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"The Rising of the Clans Play Test" Topic

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773 hits since 11 Oct 2023
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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winser5411 Oct 2023 5:19 p.m. PST

Here are some shots from my first play test of the rules I am putting together for the Jacobite Rebellion.


mjkerner11 Oct 2023 7:14 p.m. PST

Hey Duke, can you tell us more about the rules, please? Are they a Frankenstein of several sets and your own ideas? They sound like what I am looking for, for late18tth--early 19th century.

winser5411 Oct 2023 10:33 p.m. PST

Frankenstein is a good way of putting it. I use the Fire and Fury system of tracking a unit's fighting ability based on the number of figures it loses and its morale rating. For example, a line unite 24 figures is 24/16/12. At 16 figures the unit is worn and at 12 it is wavering and no longer capable of offensive action. Sharp Practice is used in that it is card driven. Each brigade commander has a card and is activated when that card is drawn. Additionally, the commander can then issue orders/actions to the unit's in his brigade based on a roll of two dice as in Black Powder. On a roll of 8 or seven the unit can do one thing. On a roll of 6 or better it can do two. If he rolls 9 or higher, his initiative is over and another card is drawn.
Firing and mele dice are based on the number of figures remaining in a unit and its morale grade. Veteran units get one die for every four figures, line one for every five and conscripts one for every six. Hits are achieved on a modified die roll of five or six. There are no saving rolls.
This is still a work in progress, but I am encouraged by how it is working out so far.

Personal logo gaiusrabirius Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2023 6:59 a.m. PST

Duke Windsor: are you sharing a draft of your rules, at this time? Very interested to follow along your development process.

Personal logo piper909 Supporting Member of TMP12 Oct 2023 1:03 p.m. PST

Saving throws can be a very useful game mechanic in the right circumstances -- a handy shorthand way to allow player input (such as it is! dice rolling) and it can reduce the amount of modifiers or variables that go into a combat attack roll. Defensive modifiers can be employed in the form of quick saving throws rather than adding clutter to attack rolls, is what I'm getting at. So keep those in mind as you playtest, you may find yourself rethinking.

winser5413 Oct 2023 2:03 p.m. PST

Gaiusrabirus, I have a very rough draft. Send me your email and I will pass it on to you.
Piper909, thanks for your input. I will keep it in mind. I am trying to keep things simple and moving along without losing the feel of the period. So far, I am pleased with the progress.

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