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752 hits since 20 Nov 2023
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

jhancock20 Nov 2023 4:55 p.m. PST

I'm having trouble finding internet articles or images of the Battle Valor Halflings compared to other BV figures or other 15mm figures for a size comparison.

Only images seem to be from the website or TMP and they are only images of the BV Halflings with nothing for comparison.

Are they 8 or 9 mm from foot to top of the head? I know BV figures generally run large at 18mm heroic scale.

Anyone help me out? Thanks!

HMS Exeter21 Nov 2023 9:39 p.m. PST

Contact the vendor. He's pretty accommodating. Don't be super surprised if he offers to send you some samples.

Albus Malum28 Jan 2024 8:51 a.m. PST

I think BattleValor announced that he was suspending sales after the first of January to get caught up on lots of projects including Kickstarters he hasnt fulfilled yet.

The ones I have from BV measure about 13-14mm from bottom of foot, to top of head, which is fine for me, as I kind of like the 18mm version of 15mm better then the true 15mm. They will mix in well with other BV miniatures as well as mix well with Demonworld miniature, the two miniature brands that make the bulk of my 15mm armies.

I have also started 3d printing some for 15mm also, and I try to scale things based on my Demonworld miniatures which are mostly 18mm ish.

Of the Battlevalor line, the Orc tend to be one of the larger of the lines, think of them as orcs are larger then humans. I think orcs can have some size variety.

Most of the Battle Valor miniatures tend to scale in at being 18mm miniatures and are a good match with Demonworld miniatures. Of the BV miniatuares, the dark elves tend to be on the smaller size.

Splintered light has some good miniatures also, they tend to be more true 15mm sized.

Not sure which version you want, 15mm sized 15mm or the 18mm sized 15mm.

Anyways hope that helps.

ALso if you want human based troops for your 15mm army, check out Museum miniatures, they are currently having a 25% off sale that ends at the end of January. They have 3d digitally sculpted miniatures cast in metal that they have been offering for a few years along with their traditionally sculpted miniatures, but currently no fantasy. they are quite nice though!

Hope that helps

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