… Cheers!

nugrim29 Nov 2023 7:52 a.m. PST

If I bought something it would be a vynil mat, more detalied and easer to clean up if it gets dirty

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