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Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP20 Dec 2023 12:44 p.m. PST

Well, I don't think I said anything about welcoming illegals! Looking around at who is working at these low paying jobs, I see an awful lot of people who at least appear to have come from other countries. I don't know for sure if they are legal.
You remember the illegal minors who were discovered maintaining cutting blades and other equipment on the overnight shift at meat processing factories last year. Landscaping crews, restaurants, roofers, etc. some of these people work their butts off.

We agree about securing the border at least – step one, get the manpower and resources down there ASAP.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP20 Dec 2023 1:52 p.m. PST

I just watched a newsman interview 10 men crossing the border. Asked them where they are from. Mexico? Guatemala? Nicaragua? Venezuela? No…. India.

The president needs to get on every news channel and announce the borders ARE CLOSED! All will be turned back, either peacefully or by force. Announce he is placing armed troops on our borders. Declare sanctuary, cities and zones illegal and any politician who does not discontinue them will be fined and prosecuted. Any employer who employs illegals will be heavily fined. All these fines can only be used to return illegals. Also declare any anchor baby under 6, whose parents are still illegal, to no longer be a U.S. citizen. Discontinue the policy of automatic citizenship for an illegal's child, if you birth that child on US soil. No more anchor babies.

It's a start.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP20 Dec 2023 3:40 p.m. PST

Subject: 'Coalition of the Unwilling': U.S. Won't Attack Houthis, Can't Get Major Arab Countries to Join Effort Openly


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP20 Dec 2023 8:21 p.m. PST

Multiple outlets report the following countries committed to join immediately:
UK, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain. Others are expected in the next few days. Some are sending or have sent naval units, others will work intel. This will allow for an international response to Iranian-led attacks from the Houthis.

Shipping firms are reconsidering their rerouting plans. I heard a UK rep say they would prefer no strikes against the Houthis. Apparently concerned about escalation. But the USN indicated more than a week ago that strike plans are in place. We will see how this plays out.

Inch High Guy21 Dec 2023 6:08 a.m. PST

At the minimum the radar sites should be hit and route the ships to stay over the horizon. Eliminate their targeting information. I don't understand why Iran is getting a free pass on their shenanigans.

SBminisguy21 Dec 2023 7:24 a.m. PST

I don't understand why Iran is getting a free pass on their shenanigans.

Can't mess with Obama's brilliant Iran engagement and empowerment strategy!

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2023 7:38 a.m. PST

China imports a lot of oil from Iran.

We also have allies who still import as well.

2 possible reasons we will not hit their oil again?

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2023 7:57 a.m. PST

Good points, 35th. Although I find this immensely frustrating, I knew there were considerations of some sort that were not being made public. China has a naval presence there, but they are standing off. Bigger things going on than just Houthis.

The free pass drives me nuts. Ultimately neutralizing Iran is the key to the ME, if there is such a thing.

Inch High Guy21 Dec 2023 8:20 a.m. PST

Iranian oil exports are separate, although I do support putting those on the table.

Eliminating the Houthi's ability to target neutral shipping does not effect Iranian oil exports. In fact, it strengthens world trade (including oil) by allowing the shorter transit route through the Suez Canal versus the longer and more expensive route around Africa.

The two "4-D chess" considerations not to engage the Iranians directly might be to maintain a Shia vs. Sunni balance in the ME, or that the Iranians already have nukes or can get them from Pakistan. Something to account for in the planning and diplomacy but insufficient to allow them to continue targeting U.S. troops with impunity.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2023 8:27 a.m. PST

At the minimum the radar sites should be hit and route the ships to stay over the horizon. Eliminate their targeting information.
Agree … Next round of strikes take out their ADA & Anti-Ship Missile sites. Followed by some HQs and military bases, especially the IRGC. Then is need be hit their oil infrastructure. And if need be, their Nuke sites …

I don't understand why Iran is getting a free pass on their shenanigans.
If I say I'll be in the DH again.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2023 9:30 a.m. PST

Yes, we can all expect another hike in gas prices to cover the delays, plus the usual gouge that oil companies attach to any crisis.

It's okay Legion, I think I can guess what you would say!

The geography here makes it ideal for these Houthi attacks. My hope is that the economic strain they are starting to cause will prompt a response. But the real need is to deal with Iran.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP21 Dec 2023 8:42 p.m. PST

It's okay Legion, I think I can guess what you would say!
I'm so predictable !

But the real need is to deal with Iran.
Yes, as well as their proxies … With all of our assets in the region this could be done in 1-2 days.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2023 6:37 a.m. PST

A little off from the central theater, but a success.

I heard they are out of virgin women, goats and camels for Islamic martyrs. They are offering blow up dolls as a substitute. 😉

Subject: U.S. Forces Kill Somali Islamic Terrorist Accused Of Murdering 148 People, Including Americans | The Daily Wire


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP23 Dec 2023 1:21 p.m. PST

Yes there is a shortage in Paradise … save for dead terrorists !

Good shoot'n boys[& girls] another terrorist scum that bites the dust !

SBminisguy25 Dec 2023 6:42 p.m. PST

Here's the calculus of Drone Swarms…Iran's puppets in Yemen, the Houthi, fired a swarm of x14 drones at a US warship, which shot them all down.

Iranian drones fired from Yemen: x14 x $2,000 USD/drone = $28,000 USD expended

US SM-2 missiles used in defense: x14 x 4,000,000/missile = $56,000,000 USD expended.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP25 Dec 2023 7:56 p.m. PST

I saw the same in Politico. Other sources say1.5 to 2 mil. – not that it makes much difference. The drones may be as much as 20,000. In any case…

The Carney has some classified weapons systems. I have been under the impression that we have other ways to take out a swarm of drones when under attack, but I don't know for sure. The Houthis are still targeting commercial shipping. It's not clear that they are directly attacking a USN vessel. We are getting some unclear reports. There are other NATO vessels in the area.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP25 Dec 2023 8:24 p.m. PST

Israel-Hamas war: Three U.S. military personnel injured in attack by Kataib Hezbollah

"Three American military personnel were injured during an attack by Kataib Hezbollah terrorists in Iraq on Christmas Day, including one U.S. servicemember who was critically wounded.

The announcement was made in a statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III. The official explained that the U.S. military quickly retaliated against the fighters after the attack.

"Today, at President Biden's direction, U.S. military forces conducted necessary and proportionate strikes on three facilities used by Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups in Iraq," Austin explained. "These precision strikes are a response to a series of attacks against U.S. personnel in Iraq and Syria by Iranian-sponsored militias, including an attack by Iran-affiliated Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups on Erbil Air Base earlier today, and intended to disrupt and degrade capabilities of the Iran-aligned militia groups directly responsible."

"Today's attack led to three injuries to U.S. personnel, leaving one service member in critical condition," the statement added. "My prayers are with the brave Americans who were injured."

Austin said that he and President Biden "will not hesitate" to take action to protect American troops in the future.

"There is no higher priority," Austin continued. "While we do not seek to escalate conflict in the region, we are committed and fully prepared to take further necessary measures to protect our people and our facilities.""

Inch High Guy25 Dec 2023 8:29 p.m. PST

Do we know the Carney fired any Standards? I haven't seen that anywhere, and there are lots systems which could have been employed including ECM.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 3:05 a.m. PST

This was my thought also Inch High. I don't know specific systems, or what might be involved when protecting another vessel from some distance.

The Russians would love it if we really started shooting up the region. I am all for going after Iran, but I keep feeling we are being baited. For now we have left Ukraine twisting in the wind against Putin.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 7:14 a.m. PST

We are now over 100 attacks… this of course does not include the sea. Now they finally critically injured a US soldier.

"Three American military personnel were injured during an attack by Kataib Hezbollah terrorists in Iraq on Christmas Day, including one U.S. servicemember who was critically wounded."

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 8:18 a.m. PST

But we responded, US air strikes destroying militia facilities and killing a number of them in Iraq, per the Defense Secretary.

I am curious how Fox reported on this response as I have not seen the news lately, except for a few minutes around noon yesterday. Quite a political opinion barrage from ladies on a couch. I have been wondering how this kind of programming is influencing the politics of military aid for Ukraine, which might be perceived as helping the POTUS.

I find that problems with the news are just as much about what is omitted as what is said. I can usually figure out the naval aspects from various sources but there is not too much public info out there right now with details about the escort patrols. Unless I am just missing them.

I would not want to be a US decision maker right now. We will respond directly to actual direct attacks on us, but going after Iran seems a little more complicated. I was surprised to learn that sanctions imposed by the last admin were significantly undone by waivers for so many of Irans biggest oil customers. The current admin faces the same problem. Not only ticking off China, but hurting Japan, South Korea, etc. There is a Pacific impact here.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 9:38 a.m. PST

3 Hezbollah facilities/targets were hit in Iraq by US . But 3 US troops were WIA'd with 1 seriously before the US strike …

BDA – reports a number(?) of Hezbollah terrorists were terminated.

Again, too little too late. It is embarrassing how weak and risk adverse the US leadership is. Fear of escalation is giving Iran and her proxies a free hand. Looks at the geopolitical situation there. Who would support Iran ? Only terrorists and their supporters.

Maybe Syria ? The Houthi's could effectively be taken off the board fairly quickly. Open up the Red Sea and the Suez.

Again Iran could be surgically struct with many of their military being targeted plus oil facilities. Along with anything that has to do with their nuke production, etc. Limit CD of course …

None of this will happen with the USA's current weak fearful leadership.

By making massive strikes, taking out many Iran and their proxies military targets will go light years ahead demonstrating the US has the firepower to do this. To make USA's enemies think twice. But again, the USA's leadership is lacking the will …

What will Iran do with much of their military sites gone ?

With what assets would they respond ?

Who would support them with actual military assets ?

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 10:40 a.m. PST

Legion, I would say votes are also a consideration by the administration. They are losing support with the indoctrinated young, who have been taught "white colonialist oppressors, bad", "dark skinned oppressed, good".

Yes "we" all know that Palestinian/hamas are not dark skinned as a whole, as all Jews are not white. But it's hard to fight 2 decades of indoctrination.

So the POTUS and his party may fear more loss of votes, more so, than more loss of soldiers life

Just an additional thought.

Inch High Guy26 Dec 2023 10:42 a.m. PST

Iranians are providing targeting information to the Houthis in the Red Sea. An Iranian intelligence-gathering ship (AGI) is relaying real-time tracking and target identification information to their Houthi proxies, who then launch Iranian-supplied drones and missiles at the ships as they transit the Red Sea. The Houthis would not be able to conduct these attacks without the information provided by the Iranian AGI.

Seems like a rather simple problem to solve.

YouTube link

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 10:47 a.m. PST

Tort, from the Fox website. Now you can't say I didn't get you anything for Christmas. 😉

"Austin announced late on Monday night that American forces "conducted necessary and proportionate strikes on three facilities used by Kataib Hezbollah and affiliated groups in Iraq.""

What qualifies as "necessary and proportionate" for a dead U.S. soldier?

Subject: US retaliates after 3 American service members injured by Kataib Hezbollah attack in Iraq


Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 11:26 a.m. PST

Not anything I can think of… but necessary means taking out some of these launch sites…

Not exactly a front page story though fromAmericas Newsroom. We are these cheerleaders for our military when we need them?! But thank you anyways😁

Today I tuned in at 1pm. Major cover of a pro Palestinian rally in NYC leads Fox. On CNN video coverage of the US strike leads, followed by the meeting between the Senate and Israeli officials in DC on war strategy.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 3:55 p.m. PST

Actually Tort, it was the first story last night on their website. That post of mine last night on the 25th above, was because I saw it on Fox first.

Tort honestly, there is no more pro U.S. military personnel channel than Fox News. Their criticism… has been consistently, we are not responding enough to these attacks.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 7:12 p.m. PST

OVI + 1 Votes or US Soldiers lives … we know that answer. One of the US Soldiers is in critical condition if the report is correct … If he dies, we know why and whose hands the blood is on.

Again, the US leadership has to get aggressive. Start taking out Shia Militias in Iraq &n Syria, Houthis and select military and oil targets in Iran. The US has two Carrier Grps, a sub packing TLAMs and forward deployed USAF assets. It would take only a few days to let those assets do their job. And inflict major damage on Iran and their proxies. But again they all see the US leadership is weak and does not have what it takes to retaliate in force.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 7:49 p.m. PST

Subject: U.S. shoots down 12 suicide drones, three anti-ship ballistic missiles and two land attack cruise missiles fired by Iran-backed rebels in southern Red Sea over 10-hour period | Daily Mail Online


AGamer26 Dec 2023 8:30 p.m. PST

Six CVBGs, 2,000 Coalition aircraft, TLAM equipped Subs and Surface vessels, 500,000+ Coalition troops, Patriot missile batteries and Special Ops looking under every bridge in Ambar didn't stop the Iraqis from launching Scuds all over the place for a month…..

If we touch Iranian Oil production facilities, do you really expect the Saudis facilities will be left alone? The Houthis got drones and missiles through Saudi Patriot coverage. 25% of all daily oil production passes through the Straits of Hormuz – Are you going to tell our European Allies – Man up, Winter only lasts three months?

How many SMs do we have on hand in the Gulf? Burke(s) carry less than 100 SMs each

If you can, fry the militias and target their leaders, air and sea embargo the Houthis and stop proportional responses. And an errant drone should smash into the bridge of the Iranian spy vessel, soon.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP26 Dec 2023 9:24 p.m. PST

35th – another example: the Fox report tonight on the services missing recruiting goals was misleading and political. The DOD has a ton of recruiting survey data from less than less than a year ago, freely available that I have posted here at least twice. Unlike Fox, DOD asked thousands of recruiting age candidates why they did not want to join. These kids are not naming the old people reason – woke -as having any real impact. McKinstry's extended military family also confirmed this as pretty much a non issue.

If this is pro military then maybe Fox could try not to help us so much. All hat, no cattle. Letting a bunch of old guy politicians talk about woke doesn't cut it. We need straight reporting or we will never get public opinion behind fixing this.

I get it. Some people want woke to be the reason. Own the libs, get a new POTUS. I wish this mattered. it would be easier to fix. But the facts say otherwise. These kids do NOT care about these presidential candidates or the two political parties. It has nothing to do with protests or politics either. Their reasons are real life issues and we are NOT going to fix this until we address them on their turf. Reality is what it is…
I guess this was a rant…apologies. But this needs to been resolved.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2023 8:27 a.m. PST

Tort, would the DOD and administration have any reason, not to admit their woke policies were causing the recruitment issues? 🤔Have they or the justice departments, lied to us before? 🤔

Does Fox have an anti current administration bias? I'll answer, of course. Did, and does the MSM have an anti Trump agenda? Is the Pope Catholic? 😉

But enough of that.

I have a low opinion of the majority of the last 2 generations. There are great kids in there, don't get me wrong, but there are a bunch of losers who are self centered, spoiled and totally ill informed. Take those marching in the streets for Hamas/Palestinians, as a perfect example. Or those who refuse to take the responsibility for their student loans and demand that those of us who worked our way through college and or paid off our student loans, now pay for theirs. I don't totally blame them, the media, many teachers, some parents and politicians have been telling them they are entitled for 2 decades now. So the fact that they don't volunteer, does not surprise me. Maybe we should have 2 year mandatory service, like some other countries do. A little discipline and responsibility, would probably do them a lot of good.


Subject: Nearly 9 Million Student Loan Borrowers Missed First Payment After Pause


As Ray said in Ghostbusters: " Ungrateful little yuppie larva!"

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2023 8:53 a.m. PST

I won't argue about the general quality of the applicant pool,35th. Its really hurting us. Not fit, not interested. Afraid to serve. The unemployment rate is very low, and they change jobs like changing shoes, having a great time

Fox IS the MSM. They tell us every day. The most viewers, America's everything. But they do have a couple of pros in Jen Griffin and Jack Keane. Do they have an anti-moderate agenda? You bet. But we have freedom of the press.

There is no real reason to manipulate the recruiting data other than to fit a conspiracy, and we won't go there. The real reasons kids don't want to serve are harder to solve than woke. They are afraid of being in combat is number one. There is nothing we don't see graphic videos of in the media, news and social. It ought to scare everyone. It sure scares them.

The other things are so basic as to be all but unavoidable. I won't reprint here, but we need to look at how DOD can change its messaging to make it a win-win to serve, at least to some extent, then get it to the right places.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2023 9:50 a.m. PST

If we touch Iranian Oil production facilities, do you really expect the Saudis facilities will be left alone?
With all that US firepower we can take out a lot of Iran and its proxies' missiles, etc. As long as the US lets them get away with shooting at our assets in the region. The attacks will continue. The solution is to attrite these enemy assets severely. If need be repeat …

If they take heavy losses on their missile, etc. assets. They may get the message. The US must regain the respect and even fear by our enemies. Right now, that is not happening … Take out much of their assets that attack the US troops, ships, etc. They may stop. If not … attack more of their assets again. It is called deterrence.

Iran's spokesman at the UN said they don't fear, etc. the US. So did the Houthi leader, saying they don't fear the US ships, etc. in the region. Time to change that. When their missiles, radars, C3, etc. becomes burning rubble and their crews killed … They may have to rethink that …

BTW the Saudis have a lot of ADA/AAA systems, mostly US IIRC, that could intercept incoming missiles. drones, etc.

fry the militias and target their leaders, air and sea embargo the Houthis and stop proportional responses. And an errant drone should smash into the bridge of the Iranian spy vessel, soon.
Now you're talking … But the US has to take out more of Iran and their proxies' military assets. And yes, strict sanctions and embargos should be in place as well. But with the current weak leadership in the WH … that probably won't happen …

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2023 10:26 a.m. PST

Well it apparently did not happen in the last admin either. Bluster for the rallies, waivers for Irans big oil customers. It's all done with mirrors folks.

Can't we land somewhere in the middle on this without hurting the South Korean and Japanese economies and touching off global recession?

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2023 6:59 p.m. PST

Remember the 60 TLAMs that were fired on Syria ? Under the last admin.

Remember the Iranian GEN who was in Iraq that got taken out by TLAMs, IIRC?

Remember under the last admin, ISIS was trashed …

This admin has done little to nothing compared to those victories.

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP27 Dec 2023 10:12 p.m. PST

The Iran sanctions were not exactly well thought out, as I answered in another post.

Al-Zawahiri got blown up having coffee on his balcony last year, after years of evading us. The brain behind 9/11 had evaded us for two decades.

Isis is rebuilding and evolving. Their attack in Syria last year shows that even without territory they have a strong military capacity, plenty of money and support.

Like Hamas, it seems we can never really get rid of these guys.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP28 Dec 2023 7:06 a.m. PST

Now up to at least 106 attacks on US bases.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP28 Dec 2023 9:29 a.m. PST

The Iran sanctions were not exactly well thought out, as I answered in another post.
Stop giving them $ and do anything that could slow them up. Recent reports are they are 90% to getting a nuke. How much $ did this admin and the Obama give them ?

Al-Zawahiri got blown up having coffee on his balcony last year, after years of evading us. The brain behind 9/11 had evaded us for two decades.
Yes he was AQ's 2IC. But now with the CIA's Reaper Drone, packing modified Hellfires, called "the flying Ginsu" he and his 2 comrades were turned into lunchmeat. AZH kept a very low profile. He and AQ knew how many islamic leaders we killed, e.g. ISIS, AQ, etc. We said no matter where you go or how long it takes we will get you. And we did, just like UBL, at least 2 of his sons, AZK in Iraq, Suleimani in Iraq, and Al Baghdadi IIRC in Syria. Plus many more …

Isis is rebuilding and evolving. Their attack in Syria last year shows that even without territory they have a strong military capacity, plenty of money and support.
ISIS in Syria is one of the reasons we have 900+ troops there. As well as 2500+ in Iraq. Reports come in as every so often we and our allies in the region kill off more of the leadership, minions, etc. What has ISIS there have done lately out of that region. No attacks in Europe & the US IIRC..

ISIS-K in A'stan were Taliban that wanted to kick it up a notch. As the Taliban were not radical enough for them. Right now ISIS-K, smaller than the Taliban/AQ, is busy trying not to get smaller. They have do nothing outside of A'stan. And most likely won't.

Our intel assets in the air, in space, etc. have much better tech, etc. than ever. These islamic terrorists can run but they will only die tired. They can hide but we will find them and kill them. No matter how long it takes …

Like Hamas, it seems we can never really get rid of these guys.
As I have said we are still fighting the GWOT. You continue to kill off the enemy where you find them. Then repeat … We can't forget that mission. As I said there have been 1 or 2 islamic terrorist attack in Europe, IIRC. AFAIK 0 in the USA. IMO we are winning the GWOT. But it ani't over yet.

They can make more terrorists/jihadis … we will just keep killing them. I'm an old Grunt that is the way I think. old fart

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Dec 2023 1:44 p.m. PST

+1 Legion…but it gets discouraging. Fanatics at this level are hard to stamp out.

The 6 billion in the hostage deal was refrozen, Iran got none. The 10 billion is from frozen Iraqi energy payments to Iran. Biden says they are concerned about the close hold Iran is getting over Iraq because Iraq gets all its energy from them. The theory is that unfreezing Iraq's payments will loosen its forced loyalty to Iran, and the money is restricted to humanitarian uses. Which none of us believe it will get used for. Very naive.

I think the mullahs have loads of cash. Jihad is just a way to control people and distract them from noticing they have little freedom. And you can't talk somebody down who is happy to die so he can kill you.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP28 Dec 2023 7:07 p.m. PST

Again, the current admin is not going to take even the smallest risk. And our enemies know that … And again, they can make all the islamic terrorists/jihadis they want. They already hate us and most of modernity. So, the more that hang around following that dogma … the more Drones & TLAMs will fly in and kill them … then repeat …

I'm a simple man … old fart

Tortorella Supporting Member of TMP28 Dec 2023 8:50 p.m. PST

No…you are telling it like it is. In the end it keeps coming back to one thing – get them or they will get you.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP29 Dec 2023 8:30 a.m. PST

Well, at least Israel is striking back.

1 hour(s) ago
Israeli airstrike kills 11 high-ranking leaders in Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps

"Nearly a dozen leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) have died in an airstrike conducted by the Israeli military.

Israel bombed the Damascus International Airport on Thursday night, killing 11 high-ranking members of the IRGC, according to Saudi Arabian media outlets.

The leaders were reportedly gathered at the airport preparing to meet with a delegation.

Among the dead is Nur Rashid, eastern Syria's commander of the Revolutionary Guards, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The strike was one of many as Israel continues strategic bombings across the region.

IRGC commander Sayyed Reza Mousavi was killed in an Israeli strike last Monday in the Damascus area."

Inch High Guy29 Dec 2023 9:15 a.m. PST

My worry is that we are teaching the Iranians, nearly every day, that they can attack American military assets without fear of retaliation so long as they conduct the attacks through their proxies. At some point they will announce that their efforts to build nuclear devices have succeeded, and they may by then have determined that we lack the will to do anything about it if they decide to use them.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP29 Dec 2023 11:42 a.m. PST

get them or they will get you.
Get them Before they get you …

Israeli airstrike kills 11 high-ranking leaders in Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps
Yes they are doing what the US [and NATO?] should be doing. Did the weak, feckless US leadership sub-contract the IAF ?

Again, the US leadership is way out of there league. This admin does not know how to swim in deep water. They need to go back teaching in the classroom. As they lack the common sense, logic, reason, knowledge, etc. to play hard ball in the real world.

The first strikes against the US troops in Syria and Iraq should have been followed up with massive retaliation on those who shot at us. Including not only Iran's proxies, the Houthis and military targets in Iran. Thanks IDF !!!

Any attacks on US, IDF or other nations cargo ships, etc. sailing in the waters of that region. Should have taken out the Houthis weapons that were firing on those nations' ships. By the USN in the waters of that region.

I heard/ was taught, etc. Deterrence dynamics comes down to about 3 things :

1) Capabilities

2) Will

3) Your enemy has to know you have the capabilities and the will to use those assets.

I wonder if the USA's top leaders understand that ? Plus understand this is not an intellectual academic exercise in the classroom. Again, and again, they don't have the right stuff … And our enemies know it …

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP31 Dec 2023 9:22 a.m. PST

Even Davy Jones refused them for his crew. 😉

Subject: US Navy sinks 3 Houthi boats attacking merchant ship in Red Sea, US says – ABC News


Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP31 Dec 2023 11:00 a.m. PST

Yes I saw that on the news … about time … Now let's up the body count.

35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP04 Jan 2024 8:13 a.m. PST

A large group of virgin duroc pigs, are now quaking in fear, in jihad heaven today.

Subject: US carries out strike targeting Iraqi militia leader in Baghdad: official


35thOVI Supporting Member of TMP09 Jan 2024 6:11 a.m. PST

As of today, 128 attacks. This does not include Navel actions.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP09 Jan 2024 9:07 a.m. PST

The attackers know they can get away with it. And probably will for another 12 months or so. Real dynamic capable leadership would not let this happen without some significant surgical response. This will continue mostly likely until then. But we will have to see …

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