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"All at Sea - Battle of Bantry Bay 1796" Topic

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731 hits since 12 Oct 2023
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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carojon13 Oct 2023 9:58 p.m. PST

A few weeks ago, I joined the chaps from the Naval Wargames Society at their annual gathering at the Fleet Air Arm Museum in Yeovilton, Somerset, to run a scenario I've been working on for 'Kiss Me, Hardy' (KMH).


As well as taking a look at a few of the other games on display, I've put a post together illustrating how the scenario tends to run.


There is a link on the blog for a copy of the scenario brief together with the ship record cards I've produced for it.


If you would like to know more, then just follow the link to JJ's



Personal logo Yellow Admiral Supporting Member of TMP13 Oct 2023 10:27 p.m. PST

I saw those scratch built Tudor ships and galleys on Facebook, but these are even better photos of them. Simply amazing.

- Ix

carojon15 Oct 2023 5:04 a.m. PST

Thanks for your comment, and yes indeed, I chatted for some time with Ian, responsible for these wonderful scratch built creations and was in awe of his passion for the subject with him showing me figures designed for climbing the rigging he has had created by Rod Langton.

Needless to say I love conversations like this and feed of the passion to drive my own work so it was a real pleasure to feature his work on the blog.


Antioch15 Oct 2023 5:31 p.m. PST

Gorgeous models indeed on the tudor ships & Galleys.

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