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"Looking for 20mm suitable cavalry for 1848" Topic

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Field Marshal11 Oct 2023 11:39 a.m. PST

The legio heroica stuff looks good for the 1st Italian war. Alas no cavalry! Are there any ranges in 20mm I could either convert or paint up for the Austrians and Italians. I am interested in doing Novara. Are there other scales just as good but with all models available?


Chad4711 Oct 2023 12:56 p.m. PST

Not absolutely sure, but have a look at Pendraken 10mm

Swampking11 Oct 2023 2:21 p.m. PST

In 15mm, there are a wide variety of miniatures that could be pressed into service. For Austrians, check out the range from Honved (known for their 1848 Hungarian War miniatures). You could just use any kind of Austrian Napoleonics, as they're a close enough match in 15mm. This is what I'm doing for the 1848 Hungarian War.

Sardinians in frock coat – in 15mm, I'd go with Miniature Figurines ACW Marines in frock. For the Bersaglieri – 1866 Austro-Prussian War jaegers would probably work.

For Sardinian cavalry – if in shako – Mexican American War Mexican cavalry would work, if in helmet – you'd have to do a bit of conversion (adding lances) but I believe that Napoleonic Austrian dragoons would get you in the ballpark. You might want to look at OG15s and see if they have any Napoleonic minis that suit your needs. I'm thinking that Napoleonic French lancers in helmet might work.

Not sure about Sardinian artillery but if they were in a frock coat with a shako, you could convert them from the Honved Hungarian artillery (Irregular Miniatures also make 1848 Hungarian artillery crew) by just shaving off the horsehair plume.

Rocco Siffredi11 Oct 2023 8:42 p.m. PST

Irregular Miniatures has a 20mm Garibaldi range. Maybe that would be of some use?

Field Marshal12 Oct 2023 2:15 a.m. PST

Having thought about it I think 6mm may be the way forward. Baccus does great stuff and the armies will be useable for all of the period. Now to think about rules

John the Red13 Oct 2023 10:33 a.m. PST

Several sets of Italian infantry for the period and the Napoleonic ranges cover Austria if you do stick with 20mm

best place to look is plasticsoldierreview site – Italian wars of indep


ChrisBBB2 Supporting Member of TMP16 Oct 2023 4:39 a.m. PST

6mm – sound choice!

If you're talking about the 1848 Austrian army being useable elsewhere, do I even need to mention the obvious other place it was used at the same time?

Good luck with finding the rules to suit your taste.

paperbattles22 Feb 2024 11:45 a.m. PST

@field marshal:
I think to find really fitting models for that period is quite difficult except for the Uhlans that remained the same from Napoleonic period. The most difficult are the Piedmontese troop, as well as Line Cavalry (Savoy Piedmont, Nizza and Genova cavalry) with their very fashionable uniforms.
For the Piedmontese, (above all if you want to re-fight Novara in 1849 where the Piedmontese Army was a little more… loose) you could use Prussian 1870, removing remodellig the headgear.

You can have an idea:
Austrian Artillery:

5th REgiment Hussars

Piedmontese Bersagliere 1848

Piedmontese "Nizza Cavalleria"

Piedmontese infantry:

Austrian Infantry

Austrian Officer

Piedmontese Grenadier

Austrian Uhlan

Grenadier Papal Army


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