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"US and British Halftracks dilemma" Topic

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Personal logo Artilleryman Supporting Member of TMP29 Oct 2023 2:57 p.m. PST

I think at 1/72 scale, the differences between a M3 and a M5 would be miniscule. The primary problem would be colours and markings. Even at 20mm the differences between the US and UK would be marked. Of course, as has been discussed recently, you could get round the problem by not using half tracks for the Brits a all. They tended to use them as armoured trucks rather than committing them to combat. The Toms tended to dismount short of effective fire range and them walk in. The Americans could be more aggressive. If you go along with that but still want armoured British infantry in the fray, you might be better looking at Kangaroos both early ('defrocked' Priests) and late (converted Rams).

Hornswoggler29 Oct 2023 9:59 p.m. PST

I think at 1/72 scale, the differences between a M3 and a M5 would be miniscule.

I'd have to disagree with that. The rounded rear corners of the fighting compartment maybe not so much, but the flat pattern IHC mudguards are very distinctive and noticeable.

To the OP, you already have the basis for some lend lease HTs if you have some Airfix (so-called) M3A1s. But unfortunately there are plenty of other problems to correct such as the completely bogus interior – unless you are lucky enough to have old kits with the full tilt option, which can hide many of the sins of the original model.

Martin Rapier30 Oct 2023 1:49 a.m. PST

Depends how fussy you are, my US, Brits and even the odd lucky Russian get to ride around in exactly the same random collection of OD halftracks as everyone else.

In theory Lend Lease stuff was supposed to be repainted Khaki Green, but it often wasn't, and by the time it has faded a bit and got covered in mud and dust….

Just use your US halftracks for the Brits, and if it really bugs you, do something about it later. You could always make up some removable 'passenger groups to go in the back in different nationalities.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP30 Oct 2023 10:59 a.m. PST

I wouldn't even think of duplicating the halftracks.

Royston Papworth31 Oct 2023 7:47 a.m. PST

You could also use your US Shermans as Churchills or Cromwells.

It's funny how some things are acceptable, but use a short barrelled 37mm Panzer III as a long barrelled Panzer III and you would be pilloried..

It sounds like you want to take an approach and are looking for some support for that view. If I were you, I'd ignore us on TMP and go with how you would like to go…

Trockledockle02 Nov 2023 3:53 p.m. PST

It may be a fine distinction but British Motor Battalions used their own half tracks and ordinary Infantry Battalions used Kangaroos supplied by 79th Division etc. As far as I understand it, their roles were supposed to be different e.g Motor Battalions were there to keep up with and protect the armour but not necessarily carry out traditional assaults- that was for ordinary infantry. It is possible that this distinction was more of a North Africa approach and disappeared in NWE.

Converting the interior of Airfix half tracks isn't too difficult, the pieces for seats are all rectangular and the interior wall needs to be cut. I think S&S may be able to supply cast drop in seats but that may only be for the Italeri ones. If you want to have one set to use for both US and British, there are very few if any photos of British infantry half tracks with Browning 0.5 HMGs. Sometimes a Bren was fitted but not always.

Hornswoggler02 Nov 2023 6:19 p.m. PST

Converting the interior of Airfix half tracks isn't too difficult, the pieces for seats are all rectangular and the interior wall needs to be cut. I think S&S may be able to supply cast drop in seats but that may only be for the Italeri ones. If you want to have one set to use for both US and British, there are very few if any photos of British infantry half tracks with Browning 0.5 HMGs. Sometimes a Bren was fitted but not always.

That's right, unusual to see HTs in British service retaining US MGs. On the interiors, relatively easy to scratch from plastic card for the Airfix model. Also, IIRC, the single piece interior of the Italeri fast build M3 is also a pretty good fit inside the Airfix model despite the Italeri being notionally 1/72 (the dimensions of the Airfix kit are not in some proportions accurate for 1/76).

There are other interesting British versions such as M14 MGMC with twin .50 cal removed and fitted with timber bench seats as a personnel carrier, etc:

Trockledockle05 Nov 2023 4:09 a.m. PST

There's a similar topic on another forum recently (it starts with the name of a metallic element) where S&S said that they still make the drop in interiors. One comment I would make is that Italeri and Airfix look very compatible but Hasegawa are huge.

Hornswoggler05 Nov 2023 6:22 p.m. PST

One comment I would make is that Italeri and Airfix look very compatible but Hasegawa are huge.

The Italeri and Airfix HTs look reasonable together in terms of overall size (I have a lot of both). But as I mentioned some of the proportions of the Airfix kit are wrong – for example despite the two models being roughly the same length the mine racks from the Airfix model (ignoring their crazy width) are nowhere near long enough to fit on the sides of the Italeri model.

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