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GeorgBuchner28 Oct 2023 7:08 a.m. PST

can anyone tell me how does this play in 2mm? does the ground scale get altered? on WGV it says the scale is 1" = 50 yards – seems like one would need a lot of space to create a large scale battlefield, it sounds more suitable for small skirmish combat , surely this would be different for micros scale stuff?

KarlBergman28 Oct 2023 8:52 a.m. PST

Combat HQ is based on one platoon per figure. This can cause some distortion in observable ground scale, but most miniature games I have played over the years suffer from that issue. At 1"=50 yards, 2000 yards is 40". Very few weapons in the game can reach that kind of range in the game, mostly things like 88s, and any that do are shooting at long range. I play with 6mm figures using 1-inch bases (I base all my figures, infantry and vehicles, mostly for storage reasons by using magnetic bases). I use a 4 by 6-foot board and have had no issues with scale. If you are constrained by space, you could easily go with centimeters. Using 2mm figures on a 1-centimeter base, using a 72 by 48-centimeter size board, you should experience the same game feel that I have.

GeorgBuchner28 Oct 2023 3:44 p.m. PST

okay thanks – yes i considered that might work – just was wondering whether the game had some scale conversions of its own

Martin Rapier30 Oct 2023 1:58 a.m. PST

Combat HQ is pitched at the same sized battles as Command Decision, brigade sized(ish). CD also uses 1"=50m.

With platoon sized elements, figure scale is irrelevant, use half a dozen 2mm vehicles or one 20mm one, it doesn't really matter. True of all element based games.

GeorgBuchner10 Nov 2023 3:56 p.m. PST

i was interested in Combat HQ but then read that its only for late war period, wheres i would like content for mid-war North Africa campaigns as well. – Can Combat HQ be adapted to earlier periods or not?

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