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TacticalPainter0125 Oct 2023 9:25 p.m. PST

The club has had a recent revival of interest in the Crossfire WWII rules. This was the set that got me back into gaming with miniatures about ten years ago.

I will show my age by saying I'm of that generation that defaults to 1/72 because that's the only scale there was when I first started. So, coming back to miniatures after a break of nearly 30 years I automatically acquired some of the Plastic Soldier Company 1/72 figures. These were the first miniatures I had painted for a long time.

I've moved to playing the Chain of Command rules in recent years and these use individually based figures. As a result my Crossfire armies have sat neglected in storage for some time. The recent interest at the club has inspired me to dig them out and 'refresh' them.

Basing for Crossfire is not size dependent as long as all sides conform to the same basing convention. While the standard basing is squares some at the club have decided for aesthetic reasons to go with 40mm round basing. It looks good and works well with terrain so I thought I'd rebase and do the same.

I made a lot of urban ruins for Crossfire as the rules work particularly well in that sort of close setting and so I decided to make sure the new basing blended in with that terrain.

So, here's the first batch – a German company and as you can see the bases work well with the terrain which will help give the table a more seamless look.





Michael May25 Oct 2023 10:43 p.m. PST

They all look great!

colkitto26 Oct 2023 1:23 a.m. PST

They do look good. I've been inching towards Crossfire in 1/72 myself, and had settled on 40mm square bases. I take it you are managing to agree on facing/direction with the round bases?

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 3:45 a.m. PST

They look great! I'm also looking at 1/72 Crossfire again. I think I have sorted the armor tweak. I think I'll use a magnetic base for my figs since they are on metal washers. I use a great company for magnetic bases. I am thinking about 40x40 too. Crossfire seems to be getting some attention lately. I have seen more YouTube videos and podcasts about it. Now I can print buildings I need which is great!



Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 4:51 a.m. PST


Those look great, and look, you're definitely scratching an itch here with your Crossfire revival project (I'm also interested in your club's effort).

When I saw your basing, it looked like my 1 1/2" steel washer-based 20s – not my figs, they're not to your painting standard, but the basing arrangement maybe seems the same.

I have Crossfire, but have never played the rules, actually.

Your pic (a company) –

(9 infantry squads, + co. and plt. leader figs, with a support HMG stand?)

Will you be posting more on this Crossfire gaming, or on your blog?

TacticalPainter0126 Oct 2023 1:03 p.m. PST

They do look good. I've been inching towards Crossfire in 1/72 myself, and had settled on 40mm square bases. I take it you are managing to agree on facing/direction with the round bases?

Yes, the direction the figures face indicates the unit's front. It's generally fairly obvious but I have a spare 40x40mm base that I keep handy if we ever need to try to determine this more exactly for something like an HMG stand (but that hasn't happened yet).

TacticalPainter0126 Oct 2023 1:09 p.m. PST

Your pic (a company) –

(9 infantry squads, + co. and plt. leader figs, with a support HMG stand?)

Will you be posting more on this Crossfire gaming, or on your blog?

Yes, correct that's a company with a support HMG stand. I'll certainly be posting more here and will eventually write up a longer blog post on my Crossfire journey. It's been good to see these figures revived and back in use. There was a time not so long ago that I wondered if I should give them away or sell them given they hadn't seen the light of day for several years. There is a moral in there somewhere about never getting rid of an army……

Shardik26 Oct 2023 1:51 p.m. PST

I've been thinking of getting my 1/72 Crossfire figures out of the shed too!
I think I'll leave the square bases, but maybe rebase the platoon leaders. I never liked the rectangle bases for them.

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 2:10 p.m. PST

TP wrote – " There was a time not so long ago that I wondered if I should give them away or sell them given they hadn't seen the light of day for several years."

That's exactly where I was headed, in fact, I was even thinking of cutting them all off at their torsos, and permanently mounting the uppers in foxholes and trenches, to use along with my single-mounted skirmish collection (like you've got for your Pacific collection).

Man, I'm glad you penned this thread before I began the mutilation.

I think a lot of us are looking forward to more on this Crossfire Revival Project.

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 2:49 p.m. PST

I tried to convince my local group that if we group-mounted our old figs, that this would encourage using platoon formations during game play -

I don't remember the idea getting very far beyond the illustration phase. ;)

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP26 Oct 2023 9:01 p.m. PST

Nice looking collection.

Personal logo Extra Crispy Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Oct 2023 8:27 a.m. PST

Great figs and a great set of rules. I use my 15mm Flames of War troops…

John Leahy Sponsoring Member of TMP27 Oct 2023 6:52 p.m. PST

I think I'll order a bunch of round mag bases fom Shogun miniatures. They are quite nicely done. 3 20mm metal washer bases will fit on them. Thanks for posting this! You got me motivated to order those bases for Crossfire!



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