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"And One For All! Big Muddy HGA - St. Louis Gaming AAR" Topic

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Herod's Gate

Part II of the Gates of Old Jerusalem.

403 hits since 13 Oct 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
Comments or corrections?

Fitzovich Supporting Member of TMP13 Oct 2023 5:10 a.m. PST

A great day to put on our plumed hats and hear the clash of cold steel as our brave heroes fought for glory & honor!

The King's favorite Mistress had been abducted and it was up to the Musketeers (Steve Lowry) to exchange the cart of gold for her safety from the Rogue Bandits (Pat Lewis) holding her in the sleepy hamlet of St Francois. The locals had wisely cleared the cobblestone roads to avoid any confrontation and confrontation there was as Planchet entered a building upon arrival to search for the fair lady only to be dealt some serious wounds for his trouble. Soon D'artagan arrived and and engaged in swordplay with elements of the Cardinal's Guard (Tim Lalk) who were also mysteriously on the scene.

Arriving later were some local Militia (Steve Treatman) that diligently searched for the hostage engaging some of the Bandits and eventually the Musketeers.

The full AAR with some photos is at link

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