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"Special Guerrilla Units, Thani Unity Battalions and FANK" Topic

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troopwo Supporting Member of TMP19 Oct 2023 5:03 p.m. PST

Just wrote an email to Deadhaed and laughed at my own writing so i thought it best maybe to paste a copy of it here. Try not to laugh too hard at me.

When I took that big mass of comparison pictures, I had one platoon of the Thai/Cambodian figures converted.
I now have a complete infantry company in 28mm.

Three platoons each of;(34 figures each x3 platoons=102 figures)
a headquarters set of an officer, radioman and a medic(3)
a machine gun section of a leader, two M60 machine gunners, two assistants, a bazooka figure and a bazooka assistant(7)
three squads per platoon of an M79 gunner and seven riflemen.(8)

A company headquarters of a captain, second in command, radioman, runner and a three man medic/stretcher bearer detachment (7 figures)

A mortar support detachment of a leader, radioman, two 81mm mortars, two mortar assistants and two ammo bearers (8)
A direct fire support section of two M20 106mm recoil less rifles and assistants, and two M18 57mm recoil less rifles and assistants (8)

125 figures altogether. Glad to have finished the conversions because the 1st Corps marines are cast from some high density pewter and are pretty hard to cut using an exacto knife. I only put the exacto blade into my thumb two times for the last two platoons,,, a new record low. Kind of important to keep the damage down being a diabetic and all.

In addition I had my crazy big delivery of Malaysian police in berets from Grubbys Tanks.
So far I put together two platoons of them with the M1 carbines.
Since one of the four poses already has an M1 carbine, that was the bulk of them, then I also converted six more to M79 grenade launchers and twelve in total to M1 carbines from TAG. I am glad that I did not have more carbine conversions as the carbines are pretty tiny for my adult sized fingers.

There are four figures. M1 carbine, Sten gun, Number 5 rifle and shotgun.
The carbine and rifle figures already have a small pack, but the Sten Gun and shotgun figures are pretty bare, so they get dressed up with small packs and bandoleers from Iron Wind metals.

Two platoons of the Special Guerrilla Units of thirty of these guys each.
Platoon HQ
Oficer figure from Warbases,
Radioman by sticking a strand from a nylon broom into a small pack on a converted Sten Gun figure.
The nylon broom bristle strand actually looks really good for the flat sided three foot hip of the PRC25 set radio and the small pack is a pretty good way to carry it. God only knows I carried that radio enough as a youngster.
Thridly another Sten Gun or carbine figure for an NCO.

Three sections per platoon of one A Sten Gun equipped section leader, an M79 gunner and seven M1 carbine figures.

I am now looking at two more platoons of Special Guerrilla Unts but this time converted to M16 rifles.
since the Grubby Tanks figures are a softer casting pewter material, they are far easier to both cut and bend the arms to get better posing. I am so looking forward to working with them instead of those hard to cut 1st corps figures.

Long story short, I have been pretty happily cutting and gluing away.

The idea of eventually getting enough done to justify painting in bulk again has me dreaming like the Imperial German Navy Officers who spoke of the ,,, "Der Tag".

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP21 Oct 2023 7:29 a.m. PST

I think this shows great imagination and a unique collection results. I love to see conversion work (far more fun than painting) and would really like to see any pictures.

troopwo Supporting Member of TMP28 Aug 2024 6:43 p.m. PST

A quick update in that my Thai Unity infantry company is near done for painting. I only have the helmet cam to paint and then to sand base/flock the bases.

A desperation for table space has drove me into the arms of painting.

Keep in mind my concept of painting is, looks good from three feet and if the guy across the table has been eating abucket of fried chicken and picks up one of my figures,,, I won't burst into tears.

On a personal note, who ever wrote the instructions in the old Tamiya models instructions on how to use seventy-three colours to paint some 1/35th figures face,,, needed to be punched in the nose repeatedly,,, and obviously never painted an entire infantry company of figures,,,.

troopwo Supporting Member of TMP28 Aug 2024 6:45 p.m. PST

Deadhead, if you still have a sense of humour about it, I'll get to blackmailing my brother for pictures within a few weeks.

uglyfatbloke30 Aug 2024 3:06 a.m. PST

I'd love to see these forces!

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP30 Aug 2024 4:53 a.m. PST

Me too. How much do I agree about sticky little fingers grabbing one's greatest treasures. Brings tears to your eyes. Worse when they pick up your figures!

The conversion work is what appeals to me, not so bothered about the painting. I doubt the real characters were immaculately turned out.

Oh yes, faces. Try looking in Vallejo catalogue and seeing how many flesh tones they have. I bought the lot and have never, ever used again them after a trial.

Love to post any pics for you

troopwo Supporting Member of TMP31 Aug 2024 7:50 a.m. PST

Helmets and sand flock done, a day for the white glue to cure and then the matte clear coat.

Finally some progress on something!

troopwo Supporting Member of TMP23 Sep 2024 5:43 p.m. PST

Just bumping an old thread for Liam to post pictures that i sent him.

Some Thai Untiy troops or generic US equipped asians, and maybe even some Golden Triangle/KMTY/Druglord troops too.

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2024 2:09 a.m. PST

and if I have mixed up some of the photos, then that's a challenge to the experts to spot where I went wrong. Netherland's Waterloo Artillery or Free French armour of WWII is more my thing.



troopwo Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2024 9:06 a.m. PST

This is an entire infantry company as well as a support platoon of WW2 USMC converted over to M16s, M79s, M60s mostly from 1st Corps with the odd figure from both The Assault Groups and Brigade Games.

I wanted a more raggedy but well euqipped unit than the ARVN, so I figure clothing and webbing from WW2 with modern weapons provided by Uncle Sam to get the look of Thai Unity troops or generic asians allied to the US.

Faded olive for uniforms, dark green for belts and bandoliers to highlight the lighter shade of the uniforms. Helemy covers in Mitchell pattern of pale gren base with spots of mid green and brown. Skin tones I went for a suntanned flesh for more of a generic look. Black Bata boots for everyone as I have no patience or vision for two colour tones on a boot!

The bright light really seems to give off a neaar bluish tinge, they really are a nice faded green.

troopwo Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2024 9:07 a.m. PST

On the Parkfield thread I have aother picture of KMT/druglord troops that are a similar faded olive but with asian flesh tones..

Personal logo deadhead Supporting Member of TMP24 Sep 2024 10:52 a.m. PST

I just hope I got them vaguely right when posting the images. It really was no great effort and happy to help in the future

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