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"Five Parsecs From Home Original vs. "Dramatic" Combat Rules" Topic

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codiver20 Nov 2023 8:04 a.m. PST

I recently learned about Five Parsecs From Home, and picked up the rules. A buddy of mine started playing coop, and we've played one battle using the original combat rules. In the second supplement, there are a new set of "Dramatic" combat rules and revised weapon stats. According to the supplement, these new rules modify "combat to be more dramatic, particularly resulting in more movement during a firefight" and address "a slight imbalance between the rules for ranged and melee-only combatants."

For those who have played both, do the "Dramatic" combat rules really result in more movement, and if so how? Is it really worth playing them instead of the original? My first inclination is I like the original 3+ to hit targets in the open within 6"…

dragon6 Supporting Member of TMP21 Nov 2023 7:04 p.m. PST

Pick and choose. I like the game a bunch but I do find the additions complex. Currently up to 3 now.

codiver22 Nov 2023 1:24 p.m. PST

Yes dragon6, I'm aware I can pick and choose what rules to use. What I am looking for is data on which combat rules to use, based on other player's experiences. Specifically WRT the claim the "dramatic" combat rules and revised weapon stats result in more movement during a firefight.

I am definitely in agreement with Frank Chadwick, who in the Designer's Notes of the original Command Decision related "you can never have too much movement." I just don't see how the "dramatic" combat rules and revised weapon stats lead to that result.

codiver22 Nov 2023 1:50 p.m. PST

A follow up, and first, sorry if that sounded a little snarky.

I also posted my question on Boardgamegeek, and I responded to a gentleman named Brian with a more detailed explanation of my question: Not withstanding the "Duck Back" and Lunge" rules, the "dramatic" rules, without the 3+ to hit within 6" in the open, takes away the incentive to maneuver into a position to get that shot. If your To Hit chance is always 5+ in the open or 6+ in cover, why maneuver? You might as well just shoot. The "Duck Back" just means you might have to move back to a position where you were shooting before, and it also seems odd the chance is the same for every model.

So please, FPFH players out there that have preferably played both combat rules, but at least the "dramatic" rules, explain to me why I'm wrong.

dragon6 Supporting Member of TMP22 Nov 2023 5:56 p.m. PST

Go here

You will find an amazing collection of gamers able to advise you, including Ivan Sorensen, the author. Kwel guy.

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