Paskal, you never know until you get them.
Seriously – too many differences between companies, or even as agreement on what 'N'-scale is, and there's even difference in claimed 1/144th or 1/160th size scaling. So……
You try to order as much from one company as possible from the start (who that is will be for your judgement).
Then at least the majority of each national force in your collection (say for the French models), will supposedly be in-scale with themselves.
On the tabletop then, your French vehicles should look sized right between each of them – the Germans (if off-scale slightly won't necessarily look oddly so……as long as they're sized right between themselves).
Again, and seriously, that's about the best you can do in 'sizing' (stick as much with one manufacturer, if that's possible for availability).
After awhile, you'll pat yourself on the back for having pulled off your collecting. ;) :)))
Scalefiend Miniatures are resin.