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"Saxon troops 1809 - 1813" Topic

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hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 9:10 a.m. PST

Hello everyone,

Alas there are no Saxons references in the 25 mm Napoleonic MiniFigs range.

In the 25mm Napoleonic MiniFigs ranges, which references from which nations had uniforms and hairstyles that would most closely resemble those worn by the Saxons in 1809 – 1813?


79thPA Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 9:25 a.m. PST

The Saxon infantry was still in bicornes in 1809, so SYW Prussians are probably the closest that you are going to find for 1809. After that, I think they looked like French. Minifigs also makes Spanish in bicornes in their Napoleonics range.

jurgenation Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 11:14 a.m. PST

There is alot of information on Google ,plus many Osprey books on Napoleonics. Researching and reading about it, is a key to enjoying this Hobby. Good Luck.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 10:56 p.m. PST


The Saxon infantry was still in bicornes in 1809?

Decebalus27 Oct 2023 1:16 a.m. PST

Yes. You can see a 1809 saxon figure range from the Perrys here:

Zippee27 Oct 2023 4:48 a.m. PST

Yes 1809 Saxons are in their 1806 uniform still. However they had changed to full backpack from side pack which technically means 1806 Saxons can't be used for 1809 if you are a purist . . . mind if you are a purist you need them in their smocklike cape campaign thing instead of coats.

If there is no 1806 Saxon range then 1806 Prussian are nearly identical, if none of them then you have to stretch back to SYW ranges.

From 1810 they switch to a short-tailed, full square lapel jacket and shako so any German Ally figure such as Westphalian would suffice. Although there remain odd distinctions and differences in shako plumage, swallows nests and suchlike.

von Winterfeldt27 Oct 2023 7:57 a.m. PST

no I cannot agree for 1809 – they are not in their 1806 uniform any longer, they did not wear the Kittel, the calfskin pack was carried at the back and no longer on the hip, the sabre belt was also carried across the shoulder, the round lapels fastened down as much as possible, Perry show all this very nicely. In 1810 a completely new uniform was introduced, so there you have 1806, 1807, 1809 and from 1810 onwards. Prussians of 7YW by no means resemble Saxons of 1806 nor 1809.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP27 Oct 2023 9:30 a.m. PST

That is all well and good, but since the OP specifically wants Minifigs, you have to make due with what you can get.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP28 Oct 2023 12:16 a.m. PST


Thanks,but what are their sources?


Yes I'm a purist and all periods combined only likes and owns my 25mm MiniFigs and their "S" series

Please, what are smocklike cape campaign things?

The problem is that with my 25mm Minifigs not only is there no Saxon 1806 range, nor Prussian 1806 range but there are two beautiful ranges SYW and AWI without forgetting the bicorn armies of the Napoleonic wars like those of the Spanish.




And for the period from 1810, there is no Westphalian range either…

With the mass of French references from the middle of the empire, there are perhaps things to be done?


@von Winterfeldt

You don't agree with Zippee and your opinions are diametrically opposed, who is right?


Well done ! You've understood everything!

von Winterfeldt12 Dec 2023 4:58 a.m. PST

please look at Perrys home page and compare, they did it in usual top Perrys research and fashion, state of the art, here you will see Saxons of 1806 and 1809 and spot the difference, as pointed out.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP26 May 2024 4:06 a.m. PST

@von Winterfeldt

Alas the Perrys never give their sources, so…

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