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"Sites/Community for WEG's Star Wars Miniatures Battles?" Topic

4 Posts

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CarlZog29 Oct 2023 10:04 a.m. PST

Are there still any active sites or online community for SWMB?

I'm looking to use Guye Pennington's unofficial 3rd ed of the rules for some convention games, and I was wondering if there are any updated squad and vehicle stats available from newer SW shows and movies.

MG Lawson01 Nov 2023 1:02 p.m. PST

If you find more information let me know as well. I still play on occasion, but just the standard rules with my kids. One game store near me still has probably thousands of loose figures. Unfortunately they view ebay for pricing now. They claim they still are popular in the area and sell a bunch, but I don't believe them as they had to dig the boxes out for me, lol.

Last year or so a different game store ran a massive Battle of Geonosis on 2 4x6 tables with probably a dozen people playing. This was after they found a couple cases of unopened boosters from the Champions of the Force line….they sold out quickly after that session.

MG Lawson06 Nov 2023 6:15 a.m. PST

Also, if you haven't seen it before, on Board Game Geek in the forums for this game there are a couple links for all the cards and maps. So you could proxy minis if you can't find them.

MG Lawson06 Nov 2023 10:11 a.m. PST

So I just realized in the title you mentioned the West End Games miniatures game, not the Wizards of the Coast miniatures game, my bad. I still have the books for WEG and liked it's simplicity and RPG capabilities compared to the newer miniatures games that are out.

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