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"Fighter Pilot with the Kicking Mules" Topic

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820 hits since 24 Oct 2023
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Joe Legan25 Oct 2023 1:30 p.m. PST

Ran a large playtest game of Fighter Pilot with my Kicking Mules in the Med. Found here:



Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP25 Oct 2023 5:14 p.m. PST


"I suspect many people are getting tired of aerial game reports…"
Not me, I'm loving them! Your rules considerations and the way the games are playing out seem great, I can't wait to see how the mechanisms actually work (I'm detecting, or at least I think I'm detecting, some sort of roll-offs for stuff like ‘tailing,' though it's not clear if those dice come out of the pool (of six) or are only used for testing, and I haven't been able to figure out how movement/maneuvering works (beyond the fact that it's governed by the dice in your pool and your mention of "area movement"), so congratulations on your OPSEC measures ;)

The fights look great in 1/300 too, very impressive with all those B-17s, and I've always loved Lightnings. My only concern is that I don't know the airplanes nearly as well as you do (stuff like the difference between P-38Es, -Gs, and -Js, or that Fw-190s had poor performance at higher altitudes). And you have to find a better name than "Fighter Pilot" ;)


JMcCarroll26 Oct 2023 1:32 p.m. PST

Loved it! where can I get the rules?

Joe Legan26 Oct 2023 5:00 p.m. PST

Thanks. You are on the right track. I do need a better name; any suggestions? I lost your email so email me.
thank you for the kind words. They aren't available yet. Still playtesting then will have to have stats for every plane I can think of. If Too Fat Lardies picks it up I would hope they will be available next summer.


Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP27 Oct 2023 6:54 p.m. PST

Email sent.


Joe Legan30 Oct 2023 7:15 a.m. PST

Jack, I like throttle forward for a name. Consistent with the "forward" theme and sounds more action packed.


Personal logo foxbat Supporting Member of TMP31 Oct 2023 12:24 p.m. PST

Nice AAR, thanks!
May I suggest "The great Circus"?
Circus was the RAF code name for a large fighter sweep to bring the Luftwaffe to battle and cause attrition to it.

Joe Legan01 Nov 2023 4:54 a.m. PST

Foxbat, that is as great suggestion; thanks.
Your handle reminds me of the old SPI game foxbat and phantom. Maybe mustangs and Messerschmits? Or did someone do that already.


Wolfhag Supporting Member of TMP16 Nov 2023 5:58 a.m. PST

Furball Forward?
Squadron Forward?
Dogfight Forward?


Joe Legan16 Nov 2023 10:24 a.m. PST

I like furball forward; thanks. Going off of foxbat I like circus circus but don't think most people would get it. I have also considered boom and zoom.
The rules are coming together well. Still need to find the sweet spot for attacking bombers though. First it was too hard, now I think it is too easy. Will try to post my last B-17 mission soon.


Wolfhag Supporting Member of TMP16 Nov 2023 3:08 p.m. PST

To put it in perspective, the Germans estimate it took on average 20 hits from a 20mm gun to knock down a B-17 and the hit rate was 2% but it does not state the average range or attack angle.

The 20mm MG-151 had a ROF of about 10 rounds per second. So a two-second burst from four guns would be 80 rounds with a hit rate of 1.6 rounds. So if you figure taking 20 hits to knock down the B-17 you are looking at a 5% chance per hit.

As the German fighter pilot, I see an attack as a risk-reward proposition. The closer I get the higher my chance of hitting but also getting hit by return fire.

IIRC a head-on attack on a B-17 gave only about 1-2 seconds of firing before breaking off.

Check out some German gun camera footage.


Joe Legan19 Nov 2023 12:52 p.m. PST

Agree completely. For a standard German fighter I am looking for about a 30% hit rate and just seem to have a hard time finding that.
I left you several requests to email me because we have had discussions about what a WW II air combat game would look like; I am designing that game. It plays pretty fast, altitude is important,rewards good tactics and has enough chrome to differentiate five different models of FW 190-As.
Email me at I am not a tmp member anymore and can't pm you


Wolfhag Supporting Member of TMP19 Nov 2023 1:45 p.m. PST

I had emailed you a few times with no response. I'll try again.


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