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"Flames of War North A frica Mid War models availability" Topic

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longspear01 Nov 2023 1:11 a.m. PST

I'm trying to fill some gaps in my armies but can't find any UK stockists with the plastic tank sets in stock. So I'm after Crusaders, Honeys, Valentines plus some German panzers. All Mid War Desert kit.

My usual online stockists don't have stock and those I've asked don't know when new stock might arrive. I can't find any information on the Flames of War website but might be looking in the wrong place. Does anyone know if the kits are no longer available or if I'm just looking "between deliveries" and the UK shops are all just waiting for a new shipment to arrive?

I'm not interested in using either 3d printed tanks or PSC ones or Peter Pig or anyone else. I just want to complete my armies with Flames of War/Battlefront models.


Frothers Did It And Ran Away01 Nov 2023 1:41 a.m. PST

None of those kits have been discontinued but BF's distribution can be flakey and I suspect you've hit a dry patch while things catch up. You could order direct from BF, and/or email them to ask if they have stock first. Their customer service is pretty responsive in my experience.

longspear01 Nov 2023 2:00 a.m. PST

Thanks very much for this intel. It's really helpful!

rustymusket01 Nov 2023 4:24 a.m. PST

You may want to try Miniature Market – St. Louis, Missouri USA. They had some crusaders and valentines a few months ago, I think.

Cormac Mac Art01 Nov 2023 8:51 a.m. PST

A few options:
Save a search on EBay to get email alerts when the thing you want pops up

Find it on Noble Knight Games and save it to your wish list

Try Meeple Mart

Try Chaos Orc's Superstore

Also facebook groups for buying/selling FOW items:

Flames of war swap shop link

Flames of war buy/sell/trade USA link

Col Piron01 Nov 2023 12:39 p.m. PST

Have you looked at BF's WOT range ?

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