"SS Camouflage smock alternative patterns?" Topic
6 Posts
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4th Cuirassier  | 24 Nov 2023 4:06 a.m. PST |
Was there ever a variant of the above for desert or mountainous regions? I'm familiar with the greeny-tan variants seen in NWE and the Eastern Front, but I am wondering if there were any other variants. |
VonBlucher | 24 Nov 2023 6:41 a.m. PST |
None that I've seen. The last variant being produced was Leibermuster in 1945 but was issued on a very limited basis to combat units before the war ended. Also, the only Camo listed for use by both Heer & SS combat units. |
Artilleryman | 24 Nov 2023 12:30 p.m. PST |
VonBlucher has it. As far as I am aware, the only camouflage worn in the desert was that of the Fallschirmjager in Brigade Ramcke in North Africa and that was not specifically designed. I suppose the closest to desert camouflage was the faded hot weather uniforms of the DAK itself. |
4th Cuirassier  | 28 Nov 2023 2:02 a.m. PST |
Thanks chaps. I was sort of wondering if the apparent reversibility gave a different scheme on either side but I guess not. |
Just Jack  | 28 Nov 2023 8:10 a.m. PST |
Check out the Herman Goering Division, they apparently wore desert uniforms with camo smocks (looks like spring and fall oak leaf pattern) in Tunisia, Sicily, and Italy. V/R, Jack |
Artilleryman | 29 Nov 2023 5:12 p.m. PST |
4th Cuirassier, the smocks were generally speaking reversible but it was usually an spring/autumn sort of combo for European terrain. |