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"Mashing up Ad Mech and Historicals" Topic

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ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa18 Nov 2023 3:22 a.m. PST

Recently picked up some current Ad Mech plastic bits and started playing around with them. Used a few on some fantasy Orcs and they worked really nicely. Now I want to do some techno-barbarian humans. I have some Perry medieval plastics kicking around but they are too small and realistically proportioned. Can anyone suggest any 28mm historical or fantasy multi-part plastic human figures that have a more heroic heft that will scale better with GWs Ad Mech?

Prince Rupert of the Rhine18 Nov 2023 3:43 a.m. PST

Saw this on facebook this morning he mixed Forstgrave and Atlantic miniatures plastics and Admech together seems to work. So you might be able to mix them with Frostgrave Barbarians or tribals from the other Frostgrave spin off that the name escapes me to create techno barbarians.


Griefbringer18 Nov 2023 11:48 a.m. PST

Typical 28 mm historicals may be a bit on the slim side to go with those bits, so might be better to look for the fantasy side. Frostgrave barbarians were already mentioned.

GW itself does some pretty savage plastic barbarian humans. Back in the WHFB days these used to be called Chaos Marauders, in the AoS range they are called something else that I cannot recall right now (bloodreavers?). Also in the WH40K series there are plastic Catachan jungle fighters, which are rather savage and not particularly heavily clothed.

ROUWetPatchBehindTheSofa19 Nov 2023 3:07 a.m. PST

Thanks, Frostgrave is beginning to look like the obvious choice and I can pick up a sprue to check without too much trouble. To me the Ad Mech seem at bit slighter than the odd IG plastics I have which makes me wonder how well they'd work with AoS stuff which looks quite buff even in terms of GWs more normal heroic 28mm. Have considered what passes for Chaos Thugs/Marauders in AoS. Cost and extra effort in making them look a little less chaotic has kinda put me off (mostly cost). Plastic Catachan's is something I have picked up recently but they are badly built and painted and possibly not even salvageable – they were free so can't really say anything.

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