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Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2023 3:26 p.m. PST

Don't forget why it is celebrated … However, I'm sure many in our population does not know or care.

As I have said in the past … No agenda, no politics, etc.

However, I would like to honor all the US Veteran's and all the other Allied military personnel that have died in all those wars and other conflicts. That the US fought and those who died along side them.

So … This is for all … on Veteran's Day … 11/11/1918 – 2023… RIP …

I enjoy seeing and meeting other Vets the comradeship, etc., is most important.

I still don't think I'll ever get used to people coming up to me and thanking me for my service. But it is very nice gesture regardless. Better than being called names and getting flipped the bird, etc., when I started ROTC in '75. The war was over but back then if you were in a military uniform of any type you were a "bad guy", Nazi, killer, etc., …

Very glad that Bleeped text is over. Mostly for those Vietnam Vets who came back home and who were treated so very poorly.

d88mm194008 Nov 2023 4:22 p.m. PST

My return to civilian life wasn't so bad. I left the service in January. '71. Re-upping never entered my mind as a return to Viet Nam was assured. I did not want to tempt fate a second time. I recall, many times, waking up in a cold sweat dreaming about the grubby, silver-tongued recruiting sergeant in Germany having me sign on the bottom line…
I returned to Las Vegas and remembered people buying me drinks at the bar honoring my service. Vegas is actually a very patriotic town. Applying for jobs here all you had to say was "I'm a Vet!".
Many was the time when there were 4 or 5 or more applicants for a position and my veteran status pushed them over. And when I said disabled vet-boom! (Minor disability, almost embarrassing.)
The only times I was unemployed in Vegas was when I wanted to be. Of course, during college, I didn't want to work much, but even here, my service gave me an advantage. I was just a bit older, more mature and more experienced than most college kids. I would often debate with my instructors almost as a peer. And many was the time I drank a professor under the table!
So, I'm looking forward to November 11. Not for the free crap, but for the free memories.

pzivh43 Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2023 4:23 p.m. PST

Semper Paratus to all USCG vets. And thanks for your service to all Veterans. We owe so much to their dedication, courage and sacrifice!

14Bore08 Nov 2023 4:27 p.m. PST

Will admit while did serve, until recently figured I didn't get in any war, just did what was asked and got out, certainly appreciated those who did serve in war zones.But see no war means someone was holding the lines so there wasn't one.

Shagnasty Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2023 4:55 p.m. PST

My respect and admiration for all Vets.

Korvessa Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2023 5:38 p.m. PST

Peace time weekend warrior here (35+ years ago). When I went through ROTC – about 10 years after Legion – we were pretty much ignored on campus.
Salute to the vets.

Buck21508 Nov 2023 6:49 p.m. PST

I am humbled when people thank me for my service. I either tell them I didn't do anything to deserve it (I was a tanker in Germany and Fort Polk during the Cold War) or that I wished to serve longer. I salute all those whom I served with, who served before me, and those who didn't make it home.

377CSG Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2023 8:38 p.m. PST

Back in 1972 I was stationed in Vietnam and was filling sand bags in front of the officers quarters, where our pilots lived. While I was working, I noticed, in front of me 3 Marines running towards me and I wondered what was going on. When they reached me, they ask if they could shake the hand of the pilots who saved their unit the day before.

I told them they were sleeping and not to be disturbed. They needed to prove to their Commander that they tried to see the pilots. They asked if I was in the Air Force and I replied yes, but I am not a pilot, just low on the pole – rank wise. They then said you are "part of the system" and shook my hand and took photo together.

Later that year we were part of the drawdown and left Vietnam.
Upn arrival in San Francisco we were met with protesters and a lady yelled at me – baby killer – and I told her I only filled sand bags and she replied your "part of the system". If I ever get a boat I will name it "POTS" "part of the system.

Stryderg Supporting Member of TMP08 Nov 2023 8:58 p.m. PST

Buck215 – Ft. Polk is in my stomping grounds! I was there for the 6 months of Desert Storm. My contribution didn't amount to much. And a big shout out and salute to those who served and sacrificed, whenever and where ever.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP09 Nov 2023 8:55 a.m. PST

I returned to Las Vegas and remembered people buying me drinks at the bar honoring my service. Vegas is actually a very patriotic town. Applying for jobs here all you had to say was "I'm a Vet!".
That is good to know. As I'm sure some good treatments of Vets did happen.

Many of Vietnam Vets in the units I served with as well as Vietnam Vets that I know did have "horror" stories about coming home. However I always figured that some places in the USA were not rabid anti-Vet.

When I went through ROTC – about 10 years after Legion – we were pretty much ignored on campus.
Salute to the vets.
I was in ROTC '75-'79 just out of high school. Graduated in '75. I can relate a number of stories when just wearing a uniform on campus. Got you a negative response. But again I was not in Vietnam, I was still in HS in '72.

Regardless I can only relate the incidents that occurred to Vietnam Vets. Who certainly did not deserve it. And as just being ROTC Cadets we for the most part did not do anything and didn't go anywhere. But the uniform made you a target so to speak …

All that being said … yes, I salute all our Vets … God bless you all !

Personal logo McKinstry Supporting Member of TMP Fezian09 Nov 2023 9:48 a.m. PST

Upn arrival in San Francisco we were met with protesters

I remember coming back in early October 72 through Travis AFB and as the bus was going through the gate, there were a bunch of protestors waving signs and yelling fairly vile things. I seem to remember it being uncomfortable in SFX waiting on military standby but all in all, things weren't awful and back home in rural PA, folks were great.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP09 Nov 2023 6:50 p.m. PST

Yes, generally in rural areas don't do things that happen in big cities …

Zeelow09 Nov 2023 7:37 p.m. PST

Free breakfast on the 11th at IHOPs in my part of the planet.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP10 Nov 2023 6:28 p.m. PST

I got a list !!! 🤩

Bismarck11 Nov 2023 11:23 a.m. PST

Happy Veterans Day my brothers!
Like others I feel awkward in replying to
"thank you for your service". I usually
reply "It was an honor to serve my country"
either that or "It was my duty to serve my

I was fortunate while serving and coming home
from my service in the Corps. I didn't run into
any hassle or abusive behavior. Only thing that
stung at home was running into the girlfriend who sent
me a dear john while I was in boot camp. She
asked me if I went to Vietnam and her eyes
changed and she looked at me like I was some
sort of animal. We had dated for 3 years and
were planning on getting married. Will never
forget that look.

Good thing, spent a wonderful 37 years with a great
wife and best friend. She was the love of my life.
She passed in 2016.


wonderful woman. She passed back in 2016.

Personal logo Legion 4 Supporting Member of TMP11 Nov 2023 2:13 p.m. PST

God bless her Bismark …

William Warner11 Nov 2023 2:28 p.m. PST

In 1968 I passed up Uncle Sam's invitation for a two year stint in the Army and signed up for four in the Navy. I got out in '72, a radioman second class and a proud member of the "Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club." Best wishes to all my buddies who sailed, flew, or pounded the ground!

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