"Terry Wise Battles for wargamers" Topic
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martin goddard | 30 Oct 2023 10:49 a.m. PST |
YouTube link A short video recollecting one of these fine little boks. Recommended for your bookshelf. martin |
olicana | 30 Oct 2023 11:37 a.m. PST |
I have a few books by Terry. I remember meeting him a couple of times at Northern Militaire back in the day. By sheer coincidence, his son is a member of my World of Tanks Blitz clan; small world, isn't it. |
steve dubgworth | 01 Nov 2023 11:17 a.m. PST |
Terry was one of of my regular wargaming friends we played every Friday night for many years in Doncaster and we put on many displays at conventions as The Doncaster Fanatics. He is greatly missed, other books are also very good and he wrote many sets of wargaming rules which we play tested on Fridays. Bellona were good for books but also produced many vac formed pieces of scenery. Terry also set up a books sales business called Athena Books and had a nice little book and figure shop in Doncaster until he retired and moved to Powys but returned to Doncaster in later years. |
martin goddard | 02 Nov 2023 4:02 a.m. PST |
You are lucky Steve. I would have like to meet and play games with Terry. Cherish those memories. martin |
20thmaine | 07 Nov 2023 8:07 a.m. PST |
His ACW wargaming guide for Airfix Books was one of my earliest wargaming purchases – always enjoy re-reading it! |
John the Red | 07 Nov 2023 2:15 p.m. PST |
One of my introductions to wargaming when at school. My friends Dad found it, being retired from the school library, where he worked and gave it us. All those Airfix figures battling it out ! One of the wargaming pioneers for sure |
steve dubgworth | 09 Nov 2023 12:15 p.m. PST |
Terry had a permanent wargames table 12 feet by five feet and we had some wonderful dames. eventually Terry moved to metal with exception of his WW2 which was an impressive size and quality/ One of his big jokes was he wanted a medieval chess set but wound up with over 2000 metal medieval plus a set of rules. he also did pike and shot with rules, ancients with rules oddly he had not ACW figures left so we used my 15mm figures. |
20thmaine | 11 Nov 2023 2:22 p.m. PST |
I assume you meant games |
Henry Martini | 11 Nov 2023 6:22 p.m. PST |
That little slip-of-the-key reminds me of a rumoured incident at a club I was a member of thirty years ago, although the table reportedly misused for a purpose it was never intended for was in the conference room, and not one of the wargame tables. That would have been a touch uncomfortable: they were sand tables! |
Slingshot Editor SoA | 15 Feb 2024 5:54 a.m. PST |