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"Stepanivka Crossroads - Conflict Donbas - 2014-era action" Topic

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Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP22 Oct 2023 7:03 a.m. PST


We played a Ukrainian Conflict game this weekend, inspired by an action for a road junction outside of the town of Stepanivka, which is situated on the eastern edge of the Doneskt Oblast, and involved fighting there around August 2014.

This 1st-running of the scenario went well enough, with a few changes coming with a 2nd-edition planned for our group's game day in January. Some pics (1/144th scale minis) -

The post-game discussion brought up the fact that this very area was heavily fought over in July 1943, as part of the Soviet Mius river offensive vs. the German 6th Army, and part of that battle area is modeled in this crossroads game map, including Hill 213.9, that was just south of the Gerasimova Balka, west of Dmytrivka.

We now have plans to use this board again, but also for some WW2 Micro-Armor gaming (I might get to play then too!). :)

rustymusket22 Oct 2023 7:55 a.m. PST

Nice looking game. I need to get to the game days sometime.

advocate22 Oct 2023 8:10 a.m. PST

Having just been to the Field of Mars in Lviv today, I won't be gaming this conflict. link and subsequent post.

Just Jack Supporting Member of TMP22 Oct 2023 9:50 a.m. PST

Super looking fight, Dave, I really love that last photo showing the dismounts, entrenchments, and craters (can't believe you did individual craters in 1/144, awesome).


BattlerBritain22 Oct 2023 10:18 a.m. PST

Amazing looking table 😊

Love all the extra bits that add to the experience.

What rules are you using?

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP22 Oct 2023 12:26 p.m. PST

Thank you Guys!

Craig, better late than never.

Advocate, I respect your position on the conflict. I'm going to stick with the 2024-15 period, which I feel has passed into the realm of history now.

Jack, good to hear from you bud!

Battler, they're my modded-up version of Tom Jensen's free Ukraine 2022 rules – I'm about to go from its D6 system to one with D10 resolution (but don't tell my buds that, or they might not show up for this next game come January). :)))

advocate30 Oct 2023 10:51 a.m. PST

Slow getting back to you on this, but I can assure you that for Ukraine, the war started in 2014 and has continued to this day. The kitchen I work in has been going continuously since then, providing rations.
To be fair, for me 'history' is the 14th Century and before, everything since is 'modern studies'. Even the second half of the 14th Century is a bit modern tbh.

79thPA Supporting Member of TMP02 Nov 2023 3:16 p.m. PST

Nice looking table.

Personal logo FlyXwire Supporting Member of TMP04 Nov 2023 3:17 a.m. PST

Thank you 79thPA.

I'll get another Donbas scenario onto the table mid-December, which will include a few new IFV additions (if the 3D Print models arrive in time to get their paint by game date).

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