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"Jagers and terrain scale in "De Bellis Napoleonicis v 2.1"" Topic

4 Posts

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hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP15 Oct 2023 1:30 a.m. PST

Hello everyone,

I am only interested in 25mm so I will only talk to you about 25mm, so to start in 2.4 page 3, it is written in summary: "All distances are referred to as 'paces' with 100 paces equating to 40mm if using 20mm to 30mm figures".

So the 60 mm of frontage of a base for any type of element really corresponds to 150 paces or 112.50 meters.

I would like a specialist in Napoleonic formations to explain to me in what historical formation a ‘ad hoc' Independent group of 600 – 800 infantry or cavalrymen, including command staff as described in 2.3.4 page 3 would have been deployed on a frontage of 150 paces?

robert piepenbrink Supporting Member of TMP15 Oct 2023 2:32 a.m. PST

There's a translation difficulty here, and it reads as though you expect 600 jaegers to be in a formation. I'd expect them to be occupying an area a tad larger than La Haye Sainte, but not in any formation.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP16 Oct 2023 12:48 a.m. PST

Sorry but the infantry in "tirailleurs" formation occupied a very specific space like any other formation, however in this type of unit not all the companies were necessarily in "tirailleurs" formation, on their rear they had supporting companies etc…

Same for the cavalry in this type of formation.

hi EEE ya Supporting Member of TMP20 Oct 2023 12:33 a.m. PST

To my question if in DBN, the areas given on page 11 for BUA and NLF are for 15mm or 25mm figurines, Alex replied last night:

"Hello Pascal
All distances quoted are for 15mm scale (see 1.4) Therefore with 25mm figures on a 60mm Frontage, BUA's would be approximately 160mm x 160mm and NLF's 120mm x 90mm.
However If I was using 25mm figures, my personal preference would be to go with a 80mm Frontage and double all quoted distances.


In conclusion now with 25 mm figurines – 50 mm corresponds to 100 paces.

This modifies all our previous calculations!

Furthermore, after asking Alex the question, this also modifies the quantities of figurines on the bases, which suits me well :

So now on a base for 25 mm figurines we can stick on these larger bases:

- 2 – 5 figures on a "C-in-C" base instead of 2 – 4.
- 2 – 3 figures on a "Sub Commander" base instead of 1 – 2.
- 10 "muskets" figures instead of 8 per base.
- 8 "light infantry" figures instead of 6 per base.
- 4 "jagers" figures instead of 3 per base.
- 10 "Levee en masse" figures instead of 8 per base.
- 4 "Guerrillas" figures instead of 2-3 per base.
- 5 "Heavy Cavalry" figures instead of 4 per base.
- 4 "Light Cavalry" figures instead of 3 per base.
- 3 "skirmishing cavalry" figures instead of 2 per base.
- 3 "Irregular cavalry" figures instead of 2 per base.
- 5 "Foot artillery" figures instead of 4 per base.
- 4 "Horse artillery" figures instead of 3 per base.
- 4 "Rocket Launcher Servants" figures instead of 3 per base.

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