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codiver26 Oct 2023 10:47 a.m. PST

I swear, it boggles my mind how no one bothers to proof read stuff they publish.  I bought the En Garde! pdf off Wargames Vault, and downloaded the QRS and Roster files off Boardgamegeek.  Looking at the QRS for about 10 seconds, I notice:
On the first page it says under Modifiers to Shooting Attack Roll, Shooting model has a Light or Grievous wound is a -1.  It also doesn't say anything about Stunned.
On the next page, in the Wound Table, it says Stunned is -1 Shoot.  OK…  It also says a Grievous wound is -2 Shoot.  So which is it?  It's the same in the rules…
I was unable to find an En Garde! forum other than a Facebook reference.  I will not join Facebook with a gun to my head. Is there any En Garde! errata and/or a forum that's not Facebook?


Deucey Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 3:52 p.m. PST

I've only played En Garde once. It seems to me tone one of those games with massive potential, but doesn't live up to it.

The idea of attack/defense does idioms is cool, the combat system is wonky.

Deucey Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 3:57 p.m. PST

I checked out the Facebook for you. That game has some flaws!

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 4:35 p.m. PST

I have the rules and at some point will likely try them, but I found "And One for All" which is available FREE from Eureka Miniatures. I ran it once and while flubbing some of the system it wasn't a fatal screw up on my part and I will certainly run it again in the future.

codiver26 Oct 2023 5:27 p.m. PST

Deucey, I've been playing wargames more years than I want to admit, and my first impression is much the same – that the combat system seems a little wonky. At the very least it appears to me the pace of play might be a little problematic. I'm supposed to play a game Saturday, so I'll find out.

Here's another thing a found very quickly: a musket has the following Special Rules: +2 Wound Score; Powder; Reload (1). Powder means it's difficult to reload in the rain, and Reload (1) means it takes a turn/action to reload. No problem, perfectly reasonable.

A Blunderbuss only has a Special Rule of Spray (2"). Surely it should also have Powder and Reload (1) – if not Reload (2)?

And here is what the rules say for Spray (X"): "Such weapons use a template that takes the form of an equilateral triangle with sides X" in length. One point of the template is placed against the shooter's base, and any model partially under the template is considered to be hit by the weapon." Umm, an equilateral triangle? So every side is 2"? Does that mean the Spray is only 2" of the Blunderbuss' 9" range? I THINK the author meant an isosceles triangle with a base of 2", but you never know…

Fitzovich, thanks for the tip on "And One for All". I'll take a look!


Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP27 Oct 2023 3:22 a.m. PST

Codiver here is a link to a game I ran link

codiver27 Oct 2023 5:36 a.m. PST

Thanks Fitzovich.

Several years ago I played in a swashbuckling game at Recruits in KC. The guy running it must have had a couple thousand $ worth of MBA buildings. He had his own rules that were terrific – very cinematic with lots of movement! He gave his email address to a couple of our guys, and said he'd share his rules, but after several attempts where he failed to respond, our guys gave up.


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP27 Oct 2023 6:08 a.m. PST

The rules disparity mat be part of the annoying tendency to try to make things equal or to have various special characteristics in order to balance things out.

codiver28 Oct 2023 3:14 p.m. PST

Well, I've played a game of En Garde now. The Combat is a little tedious.

Travellera31 Oct 2023 3:59 a.m. PST

I like the combat pool concept and the different ploys but I would be grateful if anyone could explain;

1. What is the impact of having two weapons(dagger) – does it give any advantages or bonus?

2. Is shooting at mounted models always a hit (1-1 horse, 5-6 rider)?


codiver01 Nov 2023 6:49 a.m. PST

While it is clear the Duelist trait is required to "fight with a second weapon", as to how it actually works, it's unclear to me. I don't know if that means when a Duelist makes a single attack, it can actually roll two sets of attack dice, one for each weapon, or what. And if so, does the defender roll two sets of defense dice, or just one?

As far as shooting at a mounted target, that seems clearer to me at first read: the Shooting Attack Roll gains a +1 for shooting at a large target. If a hit is scored, you then roll another D6, hitting the mount on a 1-4 and the rider on a 5-6.

All that being said, in the first and only game I've played, we had neither any duelists or mounted figures.


Travellera01 Nov 2023 8:39 a.m. PST

Dave, many thanks!

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